Author Topic: the pro bush thread  (Read 8611 times)


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #30 on: 7 May 2004, 01:15 »
John Edwards?  A conservative?  Where did that idea come from?  Lieberman is much more believable in that regard.
If you're really looking for a good example of that, it's Senator Zell Miller of Georgia.  He proudly calls himself a "conservative Democrat" and has a book about that topic.  And he fully supports Bush '04 (I think he even started a small group called "Democrats for Bush").  :D
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the pro bush thread
« Reply #31 on: 7 May 2004, 01:28 »
lol...Bush just blurted out two new excellent Bushisms:

You can't tax the rich enough to pay for his promises. Guess who he's going to tax? He's going to tax me and you.

Apparently Bush seems to believe he isn't rich.

Finally here's the best:

What the country needs is a leader who speaks clearly.

Is it me or did Bush just admit he isn't qualified to be president?


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #32 on: 7 May 2004, 01:44 »
Apparently Bush seems to believe he isn't rich.

he isn't. compared to bill gates :-p

Is it me or did Bush just admit he isn't qualified to be president?

just you

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the pro bush thread
« Reply #33 on: 7 May 2004, 02:05 »
Originally posted by Siplus:

just you

So are we to take it that you're under the impression that Bush can string a sentence together?

And, incidentally, I'm sure as a Republican apologist you'd try to defend all of the countless apalling things Bush has done, but I'd be fascinated to see what defence a Bush-supporter has to offer for this.

[ May 06, 2004: Message edited by: flap ]

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the pro bush thread
« Reply #34 on: 7 May 2004, 03:19 »
Originally posted by flap:

So are we to take it that you're under the impression that Bush can string a sentence together?

And, incidentally, I'm sure as a Republican apologist you'd try to defend all of the countless apalling things Bush has done, but I'd be fascinated to see what defence a Bush-supporter has to offer for this.

[ May 06, 2004: Message edited by: flap ]

LOL!! I love that Bush incident.


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #35 on: 7 May 2004, 03:46 »
Not as good, but here is yet another Bush moment where he shows his good manners to Pootie-poot:

Ahem. This is supposed to be a pro-Bush thread. Er, I love Bush!


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #36 on: 7 May 2004, 05:32 »
i love bush as much as i love a porcupine up my ass... but i love him!
Ballmer needs a firm kick in the ass.... (since he has no balls)


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #37 on: 7 May 2004, 05:45 »
Originally posted by flap:
And, incidentally, I'm sure as a Republican apologist you'd try to defend all of the countless apalling things Bush has done, but I'd be fascinated to see what defence a Bush-supporter has to offer for this.

I have nothing to say, really.  It amazes me how enraged people get over silly little things like this.  :rolleyes:
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the pro bush thread
« Reply #38 on: 7 May 2004, 05:57 »
Originally posted by WMD:
I have nothing to say, really.  It amazes me how enraged people get over silly little things like this.   :rolleyes:  
well, he IS the president of the strongest nation on the face of the planet... is it wrong to ask for a LITTLE FUCKING PROFESSIONALISM???
Ballmer needs a firm kick in the ass.... (since he has no balls)


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #39 on: 7 May 2004, 06:23 »
...but he's also a Texas cowboy.  :D

This is fun.
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the pro bush thread
« Reply #40 on: 7 May 2004, 06:31 »
Originally posted by WMD:

I have nothing to say, really.  It amazes me how enraged people get over silly little things like this.   :rolleyes:  

You're missing the point. That "silly little thing" is indefensible (and disturbingly symbolic) proof of Bush's casual contempt for the people he's supposed to be serving. Do you think he would hesitate to wipe his glasses on you? How you can watch that and still believe this man is a fundamentally decent person is beyond me.
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the pro bush thread
« Reply #41 on: 7 May 2004, 07:07 »
I thought about it for a few minutes, and started thinking about this idea again: In the end, on a personal standpoint, does it end up mattering who the president is?  I mean, let's say that Al Gore was president right now.  Would my own life be different?  Would it matter if I had ever debated about this stuff?  In the end, how am I really affected?

Maybe I'm just too young.  I'm in high school, and current politics don't seem to affect those my age (after all, we can't vote).  So, I declare this: I hear that with Bush gone, we can take down Microsoft in time for Longhorn.  That would certainly affect me (I'm typing this in Windows!).  If I can be convinced of that, consider me on your side for Nov. 2004.
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the pro bush thread
« Reply #42 on: 7 May 2004, 08:02 »
In the end, on a personal standpoint, does it end up mattering who the president is? I mean, let's say that Al Gore was president right now. Would my own life be different? Would it matter if I had ever debated about this stuff? In the end, how am I really affected?

Believe me I understand how you feel. On 9/11/01 I was starting my second day of senior year, so I'm just a few years older than you. I used to feel the say way as you before. But think about this: at this moment, none of this affects you directly. You are right about that. However everything that is going on right now WILL affect you directly in 4-5 years.

The last 4 years we have seen the economy go down the toilet, and it ain't improving. This leaves your family vulnerable, just like it has made millions of other families vulnerable. God forbid someone in your family loses their job. How will you pay for a good college in a few years?

The Iraq war is costing hundreds of billions of dollars that the government does not have. They are taking this money by adding to the national debt, which in case you don't know translates to robbing future generations (us) of money and ingnoring the problem. So in a few years when you're out in the real world this economical problem will directly affect you. And if not, it will definately affect your children. That's just great aint it?

Finally, here's something you might REALLY want to think about. Do some simple research, or just watch/read some recent news, and you will find out that over the past 2-3 years the Bush administration has been quietly reopening up offices and hiring staff for the draft control (whatever it's called). Do some more research and you'll find out that Congress currently has at least 2 draft bills going around. You're currently in high school. Guess what? You will very soon be of military age  :D  If you can't see how these things DO affect  you, good luck!


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the pro bush thread
« Reply #43 on: 7 May 2004, 11:06 »
Part of this is (dry) sarcasm, part of it's not. Just assume i'm taking your side on this issues.

Bush is the best president we've ever had. Bill Clinton's America had a lot of the problems today's america has. Too bad Bush was president when the tech boom occured, which made Clinton's administration look better than it was. Anyways, the reason that the Middle East hates us is partially Bill Clinton's fault. He lied under oath, and because he didn't get any prison, or even removed from office, we sent a message to the middle east that we support adultery and lying, which further fueled the already hatefilled islamic nations who feel they're fighting a holy war against christians and jews and that all americans are christians and jews (yet they hypocritically warn muslims to stay away from stuff in America.. hmm guess muslims do exist in this country after all). Back to the topic though.. Bushes tax cuts are trickling down from the wealthy to the middle class. As for poor people, screw them, it's their own fault (even if they were born poor). And some of you guys are all like OMG bush lied. Well.. he could have went on national television and apoligized for his mistake (and for the fact that 9/11 happened due to his adminstrations crappy approach on security, some blame on the past administration, which since i'm uneducated on this crap, i'll shut up), but that is SO NOT COWBOY. Why should he take the blame for his countries crappy intelligence and security.. I mean.. how could it be his fault.. Remember, Bill Gates is not the enemy, he doesn't write the shitty software, so it's not his fault in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM AND BY USING THIS SOFTWARE YOU AGREE TO THIS. YOU ARE LICENSED TO USE THIS SOFTWARE ON TEN MACHINES FOR 180 DAYS AND... As for the patriot act, Bush did excellent. We are now allowed to intercept terror cells we couldn't normally arrest. Long story short.. he's improving our economy, making our lives safer and fighting for freedom worldwide.

*Republicans will like my attack on bill clinton
*Democrats still want to impeach bush, but since he never said there were WMDs under oath, they can't..
*Independents are sick and tired of hearing this crap and then getting a dick shoved in their ass. The republicans complained about Ross Perot, the democrats complained about Nadar. Sometimes they're useful to you and sometimes they're not.
*Republicans will be angry at me for implying that George Bush lied and demand proof, instead of pulling their heads out of their asses and demanding GWB apoligize and promise to make the intelligence of this country better.
*Democrats will be angry at me for discrediting Clinton by claiming his economics would have failed if it weren't for the tech boom
*Many will fail to see some of my sarcasm, hence why these points were made.