Author Topic: the pro bush thread  (Read 8628 times)


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #165 on: 17 May 2004, 02:17 »
Originally posted by Laukev7:
As a result they have contaminated Iraq with 2000 tonnes of depleted uranium, which is considered by the UN a weapon of mass destruction.

and dont most countries still use the depleted uranium because it is the most effective? and are there not programs to clean it up? and dont they fire it here in the US?

and solaris...
you continue to claim that siplus is and idiot for not seeing that bush is an evil dictator taking away our rights killing millions and putting people in camps.

i wonder why he doesn't see such a plausible explanation

christ stop looking at everything like its the new world order master plan. i dont really like the government either. the worst of the US's troubles is probably(and i think laukev would agree) is the pnac.
just say know


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #166 on: 17 May 2004, 02:23 »
and dont most countries still use the depleted uranium because it is the most effective? and are there not programs to clean it up? and dont they fire it here in the US?

I'm not saying that this specific to the US; unfortunately you are right that many other countries do it as well. I was pointing at the irony that Saddam Hussein was accused of having WMD, when the invader used depleted uranium to overthrow him.

And yes, they do fire DU in the States and in other countries, and this should a major health concern.


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #167 on: 17 May 2004, 02:51 »
Originally posted by Laukev7:
...and this should a major health concern.

Bush, or most republicans, do not care about health problems.
To create a new standard, it takes something that's not just a little bit different; it takes something that's really new and really captures people's imagination


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #168 on: 17 May 2004, 03:04 »
i wonder how long it will be until -=Solaris.M.K.A=- will stop acting like a child. gees.

Is that the best you can do?  You are the only one acting like a child here, as proof by your very own posts.

solaris: how old are you? seriously. you are as immature as a 9 year old.

Hahaha, yet here you are ranting like one.  Obviously you ARE a 9 year old or even younger.

/sigh. here goes... i guess i have nothing better to do than contest your BS. that's pretty sad.

Yes, it is pritty sad when all you do is BS!


wow, that's amazing. you used my statement and said the same thing, only directed at me. wow. how original.

Wow your idiotic!  The only one making troll statments is you.  Besides no one is arguing the fact that your an idiot!

    not credible. anyone can make a site like that. if i made a site saying your a dumbass, will you believe it? probibly not because it isn't credible. (even though my site would be accurate)

Not anyone.  You invaded a country and your the one killing innocent people.  If you were to make the site it would obviously be BS.  



    ah, another childish trait! once again repeat what i have said only in order to say it back to me, as if i would take offensce or something.

Again your the only one posting with complete ignorance.  Again no one is arguing that your an idiot.



    oh ya, you are a nazi too. every few posts i learn something new about you!

Obviosuly you really are thick headed.  You mention the word nazi a billion times while all the time acting like one.  You don't even know what a nazi is do you?  Its people like yourself that make exuses to justify the killing of innocent people.


    i'm hurt. no really, i am.

Your pathetic!


 do you know what the word innocent means? terrorists who kill innocents are not innocent themselves.

Yes but you obviously don't since the only 'terroists' out there killiong people is you!




Yes you are!

yes, hitler killed millions. and no, bush did not.

Hes he did dispite your stupidity.


quote:Hitler even killed his own people, hay look so did bush!


Yes we got that you are one already!


    wow, no one should contest your nazi/WWII knowledge! you should go to some triva game show about nazis. you could win money!

Well, no one like you yes.  Against you anyone could win money.


    ahem: bush didn't kill his own people

Ahem:  Yes he did!    



Yes!  WE KNOW YOU ARE ONE!  Obviously your obssessed over that word!  

   that is true for many world leaders, thoughtout several millenia

for many facist dictators.


Yes we know that you are that too by your idiotic responses

    child AND nazi.

What is this? the six billionth time you mention the word nazi!


  um. i'm not the one obsessed with nazis. i do not bring it up in 82.34526% of my posts. i only mention it to rebute your moronic statements.

See the quotes you have made above, obviously you are obssessed and you haven't rebuted anything just confiming more to the point that you are an idiot.


Yes you are!


    hmm. what shit is he practicing?

You can't read can you!  No wonder your a moron!  I've provided all the links.  You have shown nothing but idiotic rhetoric.


and as far as i know, i'm not down on all fours walking around and chewing grass;

As far as you know.  But from what you know so far is very little indeed.  Not only have you described yourself to a tea.  But your also as dumb as one.

Proof by your posts!

i'm a human, not a sheep.

A human would be intelligent enough to know when he/she has made a mistake.  Their human enough to feel compassion with their fellow mena and women.  A human believes in humanity!  All of which is the opposite of you!

So yes you are a sheep.

do you remember learning about animals back in gradeschool?

Well obviously yes, but your a clear no in that question by your very own submission.

erm, that's right, you are a child so maybe you didn't get that far yet.

Ignorance is bliss! Again your the only one acting like a child here!  Thus its YOU that needs to open up your eyes.  If you can handle that.  Seems that your brain power is a little short.

when you get to whatever grade they teach you about animals, take special note the difference between humans and sheep.

ok, you do that!


    child AND nazi.

Yes we know that your both

    do you know what logic is?

Yes.  Do you?  No by the proof of your very own posts.



Yes you are!

oh, i didn't see this one coming.

You wouldn't see alot of things coming being as thick as you are.


so apparently after i called you a little boy,

Your not calling me anything!  No one is disputing with you that you are a little boy I just agreed with you.

get some ideas in your poor, underdeveloped mind before you post something here.

Practice what you preach!


please. also, while i may only be 17, i can obviously tell that my mentality far exceeds yours

Your post proove otherwize!  So far you have prooven to be a blabbering idiot.  That about it.  So much fro you 'mentality' exceeding mine. HAhahaha lol.


 (assumeing you are >17. if you are <17 than that is expected)

What that your 17 and an idiot.  Yes that is to be expected.



Again yes you are!


    desputing lies is trolling?

No you carrying on lies is trolling!


Again yes you are!


    once again, something i said redirected at myself.

Once again nothing is being redirecred no one is arguing that your a moron!

i grow tired of this constant battle with minds lesser than mine.

Really?  You must really hate yourself!

No one has a lesser mind compared to you.

morons are only entertaining for a certain period of time, and you stopped being entertaining several days ago.

I agree, you should move on.  But I realize your to stupid to.


        he's not a facist dictator bent on a power trip.

He is due to the chaos he has caused

do you even know who George Bush is?

Yes I do.  Do you.  Nope, proof by your above posts!


my guess is that everytime you close your eyes to beat off to the image of hitler.

No need I've got him and sheep like you the define the image for me!

god you are obsessed!

Yes you are!



Yes, we know that you are.


    another lame post by you.

If your sick of your lame posts why do you continue to post?


    a rock big enough to hide directly under would probibly not feel comfortable on my back.

Maby not, bt still some how you managed to fit under one.



Again your obsession.

   /sigh. what makes you think i support a hateful dictator?

Duh!  You really are a moron!  You support bush of course you support a hateful dictator!



Yes you are and your obssessed.  Seek help now!


    no, i acknowledge the holocaust from the 1940's.

But you deny the fact that you are doing the same thing!


Yes you are


    oh yes, i'm very illogical, aren't i? and SOOO closed minded.

No need for sarcasm.  You have prooven to us that you are very illogical and very closed minded.  No one is gonig to argue with that!



Yes you are!

did i say i have a normal life? i have my own set of troubling problems that makes my life much less than "normal". whatever "normal" is.

Yes, I can see that through your posts.



yes you are!
HAHA!!! good one! are you trying to develop a sense of humor? your jokes suck, btw.

Nope.  I can't make people like you laugh!  Your too sick minded!


Yes, you are!

   actually, at this moment i am quite healthy.

Well, mentaly your quite sick!



Yes you are!


    except i'm not dumb...

your posts beg to differ!



Yes, you are!

   wow, very good. sting A != sting B.





    i have more "fucking clue" than you do, which isn't saying much.

Your posts state otherwize and I agree it isn't saying much!


    child AND nazi.

Yep your both of them


    um, are you even reading my posts? god knows i waste enough of my time reading yours.

Yes, its the same blabbering idiotic rehtoric over and over


    --> False

    --> True!
The fact that you blindly kill people,


    --> False

    --> True!

:rape them


    --> False

    --> True!


Yes, you are!

   solaris's favorite word: rhetoric!

Siplus's faborite word:  Child AND nazi.

   i don't worship mortals

Your posts prove otherwize.



    you took my reply out of context. go back and re-read it

What did I take out of context?  We all know that your a moron by now!


Siplus's faverite word agian.

i haven't watched CNN in years. they are WAY too anti-bush. i rarely watch tv anymore (it's a waste of time), but when i do, Fox News is the news station i watch. why? because they are slightly pro-bush, unlike the "Clinton News Network" (as it is commonly refered to as) or MSNBC/ABC and all the other libby stations.

What utter bullshit!  There is no such thing as 'anti-bush' stations and liberal stations!  



 Here it is again  :D

   i know it doesn't matter who did it, i don't like that act. BUT, the fact that bush doesn't have the authority to pass legislation, and only congress does, means that you have one less aspect to complain about.

What aspect!  The fact that the US Patriot act IS messing up peoples lives!  That not a complaint thats a fact!  Its doesn't matter who passed it, it should be removed.  You're still blabbering excuses.


    oh, good work on using thet word "umpteenth". i don't even think i spelled it right in my previous post, but it shows that you like to copy my words, whether they are real or not.

Whats to copy?  I'm not a sheep like yourself.

    child, you are confused.

Yes you are!


and again.



and again!


    there, now you know what an idiot is. obviously i don't follow those characteristics.

He knows how to use google but thats about it.  Those characteristics describe you to a tea!


    well, that's a first! then you also agree that you are trolling

Nope since your the only one rambling on and on with absolutly no point.
  how old are you kid? 5?

First you say your 17 now you say your 5?  Eather way you still sound like an idiot!


    oh really? sorry, pure bullshit right there

How is that?  No need to appologize I know that i',m right!

    to what, i wonder, are you refering? if it is to that prison abuse scandel, then get over it.

Oh thats right if it happens to Iraqies then 'get over it.'  If it happens to you then its an issue.

Pure Nazi ignorance!  Just prooves my point on what you are.  Not just throwing the word around like you have done!

    the link above is not credible.

Yep, it is!

and no, i'm not repsonsible for anything. at a minor, it is impossible for me to vote (although i think it's dumb that i can not, when some of you can. voting limits should be set on level of intelligence and knowledge of the world. not on age.)

YOu are if you support him and agree with the age limit even if you reach the legal age your still not intelligent to vote.


    excuss me?

your excused.

    no, nothing is justified because you are peron "x" or of country "y" or of ethnicity "z". YOU are the one filled to the brim with bullshit.

Again your posts are the only ones here filled to the brim with bullshit since thats what you went to war on!


    did i say i wasn't black? did i say i wasn't hispantic? as it happens, i am cacausian. it doesn't matter, because the legal system in america is blind to ethnicity/religion.

Nope!  the Patriot act states otherwize!


    although i am a chirstian, i DO think for myself.

Well so far you haven't!

there is a lot in my religion that i do not believe

and even more you do believe!  Like the bullshit les bush spews!

(practically anything in the bible, for instance).


i have a mind, and i use it (unlike solaris over here)

You mean you don't have a mind like solaris over there! Since again all you are doing is blabbering on with such idiotic bull!


    also, i am confused as to why people think cheney is president. vice presidents have little power...their only job is the break ties in the senate and taking over for the president when he is inable.

weather it be cheney bush or whatever.  Still your fault.  No exuses!


    i agree! and i encourage everyone here to help vote him back in. he has done a superb job these past 3 years, and he would aid the country well for another 4.

Hahaha!  if your dumb enough to vote him back in your dumb enough to be killed!  Hes, put the nation in to debt.  Hes gone to war over false pretenses, Hes taken away peoples rights and I could go on but I understant that you are now too stupid to ever get such things!

there really is nothing wrong with John Kerry and I think he would make a fine president. Who cares what medals he threw, or what SUV's he drives. Bush has WAY more problems going for him then Kerry.


    he is a hypocrite.

Even more bullshit!


    yes, i have noticed in my battle with solaris that supidity can not be irreversed.

What battle?  And you do confirm that stupidity can not be irreversed!


 it is sad, really, that he must go through life as a dumbass.

Yes it is sad that you have to go through life as a dumbass!  Hopefully a bus will come along and put you out of your missery!


he'll probibly work for the rest of his life as a construction worker or some lowly/menial task-oriented job.

If thats your dream job!  To bad you don't even have enough intelligence, even for that!

    "Your computer is already fucked up by having Windows on it, you can only unfuck it up by installing Linux." -- void main
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #169 on: 17 May 2004, 03:11 »
Originally posted by The Stiller:

and solaris...
you continue to claim that siplus is and idiot for not seeing that bush is an evil dictator taking away our rights killing millions and putting people in camps.

i wonder why he doesn't see such a plausible explanation

Because hes an idiot!

christ stop looking at everything like its the new world order master plan. i dont really like the government either. the worst of the US's troubles is probably(and i think laukev would agree) is the pnac.[/b]

Its not like a new world order but in the last 4 years america has changed, only for the worse!  I can't imagine a person such as siplus existing in todays civilized sociaty but due to his rants he has prooved me wrong in that retrospect!  I think the U.S. will recover over time.  I know germany did after their nazi era.  

I just can't stand his pathetic ignorance.  To see a person who makes up exuses and ramble on while his own goverment are invading other countries and hurting innocent people around the globe.  

If america did want to fight off 'terrorism'  then they can on their own land but they have no right to walk into other countries and turn them upside down just for their own benefit.

Pluse Its not even right that america is even hurting their own people!  Here is a country that supposed to be the land of the free and home of the brave but in the last 4 years have completely done an about turn and gone against everything that even normal americans cherish!
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #170 on: 17 May 2004, 03:16 »
Originally posted by Siplus:

he confirmed it himself you bleeding imbecile.

Yep, you are an idiot.  No arguing there!


also, what am i not going to get? i see...i'm not going to understand the modivation you have for posting such crap online!

Innocent men and women in prisson and you go ahead and make a fool out of them when they have already gone through enough of your idiotic hatred.

the difference is that kerry burnt down innocent's villages



while some 17 prison gaurds made fools of themselves in a prison with terrorists. there is a BIG difference! i personally don't think that what happened in that prison should reflect AT ALL on the current administration since they had nothing to do with that scandel.

They have everything to do with it since they shouldn't of been ther ein the first place!
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #171 on: 17 May 2004, 03:19 »
5 bucks says that siplus is gonna come on here and post some more idiotic rhetoric!

what a moron.  :D
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #172 on: 17 May 2004, 03:39 »
OK, enough. Stop your bickering, both of you, or I will bin this thread. Whether pro- or anti-Bush, there are ways of arguing a point without resorting to such childish exchanges.


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #173 on: 17 May 2004, 03:47 »
Yup, both of you are acting like children fellas. Either of you just stop arguing already or start arguing like mature people (by providing support for every word you say, or at least say "This is my opinion...")


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #174 on: 17 May 2004, 03:47 »

oh, this is great! i only got about halfway through one your quite large post above (didn't even skim over the 3 smaller ones beneath it) and i can't stop laughing!

you should become a comedian solaris! there is no way anyone can make so much bullshit into a joke, except somehow you have found a way!

perhaps if i feel like wasting more time i'll read the rest of it, and maybe, just MAYBE i'll reply to you again. the only problem is that you have a hard time reading and understanding, so if i spent the time to reply, it wouldn't get to you anyway.

thanks again for the great laugh...morons like you, solaris, ARE good for something!


oh, and Laukev7, at least i can communicate. seriously, please encourage solaris to stop being such a dumbfuck    he'd probibly listen to you more than i, since he has blocked out everything i say and gleams from it what he wants.

i would like to return to the topic of the post, however solaris has kind of 'stolen the spotlight'. would you remind me where we were?

[ May 16, 2004: Message edited by: Siplus ]

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the pro bush thread
« Reply #175 on: 17 May 2004, 03:59 »
I would like to take a moment to say that I have been enjoying this thread.  Although I am getting sick of the long childish posts by solaris and siplus.  Lets try to make this a good argument by supporting what we say instead of calling each other names and comparing Bush to Hitler.  

For example, do this Solaris:

The US use to be allies with Saddam and Rummy was involved!  Look!

That is Rummy and Saddam shaking hands! What do you have to say to that Siplus!?  Dont give me that bullshit about how "people change".  Saddam is the same person he has always been.  And we use to be friends with him!  Now conservatives act like he is Satan and that we never had helped him out in the past.

[ May 16, 2004: Message edited by: Paladin9 ]

To create a new standard, it takes something that's not just a little bit different; it takes something that's really new and really captures people's imagination


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #176 on: 17 May 2004, 04:05 »
good point, however i don't know under what pretenses they (US and sadam) were 'friends' and to what extend they were 'friends'. so, in this respect, i can honestly say i don't know.

it is probibly (if i had to guess) similar to our alliance with UBL back in the cold war.

my guess is that at the time perhaps sadam was the 'lesser of two evils'.

"Your computer is already fucked up by having Windows
on it, you can only unfuck it up by installing Linux."
-- void main (old school MES member)

Desktop: Athlon 2600/ 768mb DDR266
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the pro bush thread
« Reply #177 on: 17 May 2004, 04:13 »
Originally posted by Siplus:

oh, this is great! i only got about halfway through one your quite large post above (didn't even skim over the 3 smaller ones beneath it) and i can't stop laughing!

you should become a comedian solaris! there is no way anyone can make so much bullshit into a joke, except somehow you have found a way!

perhaps if i feel like wasting more time i'll read the rest of it, and maybe, just MAYBE i'll reply to you again. the only problem is that you have a hard time reading and understanding, so if i spent the time to reply, it wouldn't get to you anyway.

thanks again for the great laugh...morons like you, solaris, ARE good for something!

A sick mind indeed!


oh, and Laukev7, at least i can communicate. seriously, please encourage solaris to stop being such a dumbfuck    

Take your own advice on that

he'd probibly listen to you more than i, since he has blocked out everything i say and gleams from it what he wants.

Nobodys listsing to you.  You've been trolling form the start.


i would like to return to the topic of the post, however solaris has kind of 'stolen the spotlight'.

What spotlight is that


 would you remind me where we were?

Well so far you posted messages on how bush is holier than though.  I joined in by posting facts that he is infact an idiot.  You turned around throwing insult after insult.

I just prooved to the rest of the people here the not only bush but his followers are even idiots.

I've provided links to back up what I had to say.  So far siplus, all you have done is post boring idiotic comments and repeated the same kind of lies that the Bush regime is stating.

Futher more you whinned how I like to use the word 'nazi' alot where as you did use the word nazi alot and I only called bush and you for what you trully are and nazism is the best definnition since something like this has already happened in the past.  Bush just happend to repeat it.

There really is no comparison since he is following the same steps.

Then came the rest of your rants to which no one really cares.  

[ May 16, 2004: Message edited by: Siplus ]
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #178 on: 17 May 2004, 04:17 »
Originally posted by Paladin9:
I would like to take a moment to say that I have been enjoying this thread.  Although I am getting sick of the long childish posts by solaris and siplus.  Lets try to make this a good argument by supporting what we say instead of calling each other names and comparing Bush to Hitler.  

For example, do this Solaris:

The US use to be allies with Saddam and Rummy was involved!  Look!

That is Rummy and Saddam shaking hands! What do you have to say to that Siplus!?  Dont give me that bullshit about how "people change".  Saddam is the same person he has always been.  And we use to be friends with him!  Now conservatives act like he is Satan and that we never had helped him out in the past.

So far I have been.  I've posted links and quotes to back up my points.  I've shown siplus the causes to which he and his goverment are doing.  The only thing he does is come back with insults and idiotic comments because he has no leg to stand on.  We both provided information to him but that won't change the kids stupidity.  He is welcome to have his opionion.  But He cannot exuse the damage to which he and his goverment has caused. He is still wrong and that ain't going to change!

[ May 16, 2004: Message edited by: Paladin9 ]

"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #179 on: 17 May 2004, 04:23 »
Originally posted by Siplus:
good point, however i don't know under what pretenses they (US and sadam) were 'friends' and to what extend they were 'friends'. so, in this respect, i can honestly say i don't know.

it is probibly (if i had to guess) similar to our alliance with UBL back in the cold war.

my guess is that at the time perhaps sadam was the 'lesser of two evils'.

The U.S. put saddam in power and even provided nuclear weapons.  The U.S. did this in mind to keep a western governess in the reagon.  However at the time Iran kept stealing oil from nabouring Iraq. To which a fight broke out and loses were felt on both sides.

Then the U.N. made saddam destry the stock pile of weapons that he had contained and a 10 year plus sanctions were put onto Iraq that devistated the Iraqie economy.  

But to get a better understanding:::
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.