Alright, for the sake of trying to save FMS' forums I apologize. Siplus has stated much of what I would say so I won't repeat it. Calum, I'm sorry about calling you a troll, I suppose our definitions of a troll differ somewhat. I of course value all of the opinions at FMS, political, technological, moral. However we come from [stress]so many[/stress] different places that political discussion seems to just get us all pissed off at each other. Faust took a stab at the russion dood now, so we are beginning to branch.
I understand your negative feelings about my country's government and only ask of you that you consider my outlook, from the inside of the country. I in turn of course understand what you are saying. I don't like some of the Bush/9.11-powered bills sent through Congress lately either, but we can always challenge the law, and I'm sure the Supreme Court would declare it unconsitutional if they deemed it to be. As for corruption in the U.S. government, we have strict laws against exchange of money from entities to spokespeople of the government, and if that's found it is punished. And how many cases of corruption have you witnessed?
Life in America is great. I cherish my right to vote, and think it absolutely essential to have an opinion on political matters at hand and current events.
I just think it would make more sense to have rules on political discussion: not as strict of void main's rules because this site is about free speech . Something to the point of "Please refrain from political topics outside of the Political forum".
In the U.S. there is a very popular game series introduced in recent years. It's called Grand Theft Auto. Perhaps you've heard of it.
I play GTA3 and GTA: Vice City a *lot*. That says something in itself for whether I believe in censorship.
So in closing, I am sorry for any references in this post that you do not agree with, if any. I have always respected Calum's views and always will. I believe in freedom of speech and hate censorship. I love living in America, and love politics. I love debating whether the war is right, etc. I just don't like doing it here, where it is so *fierce*. I'm offended when people say my country sucks, it makes me not like them (dont flame me for being like that: i can't help it). I don't want to not like any of you. I love posting at FMS (notice I think I've posted about 90 posts in the last week, half of everything I've posted here--not because of this discussion, but because of all the fun anti-microsoft pro-linux stuff going on).
I love you all