Author Topic: the pro bush thread  (Read 8638 times)


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #150 on: 16 May 2004, 21:02 »

i grow tired of your constant babbaling.

I also grow tired of your constant babbling, expecialy when innocent people are being killed due to your and your presedents stupidity!


prove it.


as a christian, i take offence to that image, but i realize it was posted as a JOKE (or at least i hope it was).

Its still idiotic.

nah, i think why there are so many anti-bush places are because there are too many ignorant/just plain old dumb youp

Nope the reason people are complaining is because of blind dumb sheep like yourelf that keep going on spouting such ignorance!


god, if i could get a dollar everytime you made a nazi reference...

if I could get a dollar for every stupid idiotic ignorance that pops out of your mouth!

first off: the nazis were a political party in GERMANY in the 1930's. bush is in the REPUBLICAN political party in USA in 2000's. i see NO coorelation

Of course not.  Your too stupid too, sheep.

Hitler set up camps to condemn the innocent! so did bush!

Hitler killed people, so did bush!

Hitler even killed his own people, hay look so did bush!

And gues what! They both invaded countries!

second off: bush has no characteristics in common with hitler. it is insane to compare the two, and you are insane for being obsessed with nazism/hitler.

Why is it insane?  Becaue I am right! The only one that seems obeseesed with nazism/hitler since you constantly act the part!  

Its bush thats practising this shit with the help of fellow sheep like you!

my conclusion: you are a nazi, like i said before. it is the only logical explanation i can come up with from all of your posts, if it is possible to understand your garble

Then your logic is very twisted since I do not believe in killing innocent people or trolling on boards to futher congratulate him in his hate properganda.  Since you are fine with such things, then yes, you are infact a nazi!

watch your mouth little boy.

I agree.  YOU SHOULD watch your mouth little boy!

i think the people here know what trolls are. they get quite a few here at (i don't like the new name...)

Well, you don't and your doing it right now!

you seem to be much more misinformed than anyone here. even those who 'debated' with me in the first few pages at least had some inkling as to what they were talking about. you have no blasted clue.

Oh am I?  whos the one spewing such idiotic rehtoric?  OF course YOU! Or maby ITS you that doesn't have a clue.  Since you spout such idiotic bullshit!


that's my guess

And an idiotic one at that!

How am I a Nazi when you are supporting a facist dictator that is bent on a power trip!

i'm not.

and Yes, you are!


i have a pretty good idea. probibly a better idea than yours.

When in fact you've been hiding under a rock by blasting such ignorance.  You obviously have no clue!


oh, i see. because of people who concentrate on their schoolwork, do community service in the form of churchservice, school service, and hospital volunteer work, and who are lawful, in addition to being open-minded to logical/credible information, "trouble" is being caused. makes a lot of sence.

By supporting a hateful dictator.  By deniying the millions that you help kill by the fact of supporting such a dictator.  By denying the damage you have caused and your closed mined to spout illogical information.  This is what you do and it DOES make a lot of sence!
Lucky you.  You get to live a normal life while your presedent gladly fucks up other peoples lives in the name of fighting terrorism.

you obviously don't put any thought into what you type.

A lot more thought than you!


why would you have to change positions in order to say that bush is doing a good job? you can say that from a sitting position too. no need to strain yourself.

What idiotic rhetoric.  People are being scared and you think its funny.  You really are sick!


please, unless you are not a native english speaker, spend the extra 4.63 seconds to put puncuation in the correct spots. it also wouldn't hurt if you formed sentences correctly. normally i don't like to pick out mistakes like this, but you clearly either don't care or don't know any better, which, when added to your annoying qualities, just begs for correction.

This just adds to your stupidity.  Grammar is one thing.  Denying the fact that your goverment is killing millions of people is another. Obviously this goes along with you having no fucking clue to what you are talking about.

anyway... yes, VERY good. you identified hitler as a bad guy! i'm sooo proud of you! btw: bush is not a bad guy. remember those simple equations i typed not too long ago? you should life by them. i'll repost them for you:
hitler=bad guy
bush=good guy
you=dumb guy

Of course hitler is a bad guy.  Sorry that you were too stupid to make the connection in my previous posts!  

Here i'll help YOU out!

you=dumb sheep!

what truth am i wanting to blindly deny? oh do please explain to me in terms that are comprehendable

The fact that you and your goverment are the ones causing this unnessessary chaos!  The fact that you blindly kill people, rape them then say its all for liberation.  

And as I type now, deny any wrong doing!

of course i do. if i didn't i wouldn't have much to say about him because he would be as nameless/faceless to me as citizen #234230 (in alphabetical order) in the city of san diego.

Of course you don't other wize you wouldn't post such rehtoric. Its sad that a famous person, even when that person has blatently done wrong is the only person you worship because 'he stands out.'

who created a security risk for the USA. i fully support both decisions.

You did by your very own sheepish stupidity.  Everyone else had nothing to do with it!


the president of the united states of america has no such authority. it is congress, for the umpteenth time. go read a fucking government textbook. it's not my job to educate people like you

And its not my job to educate people like you eather, expecialy when you are so dumb you'd believe everything in CNN!  

It doesn't matter if it congress or bush passed the law should not have gone through!
And for the umpteenth time......


"And you should well note that, according to Representative Ron Paul (R) of Texas - as reported on November 9th by Kelly O'Meara of the Washington Times' Insight Magazine - the bill had not even been printed and members of the House could not read it before they were compelled to vote on it. O'Meara wrote, "Meanwhile, efforts to obtain copies of the new bill were stonewalled even by the committee that wrote it." Most of its provisions have nothing to do with fighting terrorism. Under this so-called anti-terrorist measure:"

If congress was truly to blame then why wern't they allowed proper access to it?  Because ashcroft and buch n'co that why!


i would LOVE to see your factual support of this claim. but you can't show any, because that is completely inaccurate. get a fuckin idea of what you are talking about before you turn on your computer.

Well again I do know at least what the truth is unlike yourelf.  See the link above!


you are getting pretty annoying.

Same with you!

if you are trying that, then i commend you on your excellent job well done.

No need.  I have idiots like you to bash around!

everyone has to be good at something, why not be good at posting bullshit?

I agree that your expecialy good at that!

[/quote]at least now you know your true calling in life: post usesless crap on a forum where no one really gives a damn about what you have to say.

Yep that describes you to a tea!


you have already typed that half a dozen times. one would think that the same lie would get old after awhile.

Yep I have typed allot yet your the only one continuing on the lie!  Its still your fault!

dude: they have nothing in common other than they are the leader/figurehead of a country. one was a ruthless dictator (hitler), and one is a legitamatly elected president of a free represetative democracy (aka: republic).

And again, they both invaded countries under false pretext, they both murdered, raped an humiliated innocent people and they both both attacked their own people as well.

For petes sake.  Does this look like 'liberation' to you?

furthermore, bush has not commited any war crimes,

Only the fact of humiliating Iraqies, locking them up unjustly in prison camps not to mention takin the way the rights of every citizen!

which nixes the idea of killing millions of innocents. so much for that argument!

again you continue on with the lies.  I've provided with the link above.  Yes you are responsible!


did i say the US was right because we are americans? nope. our nationality has nothing to do with the morality of the nation's decisions.

Then why condemn hitler when you do the same thing!  The fact that your american seems to be the answer for everything.  But guess what, this ain't hollywood.  Its you thats causing the problems!


that's an opinion i don't agree with, expecially because it has no backing. think what you want; i obviously can't speak reason with you.

An opinion that the world agrees with including true americans not blinded sheep!  And I agree with you, think what you want it still doesn't change the fact that you are at fault!

[ May 16, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]

[ May 16, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]

[ May 16, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]

[ May 16, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]

"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #151 on: 16 May 2004, 21:06 »
on that note...

i have not personally noticed any changes in my life since the passing of that retarded patriot act. i do, however, know that it has affected the lives of those that were the cause of its passage.

know that it has affected the lives of those that were the cause of its passage

Of course you wouldn't notice anything.  If you were brown skinned, Muslim or any religon but christian, or didn't fit what bush thinks is an american you WOULD feel its affects.
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #152 on: 16 May 2004, 12:11 »
Originally posted by Siplus:
as a christian, i take offence to that...  

Oh, what a BIG FUCKING SUPRISE!!!!!!  Siplus is a fucking christian!!! Well that actually expains a lot.  It explains why Siplus is backing Bush, and that is becuase Bush is a god damn motherfucking neo-conservative christian.  I swear, the whole Republican party has gone to shit these days becuase it is all about fucking religion now.  If god really does not like gay's, sex before marrige, drugs, masturbation, then PROVE IT!  So, since when is god such a facist fuck, anyway?  

As for the comment Siplus made about there being no correlation between Bush and Hitler, check out the political compass.  It shows that Bush, and the whole repulican party is way up there on the authoritarian scale, which leans twoards facism.  Guess what?  Hitler was a facist!  Maybe way more then Bush, but still, Republicans still lean twoards facism.  

Actually, Bush is not a Republican, he is a puppet.  It is president Cheney who is really doing everything.  And Cheney is a big goddamn neo-conservative.  Republicans use to stand for smaller government and capital freedom, now they stand for fucking christianity and "what is moraly right"(no pun intended).

Something must be done about Bush in november.  I usually do not preach to people on how to vote, but I strongly ecourage every US citizen on this forum to register to vote if you have not already done so and to PLEASE vote for John Kerry. Despite what conservative icon fuck wads like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh say, there really is nothing wrong with John Kerry and I think he would make a fine president.  Who cares what medals he threw, or what SUV's he drives.  Bush has WAY more problems going for him then Kerry.

[ May 16, 2004: Message edited by: Paladin9 ]

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the pro bush thread
« Reply #153 on: 16 May 2004, 17:02 »
Please, Solaris & Palladin, STOP arguing, you can't beat these guys: STUPIDITY IS UNBEATABLE. They're just lucky they were born in that side of the ocean.

I suppose that Christ would do the same things if only he was the US President...


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #154 on: 16 May 2004, 20:48 »
i wonder how long it will be until -=Solaris.M.K.A=- will stop acting like a child. gees.

solaris: how old are you? seriously. you are as immature as a 9 year old.

/sigh. here goes... i guess i have nothing better to do than contest your BS. that's pretty sad.

I also grow tired of your constant babbling, expecialy when innocent people are being killed due to your and your presedents stupidity!

wow, that's amazing. you used my statement and said the same thing, only directed at me. wow. how original.

not credible. anyone can make a site like that. if i made a site saying your a dumbass, will you believe it? probibly not because it isn't credible. (even though my site would be accurate)

Its still idiotic.

most jokes are

Nope the reason people are complaining is because of blind dumb sheep like yourelf that keep going on spouting such ignorance!

ah, another childish trait! once again repeat what i have said only in order to say it back to me, as if i would take offensce or something.

if I could get a dollar for every stupid idiotic ignorance that pops out of your mouth!


oh ya, you are a nazi too. every few posts i learn something new about you!

Of course not. Your too stupid too, sheep.


i'm hurt. no really, i am.

Hitler set up camps to condemn the innocent! so did bush!

do you know what the word innocent means? terrorists who kill innocents are not innocent themselves.

Hitler killed people, so did bush!


yes, hitler killed millions. and no, bush did not.

Hitler even killed his own people, hay look so did bush!

wow, no one should contest your nazi/WWII knowledge! you should go to some triva game show about nazis. you could win money!

ahem: bush didn't kill his own people  

And gues what! They both invaded countries!

that is true for many world leaders, thoughtout several millenia

Why is it insane? Becaue I am right!


The only one that seems obeseesed with nazism/hitler since you constantly act the part!
child AND nazi.

um. i'm not the one obsessed with nazis. i do not bring it up in 82.34526% of my posts. i only mention it to rebute your moronic statements.

Its bush thats practising this shit with the help of fellow sheep like you!

hmm. what shit is he practicing? and as far as i know, i'm not down on all fours walking around and chewing grass; i'm a human, not a sheep. do you remember learning about animals back in gradeschool? erm, that's right, you are a child so maybe you didn't get that far yet. when you get to whatever grade they teach you about animals, take special note the difference between humans and sheep.

Then your logic is very twisted since I do not believe in killing innocent people or trolling on boards to futher congratulate him in his hate properganda.
child AND nazi.

do you know what logic is?

I agree. YOU SHOULD watch your mouth little boy!

oh, i didn't see this one coming. so apparently after i called you a little boy, you called me a little boy. get some ideas in your poor, underdeveloped mind before you post something here. please. also, while i may only be 17, i can obviously tell that my mentality far exceeds yours (assumeing you are >17. if you are <17 than that is expected)

Well, you don't and your doing it right now!

desputing lies is trolling?

Oh am I? whos the one spewing such idiotic rehtoric? OF course YOU! Or maby ITS you that doesn't have a clue. Since you spout such idiotic bullshit!

once again, something i said redirected at myself. i grow tired of this constant battle with minds lesser than mine. morons are only entertaining for a certain period of time, and you stopped being entertaining several days ago.

How am I a Nazi when you are supporting a facist dictator that is bent on a power trip!p/quote]nazi.

he's not a facist dictator bent on a power trip. do you even know who George Bush is? my guess is that everytime you close your eyes to beat off to the image of hitler. god you are obsessed!

When in fact you've been hiding under a rock by blasting such ignorance. You obviously have no clue!

another lame post by you.

a rock big enough to hide directly under would probibly not feel comfortable on my back.

By supporting a hateful dictator.

/sigh. what makes you think i support a hateful dictator?

By deniying the millions that you help kill by the fact of supporting such a dictator.

no, i acknowledge the holocaust from the 1940's.

By denying the damage you have caused and your closed mined to spout illogical information.

oh yes, i'm very illogical, aren't i? and SOOO closed minded.

Lucky you. You get to live a normal life while your presedent gladly fucks up other peoples lives in the name of fighting terrorism.

did i say i have a normal life? i have my own set of troubling problems that makes my life much less than "normal". whatever "normal" is.

A lot more thought than you!

HAHA!!! good one! are you trying to develop a sense of humor? your jokes suck, btw.

What idiotic rhetoric. People are being scared and you think its funny. You really are sick!

actually, at this moment i am quite healthy.

This just adds to your stupidity.

except i'm not dumb...

Grammar is one thing. Denying the fact that your goverment is killing millions of people is another.

wow, very good. sting A != sting B.

Obviously this goes along with you having no fucking clue to what you are talking about.

i have more "fucking clue" than you do, which isn't saying much.

Of course hitler is a bad guy. Sorry that you were too stupid to make the connection in my previous posts!
child AND nazi.

um, are you even reading my posts? god knows i waste enough of my time reading yours.

The fact that you and your goverment are the ones causing this unnessessary chaos!

--> False

The fact that you blindly kill people,

--> False

rape them

--> False

Of course you don't other wize you wouldn't post such rehtoric. Its sad that a famous person, even when that person has blatently done wrong is the only person you worship because 'he stands out.'

solaris's favorite word: rhetoric!

i don't worship mortals  

You did by your very own sheepish stupidity. Everyone else had nothing to do with it!

you took my reply out of context. go back and re-read it

And its not my job to educate people like you eather, expecialy when you are so dumb you'd believe everything in CNN!

i haven't watched CNN in years. they are WAY too anti-bush. i rarely watch tv anymore (it's a waste of time), but when i do, Fox News is the news station i watch. why? because they are slightly pro-bush, unlike the "Clinton News Network" (as it is commonly refered to as) or MSNBC/ABC and all the other libby stations.

It doesn't matter if it congress or bush passed the law should not have gone through!
And for the umpteenth time......

i know it doesn't matter who did it, i don't like that act. BUT, the fact that bush doesn't have the authority to pass legislation, and only congress does, means that you have one less aspect to complain about.

oh, good work on using thet word "umpteenth". i don't even think i spelled it right in my previous post, but it shows that you like to copy my words, whether they are real or not.

Well again I do know at least what the truth is unlike yourelf. See the link above!

child, you are confused.

Same with you!


No need. I have idiots like you to bash around!

there, now you know what an idiot is. obviously i don't follow those characteristics.

I agree that your expecialy good at that!

well, that's a first! then you also agree that you are trolling

Yep I have typed allot yet your the only one continuing on the lie! Its still your fault!
how old are you kid? 5?

And again, they both invaded countries under false pretext, they both murdered, raped an humiliated innocent people and they both both attacked their own people as well.

oh really? sorry, pure bullshit right there  

Only the fact of humiliating Iraqies, locking them up unjustly in prison camps not to mention takin the way the rights of every citizen!

to what, i wonder, are you refering? if it is to that prison abuse scandel, then get over it.


again you continue on with the lies. I've provided with the link above. Yes you are responsible!

the link above is not credible. and no, i'm not repsonsible for anything. at a minor, it is impossible for me to vote (although i think it's dumb that i can not, when some of you can. voting limits should be set on level of intelligence and knowledge of the world. not on age.)

Then why condemn hitler when you do the same thing!

excuss me?

The fact that your american seems to be the answer for everything. But guess what, this ain't hollywood. Its you thats causing the problems!

no, nothing is justified because you are peron "x" or of country "y" or of ethnicity "z". YOU are the one filled to the brim with bullshit.

Of course you wouldn't notice anything. If you were brown skinned, Muslim or any religon but christian, or didn't fit what bush thinks is an american you WOULD feel its affects.

did i say i wasn't black? did i say i wasn't hispantic? as it happens, i am cacausian. it doesn't matter, because the legal system in america is blind to ethnicity/religion.

Oh, what a BIG FUCKING SUPRISE!!!!!! Siplus is a fucking christian!!! Well that actually expains a lot. It explains why Siplus is backing Bush, and that is becuase Bush is a god damn motherfucking neo-conservative christian. I swear, the whole Republican party has gone to shit these days becuase it is all about fucking religion now. If god really does not like gay's, sex before marrige, drugs, masturbation, then PROVE IT! So, since when is god such a facist fuck, anyway?

although i am a chirstian, i DO think for myself. there is a lot in my religion that i do not believe (practically anything in the bible, for instance). i have a mind, and i use it (unlike solaris over here)

also, i am confused as to why people think cheney is president. vice presidents have little power...their only job is the break ties in the senate and taking over for the president when he is inable.

Something must be done about Bush in november.

i agree! and i encourage everyone here to help vote him back in. he has done a superb job these past 3 years, and he would aid the country well for another 4.

there really is nothing wrong with John Kerry and I think he would make a fine president. Who cares what medals he threw, or what SUV's he drives. Bush has WAY more problems going for him then Kerry.

he is a hypocrite.

Please, Solaris & Palladin, STOP arguing, you can't beat these guys: STUPIDITY IS UNBEATABLE. They're just lucky they were born in that side of the ocean.

yes, i have noticed in my battle with solaris that supidity can not be irreversed. it is sad, really, that he must go through life as a dumbass. he'll probibly work for the rest of his life as a construction worker or some lowly/menial task-oriented job.

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the pro bush thread
« Reply #155 on: 16 May 2004, 21:50 »
not credible. anyone can make a site like that. if i made a site saying your a dumbass, will you believe it? probibly not because it isn't credible. (even though my site would be accurate)

At least look at their methodology.

ahem: bush didn't kill his own people  


do you know what the word innocent means? terrorists who kill innocents are not innocent themselves.

Hitler also called the innocents 'terrorists'.

that is true for many world leaders, thoughtout several millenia

Doesn't make it right.

he is a hypocrite.

Yes, but Bush is even more so.

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the pro bush thread
« Reply #156 on: 16 May 2004, 22:48 »
Originally posted by Siplus:
i agree! and i encourage everyone here to help vote him[Bush] back in. he has done a superb job these past 3 years, and he would aid the country well for another 4.

Excuse me while I vomit.  A superb job?  At what? Starting a war based on a lie? Raising the Defict to a record high?  Yeah, he is superb at that.  Please, no one listen to Siplus!  Vote for Kerry!!

Since when is Kerry a hypocrite?  Give me one example!
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the pro bush thread
« Reply #157 on: 16 May 2004, 23:33 »
Since when is Kerry a hypocrite? Give me one example!

simple: kerry commited war crimes HIMSELF while in vietnam, but is demanding resignation from rumsfeild for having soldiers X levels below him commit lesser war crimes.

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the pro bush thread
« Reply #158 on: 17 May 2004, 00:44 »
Originally posted by timothygr:
Please, Solaris & Palladin, STOP arguing, you can't beat these guys: STUPIDITY IS UNBEATABLE. They're just lucky they were born in that side of the ocean.

I suppose that Christ would do the same things if only he was the US President...

I totaly agree with you!  I just can't believe how sick this guy 'siplus' is.  Hes the farthest thing from human since human derives from compasion, thus equalizes humanity.  This guy is what he describes himself.

A 4 legged animal that eats grass and follows people blindly.  A pitty full child at best.

A person who denies the fact that he and people like him are the ones responisble for the deaths that have been caused thus far, by this unnessessart chaos.

He ieven goes as far as to mention the word nazi over and over again yet he practices what he states.  

He knows very little about history and even with the links I have provided still denies that he is at fault.

einstein said it best.  There are two things that are always infinate.

The Universe and Human Stupidity.  And siplus has prooven the human stupidity part quite well.

"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #159 on: 17 May 2004, 00:47 »
Originally posted by Siplus:

simple: kerry commited war crimes HIMSELF while in vietnam,

Proof please!

but is demanding resignation from rumsfeild for having soldiers X levels below him commit lesser war crimes.

What the fuck is lesser war crimes?  They commited war crimes end of story!

You are never going to get it siplus.  Your too stupid too.  But one day people are going to get so sick of your ignorance that you will get a taste on what you spout!

Just a matter of time.
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #160 on: 17 May 2004, 00:59 »
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

What the fuck is lesser war crimes?  They commited war crimes end of story!

You are never going to get it siplus.  Your too stupid too.  But one day people are going to get so sick of your ignorance that you will get a taste on what you spout!

Just a matter of time.

he confirmed it himself you bleeding imbecile.

also, what am i not going to get? i see...i'm not going to understand the modivation you have for posting such crap online!

the difference is that kerry burnt down innocent's villages while some 17 prison gaurds made fools of themselves in a prison with terrorists. there is a BIG difference! i personally don't think that what happened in that prison should reflect AT ALL on the current administration since they had nothing to do with that scandel.

[ May 16, 2004: Message edited by: Siplus ]

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the pro bush thread
« Reply #161 on: 17 May 2004, 01:09 »
the difference is that kerry burnt down innocent's villages while some 17 prison gaurds made fools of themselves in a prison with terrorists. there is a BIG difference! i personally don't think that what happened in that prison should reflect AT ALL on the current administration since they had nothing to do with that scandel.

They had to do with sending hundreds of American troops to get killed to slaughter nearly 10,000 Iraqi civilians for weapons of mass destruction they didn't have. As a result they have contaminated Iraq with 2000 tonnes of depleted uranium, which is considered by the UN a weapon of mass destruction.


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« Reply #162 on: 17 May 2004, 01:30 »
That is bullshit.  Kerry got three purple hearts while Bush was jerkin off in the texas national guard.

Give me another example of why Kerry is a hypocrite.
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the pro bush thread
« Reply #163 on: 17 May 2004, 01:50 »
you only said one :-p

"Your computer is already fucked up by having Windows
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Desktop: Athlon 2600/ 768mb DDR266
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the pro bush thread
« Reply #164 on: 17 May 2004, 02:13 »
Originally posted by Siplus:
you only said one :-p

What? Are you allready out of bad things to say about Kerry?  :D
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