Author Topic: Nazi Dog  (Read 1130 times)


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Nazi Dog
« Reply #15 on: 19 October 2003, 01:34 »
One of the first (if not the first) laws that Hitler passed as newly "elected" dictator were a set of laws governing animal rights, protection and treatment. Hitler was famously a vegetarian artist.

Don't trust vegetarian artists, they usually have to much angst.

Don't be deluded by the good Vs evil thing. Yes Hitler was a murdering evil fuck head, but all sides in that war have skeletons in the cupboard (closet). I think the most important lesson to learn from that particular page in history is how easy it is for people to go along and be put under a spell by maniacs like that.

It still happens.
The MES Anti-Prude Force
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Nazi Dog
« Reply #16 on: 19 October 2003, 05:44 »
yeah... nobody comes out of a war with clean hands... NOBODY.

but at least the Allies didn't have a Hitler running the show
Go the fuck ~


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Nazi Dog
« Reply #17 on: 19 October 2003, 07:51 »
Don't believe for one minute the allies didn't do some terrible things to win the war...Back in the day, the OSI agents on the ground made daily decisions of who would or wouldn't die and not always by "quick painless death"

War should be only a last resort.
It should only be a threat when talks are failing
When talks fail then they (the opposing force) should be given a last warning.
Once the warning is ignored and it is proven "the bad guys" have no intention of cooperating with a world community, then fuck em all.

I do not believe in the U.N. I live in the United States of America.  I am an American.  I can proudly state and prove my culture is a combination of British, French, Dutch, Italian, Portugese, Spanish, African,...lets make this simple name the 7 continents, we are of them all and the countries in them.

I am as proud to declare my nation as any other nationality is.

I do not believe in the U.N. because it is a "One World Governemt" foundation.  I have no desire to be Governed by Non-Americans or have my laws based on another cultures ideals.

Nazi's were bad, no doubt.  They made many tech and medical advances though.  The plans we used to develop nuclear power were sent in a message from a Nazi Physicist who may not of been as dedicated to the regime as history suggests.  The horrible vivsections of Menglar led to an improved understanding of physiology.  Jet propulsion...need I say more?  Rockets and missiles.  Nazi Germany can be used even today to demonstrate what happens when science is given no boundries to explore.  

I AM NOT CONDONING THE ACTIONS OF A MADMAN AND HIS REGIME.  I am pointing out the importance of learning from history.  The world watched as Hitler made many moves that were oppenly hostile and chose to ignore them.  THIS IS A PATTERN WE REPEAT TODAY.

Black History Month/ Spanish History Month/ American Native History Month/ Asian Pacific Islander History Month

The Federal Government Recogizes these races
Asian/Pacific Islander
American/Alaskan Native

Hispanic is now an ethnicity and no longer a race.

Try to have a white recognition anything though and you certainly will be identified as either a White supremesist (pick your affiliation, Nazi, Neo Nazi, Skin Head, Clansman, or WASPA)

The lessons not learned from the past still haunt us today and the bottom line is lack of education.  There are some German and Jewish Communities which refuse to teach the Holocaust as anything other than propeganda or not teach it at all.  To overcome the evils f any of mankind, we all must be knowledgeable of our history as a world.  

That made absolutely no sense at all did it???
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Nazi Dog
« Reply #18 on: 19 October 2003, 22:07 »
yeah, it did. because it's the truth.
Go the fuck ~


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Nazi Dog
« Reply #19 on: 20 October 2003, 01:01 »
It made sense   ;)
The MES Anti-Prude Force
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Nazi Dog
« Reply #20 on: 20 October 2003, 05:33 »
I'm with ya.

The US government also ignored thousands of Jews' urges to do something about the haulacaust because US intelligence was very aware of it but they refused to even meet with them because our government didn't like Jews either.


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Nazi Dog
« Reply #21 on: 23 October 2003, 00:02 »