Author Topic: No E3 for the Frogs  (Read 3769 times)


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #45 on: 4 June 2003, 22:25 »
Having travelled through LAX MANY times, I can confirm that the INS are a bunch of petty c**ts, mostly. I can't determine if these French guys received anything out of the ordinary because they were French or not. It is typical that if you try to enter the USA without a valid visa, it's going to be tough on you. The other problem is that it can be arbitrary, some of these guys in immigration are c**ts and will try and dick you around even when you do have valid visas. I don't think it serves them right but if they didn't have valid visas, could well be that no entry to the US is allowed and back you go on the next available flight and you are detained until then, regardless of nationality. I assure you, these were not the only guys refused entry to the USA at LAX that day.
Democracy, it's like three wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #46 on: 4 June 2003, 23:10 »
Originally posted by HibbeeBoy:
Having travelled through LAX MANY times, I can confirm that the INS are a bunch of petty c**ts, mostly. I can't determine if these French guys received anything out of the ordinary because they were French or not. It is typical that if you try to enter the USA without a valid visa, it's going to be tough on you. The other problem is that it can be arbitrary, some of these guys in immigration are c**ts and will try and dick you around even when you do have valid visas. I don't think it serves them right but if they didn't have valid visas, could well be that no entry to the US is allowed and back you go on the next available flight and you are detained until then, regardless of nationality. I assure you, these were not the only guys refused entry to the USA at LAX that day.

Yeh when I was in the US the people at the airport were real bastards but i suppose it wasn't too far on from September 11th. Well, the people at Chicago were pricks but at Detroit they were cool. Even when the woman had to search my bag because they saw a... comb! she was cool about it.

Still though I think their nationality will have played a part, all of the anti-french feeling that is being stirred up.
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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #47 on: 4 June 2003, 23:21 »
Originally posted by Tux:

Yeh when I was in the US the people at the airport were real bastards but i suppose it wasn't too far on from September 11th. Well, the people at Chicago were pricks but at Detroit they were cool. Even when the woman had to search my bag because they saw a... comb! she was cool about it.

Still though I think their nationality will have played a part, all of the anti-french feeling that is being stirred up.

I wouldn't read too much into the anti French sentiment. In general, it's mostly confined to media hype and attention seeking whores pulling crazy stunts like pouring wine down the sink or "freedom fries" bullshit or stupid talk radio tossers.
I came through US immigration in Toronto airport a few years ago and the INS guy there was a c**t. I nearly let fly at him but I knew I would come worse off out of any verbal exchange. It was down to the way my wife had filled out the customs form. I was fizzing mad and opted for a couple of Labatts. They're not all bad but when you get a c**t with a chip on his/her shoulder, lookout !
Democracy, it's like three wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #48 on: 5 June 2003, 07:00 »
OK fine DONT bin the thread. I don't care.

Calum: you are a troll. I used to think you were the most respectable person here but that was uncalled for. I thought you would have more respect for others opinions YOU SACK OF MAGGOT-INFESTED IGNORANT SHIT. Note that was in response to your direct words against me and my beliefs in government you FUCKING PRICK.


I heard on Fox News the other day (the only one I enjoy watching) that Bush and the administration have been kind of trying to get out of the WMD thing, that there never was WMDs. Ok, that interests me. I don't like Bush and the gang lying, but I still am glad Saddam Hussein is on the way out. Wouldn't you? Or don't you think there is something WRONG about a country with *no* opposition to the leaders whatsoever. Despite what you all are thinking in your heads, don't you dare say it's because "They all agree because Iraq is perfect" because that cannot be true of any country. Some people by _nature_ dislike governments, and the only way to repress that is just that. repression.

In response: I do care very much about the political world. But if you want to talk about politics, let's make a Political forum where killing poodles can be discussed.

I absolutely love talking about technology and discussing Microsoft and Microsoft's weaknesses, but this doesn't fall under anything that this site is about. Can we theme things a bit more and leave apples to apple trees and political messages to political forums?
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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #49 on: 5 June 2003, 14:27 »
WMD=Weapons of Mass Destruction, that makes sense now. Why did I miss that?  
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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #50 on: 5 June 2003, 17:46 »
Originally posted by Solo:
[QB]OK fine DONT bin the thread. I don't care.

Calum: you are a troll.
no. i am not a troll. i post rarely on these forums because they are full of shit. that's the total opposite of a troll. i post useful and helpful (hopefully) articles and comments in other forums and news sites. that is the opposite of a troll. You however have proved beyond any doubt in my mind that you are a fuckass, and possibly a dipshit too, if you can't stop yourself from resorting to empty insults. at least my insults have meaning.  
I used to think you were the most respectable person here but that was uncalled for. I thought you would have more respect for others opinions YOU SACK OF MAGGOT-INFESTED IGNORANT SHIT.
yes right, i can see you lead by example. If you want to take my comments personally then go for it. Note however that like any and all of my posts, the only reason you might want to take my comments personally is if you have a guilty conscience. now if anybody else is feeling any animosity towards me i urge you to get off your fat asses and do something about your guilty consciences instead of posting shitty insults all over the forums.  
Note that was in response to your direct words against me and my beliefs in government you FUCKING PRICK.
oh yes right. whatever. again i point out that if you took it personally, it's your problem. i shan't resort to any pointless insults today i don't think.

do i care? even if you put it in capitals? no. what you say is not always the same as what you do. If white america realised how far the wool has been pulled over its eyes it would be doing something about it. but since it chooses not to realise that, we have the USA, and the world, that we all have to live with today.  

That is quite obviously a lie. You remind me of void main in this respect. it is the only area where i disagree with him. you and he both appear to think it is okay to mouth of your bigoted political opinions and then in the same breath insult anyone else for raising their opinions, bigoted or not, by saying you don't like talking about politics in the forums.

I have only this to say to you and your ilk:

if you don't want to talk politics, then SHUT THE FUCK UP

Feel free to take this personally, although that's not how it was intended. the only person's time you will be wasting will be your own.
I said i wouldn't be reading this thread and i have let myself and everyone else down by reneging on that promise. i will try not to let it happen again.

PS: I have nothing against free speech on the internet. in fact i champion it. I would like to know what you think a site called would be like if there were no politics allowed. I think censorship is evil, and so should anybody with any sense at all. The thing that pisses me off most is simply that of all the people who have said they do not want to talk about politics in here, every single one of them has talked about politics at length themselves. hypocrisy is another thing i am not too keen on on the whole...

[ June 05, 2003: Message edited by: Calum ]

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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #51 on: 5 June 2003, 18:35 »
All you antiAmericans out there.  Move out of the U.S.  I don't want you here, you don't want you here.  So just move.  If you move to mexico you don't even have to become poor, in Mexico you would be rich.  Move to the freedom taking countries.  Where freedom of speech is not true, and no probable cause is needed for an arrest.  Go to a place where you will not have a quick and speedy trial.  Go to a place where they have stupid laws to hide the country's bad past (In germany Swastikas are illegal, In America I can still wear a cowboy outfit if I wish).  Go to a country where there is no separation of church and state.  Go to a country where you cannot have old cars because they do not meet smog regulations.  Move to a country..... well, I think I've made my point.


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #52 on: 5 June 2003, 19:00 »
as usual, you americans miss the whole point.

as you may or may not know i am not in the USA, and have never been there. it is entirely possible that the land of the brave and home of the free will never grant me access purely because of the fact that i exercise my right to free speech.

Tell you what, if america is so big on free speech, how come every fucking american in this thread is telling people to get out of their country? do you really think you'd have a better time if only people exactly like little george bush clones lived in your illegally hijacked (from the native americans, in case you're wondering) land? if you are so in favour of taking in the tired and the hungry and standing up for human rights and all that i suggest you stop mouthing off your "put up or shut up" totalitarian opinions all over the place. i know you've all become very complacent recently but sooner or later somebody important will realise the double standards behind your empty bullshit.

edit: i really don't know why i bother. i can be as eloquent as i like, but i know from bitter experience that if an american wants to (as many appear to do) all he (yes those who argue with me are always male) needs to do is ignore what i am saying and put my words down as "anti-american commie". I don't know how americans do this, they blindly respond, sometimes with whole essays of diatribe, without even reading, much less understanding, the substance of the other person's points of view. Maybe this is why americans put such a low value on free speech, they assume that nobody would listen to each other anyway.

edit: christ i know i am shooting myself in the foot here but:  
Go to a place where you will not have a quick and speedy trial.
how does a speedy trial have anything to do with freedom and justice? a speedy trial usually means the court cannot be bothered to hear the facts, and often means that stereotypes and prejudices, rather than the real facts, will decide the case. I for one prefer to live in a country where the death penalty has been abolished for being too barbaric, and where people do not put their trust in the ability of their firearms to kill and maim each other.

In America I can still wear a cowboy outfit if I wish
irrelevant but true: not in California you can't, in California it is illegal to wear cowboy boots unless you own at least two cows.

[ June 05, 2003: Message edited by: Calum ]

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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #53 on: 5 June 2003, 19:49 »
Originally posted by Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain:
Move to the freedom taking countries.  Where freedom of speech is not true, and no probable cause is needed for an arrest.  Go to a place where you will not have a quick and speedy trial.  Go to a place where they have stupid laws to hide the country's bad past (In germany Swastikas are illegal, In America I can still wear a cowboy outfit if I wish).  Go to a country where there is no separation of church and state.

Huzzah! to do all that, I wouldn't have to move at all!  


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #54 on: 5 June 2003, 19:54 »
quoting jeffberg: Mac Comrade Captain :
*Move to the freedom taking countries. Where freedom of speech is not true, and no probable cause is needed for an arrest. Go to a place where you will not have a quick and speedy trial. Go to a place where they have stupid laws to hide the country's bad past (In germany Swastikas are illegal, In America I can still wear a cowboy outfit if I wish). Go to a country where there is no separation of church and state. Go to a country where you cannot have old cars because they do not meet smog regulations. Move to a country..... well, I think I've made my point.*

Welcome to Russia then.
In Russia I can wear a cowboy outfit too, but I'll look like an idiot. I can wear a KGB uniform - the reaction would be the same anyways.

Sure, all other countries are anti-democratic. You know, we have a joke left from old USSR slogans - it sounds like "Soviet trains are the trainest trains of all other trains". Now change the word "Soviet" on "US" and "train" on "democracy" - reminds of anything?
You don't like anti-americanism (or how it's called)? And what if I tell you I am damn pissed off by US gvrmnt acting on Chechnya "problem", huh? your government didn't admit the Chechnya terrorists to be terrorists before 9.11. and that happened when you needed Russian support in the war against international terrorism. You guys got used to a simple formula - "When an American is killed - it's a crime, when a Russian is killed - it's a fight for independence". And who supplied Afghanistan terrorists with Stingers and other weaponry to fight USSR? Me? And now they're using these AA missiles (or rockets? correct me if I'm wrong) against you. What an irony. hehe.
And you still think your country is the best?
PS By the way, does the US of A want ME in My country?  
PPS And I can't move out of the US - I don't live there. hehe
PPPS phew... I don't usually write such long posts  
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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #55 on: 5 June 2003, 19:58 »
Originally posted by Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain:
All you antiAmericans out there.  Move out of the U.S.  I don't want you here, you don't want you here.  So just move.  If you move to mexico you don't even have to become poor, in Mexico you would be rich.  Move to the freedom taking countries.  Where freedom of speech is not true, and no probable cause is needed for an arrest.  Go to a place where you will not have a quick and speedy trial.  Go to a place where they have stupid laws to hide the country's bad past (In germany Swastikas are illegal, In America I can still wear a cowboy outfit if I wish).  Go to a country where there is no separation of church and state.  Go to a country where you cannot have old cars because they do not meet smog regulations.  Move to a country..... well, I think I've made my point.

You are having a laugh mate.   :confused:  

The entire American political system has to be the most corrupt organization (american spelling) on the planet ruled by big business. And while fuckwits like you continue to support that system and believe in that system, well, it's just what you deserve.
And another thing, there is no US English, it's just fucking English. Organisation !!!
Democracy, it's like three wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #56 on: 5 June 2003, 20:10 »
Can I be a troll as well? Please..   :D  You know, one like Calum!  


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #57 on: 5 June 2003, 21:58 »


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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #58 on: 5 June 2003, 23:45 »
hmm..i didn't finish my post last time--my programming period was ending so i had to just post what i had. whether you want me to or not, i'm going to continue my "offensive" posts here.

[i'm having problems posting my reply, i will try tonight when i have cablemodem connection access]

[ June 05, 2003: Message edited by: Siplus: *Capitalist* ]

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No E3 for the Frogs
« Reply #59 on: 6 June 2003, 05:44 »

as you may or may not know i am not in the USA, and have never been there. it is entirely possible that the land of the brave and home of the free will never grant me access purely because of the fact that i exercise my right to free speech.

Calum: we aren't talking about you. Stay in the game.
Oh and I don't care if you give your political opinions or not, and I am not a biggot. I am just trying to show any who think that their view is the common view that they are wrong and that others believe strongly in the U.S. All I am asking is that we no longer discuss politics at, because it is off-topic.
As for the free speech thing, *get* *real*. In America you can say Whatever The _Fuck_ you want. If you hate our government, go out and tell everyone, send emails and mails to your congress.

go to the police station and say it. They will be like, "Okay... And you're telling us this why?"

How about this. Would it be hard for the webmaster to add another forum for political discussions, so that when we all figure, hey I'm bored let's go flame in the political forum, we just have to click one link?

Calum, is it possible for you to be wrong? That my government is *not* that bad, or if it is, I don't mind it because I know if it gets bad enough it can be changed? Is it okay for you people to leave us alone and if you have complaints with our government making attacks on other countries to contact your government representative and tell him not to support us? Is it possible that we can drop this all from FMS and talk about getting rid of Microsoft instead of about whether Bush sucks or not?

If these forums are as fucked as you call them Calum, then is it possible to help unfuck them up by all of us just stopping? Is it possible that if you, one of the most persuasive and respected people here (in mine and many other opinions) could help to unfuck it by not calling people with other ideas names?

The only reason I called you names is to just show you how uncalled for, stupid, and troll-like it was. Trolls don't just mean that they are here a lot, it's that they post troll comments, comments that are just intended to create flames and make people angry. I have tried to be as fair and biased on this site as possible up to now but I think I'm just gonna leave if it's pointless to be here. Maybe the webmaster should just stop the forums if they are so fucked. I'm going to register on void-main's forums right now. Because somehow I don't think my words will be taken seriously, but instead twisted.
Komodoware, moving Linux to your desktop.