Author Topic: If YOU were in charge of M  (Read 1866 times)


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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #15 on: 1 August 2002, 23:12 »
Ah I see, so if you want to make massive profits you churn out software that is awesome! Still, isn't it easier for competitors to steal boatloads of raw source code then they claim "we didn't take anything"? With closed source software, it's not as easy because everything is in machine code.

Am I missing something here?
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #16 on: 1 August 2002, 23:41 »
But it's just like anything else. What's to prevent you from taking your radio apart and build one exactly the same, mass produce it, slap your name on it and sell it?  If you break a license/copyright and get caught, you go to court, if found guilty you go to jail. No difference.

And can you imagine how far technology would be right now if EVERYTHING was open source and there was never closed source software?  I think you would probably have those thought controlled machines by now.  And it would be the *true* innovators that get ahead.

[ August 01, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #17 on: 2 August 2002, 00:56 »

I guess you could always have some well designed anti-piracy code laced with your regular source code(and the source code malfunctions without this seemingly important code, so it's a bitch to get out). Then you run an anti piracy checker program and it can receive certain signals from the targeted file, showing stolen sourcecode and how much is used. Of course it's not spyware, a suspected binary must be on the same computer to be checked.

Such code would be less likely to be cracked because you'd be a "good guy" company, and hackers would be less likely to crack something that would only allow greedy MS-wannabe corporations to to steal your hard work and implement it shoddily. Because it would still be totally open source, it would be possible for people to prove that it's not MS-ish spyware.

Is that all possible?
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #18 on: 2 August 2002, 04:41 »
lazygamer, until you understand that it is IMPOSSIBLE to steal anything from an open source piece of software, you can not understand what open source is all about. No personal offence intended.

I think that you should read this document here.
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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #19 on: 2 August 2002, 05:11 »
um microsoft does it all the time calum. i might try to use the new cracking leqilazation meant for the mpaa and riaa to try to get into microsofts inter networks and steal the source code and look for shit under the gpl. and then i won't be responsible for cracking their boxes cuase i found illigal copyright material. or i will tell someone to do it to challenge the laws. if only the fsf would use gestepo tactics to keep software free, we wouldn't have the analkunts at microsoft. owell, sorry for the rant.
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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #20 on: 2 August 2002, 07:19 »
Well, I have to sort of agree with Chaos on this one.  I believe you can steal open source code. If you take GPL code, make proprietary software out of it and sell it without including the source then I would say that is stealing. You've basically broken the license agreement.
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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #21 on: 2 August 2002, 17:25 »
i would also put twenty dollar bills in the washrooms to wipe your ass with.
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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #22 on: 3 August 2002, 01:53 »
Well no offense taken, some of us just have BIG problems getting this seemingly simple concept.
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #23 on: 3 August 2002, 04:35 »
well, i suppose in a way it is stealing, since it's certainly illegal and immoral (whipping stuff from the GPL and using it outwith your legal entitlement) but didn't voidmain tell us a while ago that this rarely happens, since there would be a big scandal about it?

Also, it is not technically stealing since the coders cut their code loose to a certain degree when they gpl something. This however makes it morally WORSE to actually use such code illegally in my opinion.

No matter what i have to say on the matter, i still think the stallman essay i link to above explains it best.
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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #24 on: 3 August 2002, 04:47 »
Yes, they open their code up and the intent of GPLing it is to make sure it stays open. If someone takes it and closes it up and redistributes it without the source code included they have broken the GPL which is illegal (and similar to stealing if you ask me).  And Calum, you are correct I said that it would rarely happen, and I stand by that because the person/company that were to do that would be found out one way or another and prosecuted/heckled for it.  Stallman's vision is a good one, and that is to ensure source code is included with any binary code so that you have the freedom to customize the code in any way you choose for your purposes.  His fight is against proprietary closed source software.  The GPL ensures the code stays open.
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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #25 on: 3 August 2002, 05:56 »
Totally off-topic

Aren't you automatically assuming Open Source means GPL or BSD license included? Open Source means The code for the programme is open - you can read it from start to finish. It does not imply anything else.

Now you automatically have copyright of that code you wrote. Anyone can steal the code (but stealing is ILLEGAL).

If the code is given out, then you can use it in terms of the license (if any) issued with it.

If you can read the code does not mean you have the right to edit, change, improve, remove or in any way alter that code - unless the license gives you that right - but you could, and that means if company X stops trading you can still use the code for whatever it was you were doing, and update it yourself.

To steal code would backfire, because people should insist all program code they use is open. That way people can see the code in all software, and eventually someone would see the stolen code, and realise that either that program stole the code, or the other program they saw stole the code, hence someone would get prosecuted for license or copyright infringement, and people like us would be so incensed that that company would loose sales as a result. The old addage if you can't do the time don't do the crime applies here.


I'd piss on their mains transformer, causing huge power spikes that would destroy the hard drives. When they realise the expense of replacing them and getting their files back under windows they'll  change to Linux.

I would suggest the ashes head towards a nice Kerr-Newman Singularity, whereby they can be crushed and rebuilt into raw material to become something useful to the next universe.

[ August 02, 2002: Message edited by: pkd ]

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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #26 on: 3 August 2002, 08:21 »
You are absolutely correct about open source.  We just always seem to steer the conversation toward GPL because I think most of us would like to see ALL software eventually fall under this license.  It ensures the code stays open, unlike BSD and other open source licenses.
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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #27 on: 3 August 2002, 10:06 »
Take 15 billion for myself, invest everything I can into Apple (except my 15 billion) and close the company.


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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #28 on: 3 August 2002, 16:15 »
For a start i would fire all the workers as they obviosly dont know what there doing. Then i would destroy every copy of Windows. Then i would give most the money too Open Source developers. And live off the rest, I would buy fast cars and hire supermodels to shave my arse hair.


I could increase the monopoly assinsate all the Linux Developers. Buy out Apple and sun and start chargeing 10x what they are now.


I could use the money to take over the world! ba hahahaha


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If YOU were in charge of M
« Reply #29 on: 3 August 2002, 22:19 »
give one US dollar to every human on the planet.