i agree! and i encourage everyone here to help vote him back in. he has done a superb job these past 3 years, and he would aid the country well for another 4.
Excuse me...but don't you ever dare again to make such a post without a shread of support to back up your claims. If you're not going to do so at least say "This is my opinion."
Anyway..Bush has done a SUPERB job????? :eek: Damn, I'd really hate to think of what would be a "good" job.
Let's compare January 20th, 2001 (when Bush took office) to today, May 16, 2004:
Is the economy better today than it was 3 years ago? God no. Unemployment soared to the highest amount in 12 years. US is loosing jobs.
National Debt: Has increased by a bit less than 2 trillion dollars.
Biggest surplus in US history turned into biggest deficit in US history. (Cheney has been quoted as saying "Deficits don't matter.") Well sure..to him they don't matter. He's got all that oil.
Environment: Every geologist and professional enviornmentalist in the world is condeming the Bush administration for what their policies are doing to the enviornment. In the FIRST WEEK of Bush's presidency, he repealed laws that Clinton helped make that heavily punish corporations that release more than a strictly enformed limit on pollution. And don't forget how much radiation and pollution the wars cause. And even the Pentagon earlier this year admitted that there is reason to be concerned about the increase in pollution in our enviornment.
Contrary to his promise of being a "uniter", Bush has done absolutely nothing in 4 years but divide everyone. He created division in his own cabinet, he created the biggest division among the citizens since in 40 years, and he certainly did not attempt to unite the US with the rest of the world.
Education: Nothing's been done for education in the past 3 years. (I'm not saying Clinton did much..but Bush certainly hasn't helped). On the contrary, due to Bush's financial irresponsibility, the government has been forced to cut back tuition aid for college students. (I'm experiencing this as we speak). THus, less students are able to go to college, or have to go to worse colleges.
Technology and Science: Just last week a secomnd report has been released by a national agency. The report shows how in the past 4 years techonology and science research have decreased in America and have moved more to Europe. This is due to more economic problems of companies and universities, less government funds for science, and because Bush is doing all he can to appeal to Christian voters (like cutting funds for cell research).
Religion and censorship: Separation of church and state is going down the drain as Bush has been increasing funds for christian based groups and cutting others off. Censorship in all media is growing instead of declining. Government is also meddling in social issues it has no business dealing with like gay marriage. Note: your entitled to any opinion you have about gay marriage but the fact is its not the governments business.
Every single state is in a deficit thanks to the national defict and aid cutbacks on the federal level. This has led to cutbacks for schools in cities, libraries, homeless help, and even medical facilities.
Even a smaller percentage than in 2001 now controls the majority of the nation's wealth.
Human and consitutional rights: Bush admin has failed to comply by the consitutionally granted rights that arrested people have.
Medicare/Health Insurance: Zero work done here. Clinton also failed to improve the health care system...but at least he gave it a shot. Bush hasnt even tried.
World Affairs: Complete failure to comply with the internationally accepted Geneva conventions. Withdrawal from weapon nonproliferation treaty with Russia: an action which has ALREADY initiated a new arms race, just as people in Bush's own administration said it would.
Security: complete failure to prevent the worst terrorist attack ever. More terrorists around the world want to hurt us now thanks to the Iraq war. Billions of dollars spent on a missle-defense system: an idea created during Cold War and has recently been proven pointless and capable of stopping missles that nobody even uses anymore.
World Image: US tourism down. The Middle East can't stand us. Europe hates us. Latin America hates us. 95% of the world leaders want to see a change in US leadership.
Backup and support can be provided per your request for any of the above statements.
Now I REALLY want to try to understand your logic. So please, explain to me what has been "superb" about Bush's presidency. I will appreciate that.
[ May 17, 2004: Message edited by: xeen ]