Part of this is (dry) sarcasm, part of it's not. Just assume i'm taking your side on this issues.
Bush is the best president we've ever had. Bill Clinton's America had a lot of the problems today's america has. Too bad Bush was president when the tech boom occured, which made Clinton's administration look better than it was. Anyways, the reason that the Middle East hates us is partially Bill Clinton's fault. He lied under oath, and because he didn't get any prison, or even removed from office, we sent a message to the middle east that we support adultery and lying, which further fueled the already hatefilled islamic nations who feel they're fighting a holy war against christians and jews and that all americans are christians and jews (yet they hypocritically warn muslims to stay away from stuff in America.. hmm guess muslims do exist in this country after all). Back to the topic though.. Bushes tax cuts are trickling down from the wealthy to the middle class. As for poor people, screw them, it's their own fault (even if they were born poor). And some of you guys are all like OMG bush lied. Well.. he could have went on national television and apoligized for his mistake (and for the fact that 9/11 happened due to his adminstrations crappy approach on security, some blame on the past administration, which since i'm uneducated on this crap, i'll shut up), but that is SO NOT COWBOY. Why should he take the blame for his countries crappy intelligence and security.. I mean.. how could it be his fault.. Remember, Bill Gates is not the enemy, he doesn't write the shitty software, so it's not his fault in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM AND BY USING THIS SOFTWARE YOU AGREE TO THIS. YOU ARE LICENSED TO USE THIS SOFTWARE ON TEN MACHINES FOR 180 DAYS AND... As for the patriot act, Bush did excellent. We are now allowed to intercept terror cells we couldn't normally arrest. Long story short.. he's improving our economy, making our lives safer and fighting for freedom worldwide.
*Republicans will like my attack on bill clinton
*Democrats still want to impeach bush, but since he never said there were WMDs under oath, they can't..
*Independents are sick and tired of hearing this crap and then getting a dick shoved in their ass. The republicans complained about Ross Perot, the democrats complained about Nadar. Sometimes they're useful to you and sometimes they're not.
*Republicans will be angry at me for implying that George Bush lied and demand proof, instead of pulling their heads out of their asses and demanding GWB apoligize and promise to make the intelligence of this country better.
*Democrats will be angry at me for discrediting Clinton by claiming his economics would have failed if it weren't for the tech boom
*Many will fail to see some of my sarcasm, hence why these points were made.