Author Topic: No E3 for the Frogs  (Read 3720 times)


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #15 on: 27 May 2003, 16:24 »
Originally posted by Refalm:
I hate Republican


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #16 on: 27 May 2003, 16:42 »
Originally posted by Faust:
This is pretty fucked up right here.

Hehehehe, You live near howard, haha


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #17 on: 27 May 2003, 18:33 »
ok...ill admit american BUT I DONT WANT TO BE

now, most of ever, im ashamed to live here...and i cant move yet.  im not 18...stupid laws.

i have ideas about a government that would actually work...too lazy to type.  i must say that about the Neo-Nazi march (see above)...i dont understand why anarchists cant march against it.  you have a voice too.  i would like to be an anarchist, but in an ideal world, it would never work; especially in a large country.  libertarian ideas are good except for that there are no laws protecting people from rape and murder.  if there is a goverment that can place laws against rape and murder, and is still libertaian, then it can work out.

i think that the whole freedom fries thing is the stupidest thing that ive ever heard.  next thing will be freedom vanilla and freedom kisses.  GROW UP AMERIKER.

and they wont choke on chicken bones, theyll choke on pretzle  ;)   stupid bush and his pretzle, it shoulda killed him


when im 18, ill meet you in canada...2 years...cant wait
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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #18 on: 28 May 2003, 02:08 »
What I wonder is, does Canada have almost as bad a government system as the US, and the people just don't realize it?

[ May 27, 2003: Message edited by: lazygamer ]

For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #19 on: 28 May 2003, 02:32 »
I don't like the american government (or should I say planet vampires?) at all. I'm ashamed of it and would rather be refered to as simply being a member of the human species, governments are silly to begin with.

The main difference between the Republicans and Democrats is the speed with which their knees hit the floor when the corporations come knocking.
--Ralph Nader, Green Party

[ May 27, 2003: Message edited by: M51DPS ]


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #20 on: 28 May 2003, 03:11 »
One thing I think we can learn from all this: humans are scum that cannot be governed because we infest and corrupt every part of our own society.

I hate politicians and I hate people for believing what they say over and over again. None of the politicians want to make things better, they just want to hold the job for the next poor sap that gets elected. In most US states its perfectly legal to drink yourself into a stupor and hurt yourself and the ones around you, but can you smoke weed? nope. Teenagers can have ten kids before they're twenty if they want, and abandoning and destroying their lives (creating a cycle which will also destroy the next generation) is perfectly within the law. But can you park a rusty old car on your front lawn? nope. If you're a woman you can marry a man and then divorce him for no reason and he'll have to hand over half of what he earns to you for the rest of your life. What stupid, idiotic creatures we are.

(btw this thread was started as a joke, I don't hate the French)


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #21 on: 1 June 2003, 22:53 »
All of you: Do you know what I hate? I hate political discussion on I disagree with anti-americanism. I think Bush isn't a bad President, I think our government is very good, and I love living here. That's all I'm gonna say and please no one flame me for having my opinions. I don't think political discussions have place here because they SEPERATE US. I have no negative views against France, Canada, Germany, Netherlands or any of the countries people on FMS are from. Why can't we get down to it and put our beliefs in government aside. I do believe whatever happened to the French journalists shouldn't have happened but this topic is off topic.

I absolutely love my country very dearly. When I hear someone saying they hate my country--not dislike, *hate*--it scares me. It makes me not want to comment here anymore because I don't want to get into political discussions. If we are going to seperate ourselves, than please, I say please, let's seperate ourselves based on what distro we use, what desktop environment we use, what editor we use, what platform we like, or the reasons we hate Microsoft. I would never condemn political discussions anywhere, because I believe in the right of free speech which my country started, but I strongly ask you not to. I don't want to fight over different views.

I'm not a Christian, but if I was, it would scare me if someone was sitting next to me saying:
"I *hate* Christians, their beliefs are wrong and they should be more like the Jews or Buddhists"

edit: took out some implying stabs that would cause flame, srry about that

[ June 01, 2003: Message edited by: Solo ]

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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #22 on: 2 June 2003, 02:28 »
Well hate your country is not true, the country is the people, not the government, and it's not just limited to Bush either. Hate is a strong word indeed, but dislike just seems too weak, they really piss me off... and not just because of that Iraqi war either.

Pro/anti Americanism is one of those issues where people on both sides of the fence look at those on the otherside, and wonder what the hell is wrong with them.

Although in the end I have put my differences aside, because your nationality and beliefs will make no difference towards what I think of you. In MES it's actions and knowledge that makes the person, as beliefs and knowledge are seperate.

It's just that the lounge is the garbage dump, and wierd, offensive, stuff happens. Let concern only be raised when the garbage overflows into non-garbage dump threads... often.
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #23 on: 2 June 2003, 21:34 »
hmm...this will take awhile to sift through all the bullshit you people are posting, but i'll try (whether you want me to or not :-p )

How does it serve them right?

cause the french public and government are pussies. not litterally, figuritively and extremely bias with resentment towards the french.

You US people should really start to vote Green, Socialistic or Libertarian.

it's bad enough as it is...we don't need to compound the problems by introducing politians with even less common sence. if any of the 3 you mentioned run the government, human society will be in for a lot of trouble. let us pray they don't.

Try living beside 'em
if i wan't an american, i would definatly want to live next to america. i can't imagine living anywhere else. you people suck (for example, the one here who can't modify a picture of your need to get your rights back of're screwed)

A month ago, Neo-Nazi's had permission to hold a march, but when Anarchists (like me) requested to hold a march against facism, it was refused.

that's fucked up

It's ok to dislike another country, but Americans are acting like morons!

who? dach-hole? gebhart? clinton (the bastard or the bitch?) ?

there is many Americans that are good people who realize what is wrong with their country.

yup...too many people in our government are like you people: ignorant

besides its not like the people voted this government in anyway.

i'm sorry, i just find this hilarious. you people really are ignorant

if you guys think it's bad on the outside... imagine the shit we have to put up with as citizens. being an american means that you have two keepers... Washington, and Corporate America.

i'm sorry...can you explain a little further? i'm not quite getting the connection to my life here... my life has very little direct connection with washington and of course i know of Corporate you want to go back to they days where you were fully self-sustained? no specialization? i don't. i like Corporate America. some of the rules/laws are stupid, and the government doesn't seem to want to do anything about it, but eh. who cares. if you are smart, you can work around it, and if not, you dissearve what you get.

Bush really is a poor president... if it weren't for Powell and Rumsfeld, this whole "war on terror" would consist of monkey boy George lobbing nukes at everybody who doesn't bow down to us and our every decision.

give me evidence of him being a poor president. as far as i know, we haven't shot any nukes, nor are we planning to do so. you're full of shit (besides, even demo-rats know of the consequences of launching nukes. no politician is stupid enough to do that in the US--not even Al bore)

Americans are also the most ignorant people in the world. I'd definitely consider myself to be pretty damn open minded, well educated, and... well... most unlike the sheep. Then I see all the folks from Europe, or Austrailia... or... anywhere... and I realize that I've still got a long way to go.

yes, the majority of america is stupid. and this can not be fixed, in our lifetime. i am open-minded too, but not to bullshit. and yes, you DO have a LONG way to go!! good luck

I hope the republicans and the democrats both choke on fried chicken bones. our government is a joke with it's "two party system"... but then, I think everyone's government is a joke these days. business has its hand in everything nowadays... it's getting hard for people to even live without having to deal with bullshit at least five times a day.

ya, every time i turn on CNN or Fox News, or read articles online, or read a newspaper, or ANY source of informtion available (btw, i can read through CNN bullshit), i see (mostly) morons who don't know what they are talking about, who are trying to convince those of lesser intelligence (no short supply in USA) that they know what they are doing and it's better for all of us.

Hey, to all the Englishmen... mind if I come hide out over there? This place is a motherfucking joke.

what's the joke? i'm sorry, i'm not seeing it. actually,i'm not sorry.

As for disallowing the French to come to E3... can someone explain to me... WHY?!? I don't think that every Frenchman came together and decided that they, as a collective nation would give us the finger. Why this then? Let's all act like grownups here and get along.

nah..i'm happy about this. fuck the french. let them pay cause i (and many others) don't like them. :-D

Bickering little kids

i doubt there are many 10-year-olds who follow the political world

So Chirac failed to ask: "How high?" when His Bushness told him to jump. Is no one allowed to disagree with His Bushness now?  Was questioning the propriety of Bush's war such an overt act of hostility that it justifies this harrassment of any and all French. How did they know that these guys didn't support the war? After all, not everyone in France is in total agreement on this. What's next? Vigilantes going around shooting French poodles?

couldn't hurt

How quick they are to forget. Those French folks in Paris who were genuinely sorry that the WTC was attacked and destroyed. The French lady who said that ", we are all Americans". (Contrast the French reaction to 9-11 to that of the Arabs.) Or that the very same Jacques Chirac who's now so villified was the very first foreign leader to visit "Ground Zero" in NYC?

doesn't excuse him for pissing on us.

Some days, I am just so FUCKING proud to be an American.  

i would have been just as sarcastic 3 years ago when Clinton was still in office. but now, i AM proud to be an american

And we buy into their lies every time. If it

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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #24 on: 2 June 2003, 22:03 »
I hope you do not mean what you said about France. It would be very sad if you have condemned yourself to hating a whole nation because their government did not to choose to participate in a war with your nation.
I understand some of the things people said in this post riled you, but really are you going to hold the Iraq thing against France forever?
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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #25 on: 3 June 2003, 00:19 »
Oh yes. I love America! The land of the FREE! Where people can FREELY express their opinion, as LONG as the others LIKE it. If they don't then FUCK THEM. FUCK FRANCE, FUCK GERMANY, FUCK GREECE, FUCK EVERYONE.



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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #26 on: 3 June 2003, 00:24 »
Originally posted by Panos:
Oh yes. I love America! The land of the FREE! Where people can FREELY express their opinion, as LONG as the others LIKE it. If they don't then FUCK THEM. FUCK FRANCE, FUCK GERMANY, FUCK GREECE, FUCK EVERYONE.


lol. fuck this thread  


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #27 on: 3 June 2003, 08:22 »
Please! Some moderator kill this thread. It's unhealthy. So now we should waste time arguing about who's country is better? YOU PEOPLE BICKER LIKE CHILDREN. If you live in my country and don't like it, leave it. It's one of the human rights given to us. For those of you who are whining because you don't like America, save it for a political forum. I think the worst threat to this forum that could make it end up 'fucked' is political discussion.

I vote for thread kill.
Komodoware, moving Linux to your desktop.


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #28 on: 3 June 2003, 08:58 »
I created a monster!!


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #29 on: 3 June 2003, 20:58 »
Originally posted by Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS:
I created a monster!!


yup...i hate it when political threads show up here. it just makes us hate each other. most people here have beliefs drastically different then mine, and i can't stand those ideals not being challanged, so i just keep posting and pissing people off.

i vote BIN this thread

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