Author Topic: Hello ...Time to die!  (Read 1841 times)


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Hello ...Time to die!
« Reply #15 on: 17 August 2003, 22:04 »
Originally posted by Merlin:
Of course the Blaster worm didn't work
Microsoft changed to Linux
Linux doesn't have the RPC vulnerability

How the fuck do you even figure that?

Their servers are patched. The patch was available three weeks ago. The only reason they are "running Linux" is because they ordered a service from a different company to cache their content to cope with the bandwidth usage. Jesus.


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« Reply #16 on: 17 August 2003, 22:48 »
Why would a multi-billion-dollar company that markets an OS need to employ the services of another company that uses a competing OS?

But I'm sure you are right that it's a caching server, since from what I know about IIs I don't see how it can possibly run on Linux.
From the netcraft FAQ:

"Webservers that operate behind a caching system, load balancer, reverse proxy server or a firewall may sometimes report the operating system of the intermediate machine. Hence reports of 'Microsoft/IIS on Linux' may indicate that either the web server is behind a Linux server that is acting as a reverse proxy, or has configured the Akamai caching system such that the first request to the site goes to one of Akamai's servers [which run Linux], or as in the case of has been configured to send a misleading signature."

BTW, it doesn't seem to be helping anyway, since I can't seem to pull up any microsoft sites except for  the msdn site.

[ August 17, 2003: Message edited by: Bigsleep ]


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Hello ...Time to die!
« Reply #17 on: 17 August 2003, 23:31 »
That is interesting about their using of Linux.  There was a story about this a while ago (one of their web-serving companies they contracted used Linux), but this latest change took place just in the last TWO DAYS!!  This HAS to be a direct reaction to the Blaster worm!  Hmmm.. what a great example M$ themselves are setting, should other users of Windoze switch to Linux because it's not vulnerable to the worms too?!  Maybe those who switch will find it's a far superior server OS (UNIX-based servers always are, anyone who chooses Windows over it needs to think again - between administration, worms...) and stick with it?  One thing I do wonder about is that it's Linux, but it uses M$-IIS..

"Linux      Microsoft-IIS/6.0      15-Aug-2003      Akamai"

.. anyone care to explain that?
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Hello ...Time to die!
« Reply #18 on: 17 August 2003, 23:55 »
Originally posted by Bigsleep:
Why would a multi-billion-dollar company that markets an OS need to employ the services of another company that uses a competing OS?

But I'm sure you are right that it's a caching server, since from what I know about IIs I don't see how it can possibly run on Linux.
From the netcraft FAQ:

"Webservers that operate behind a caching system, load balancer, reverse proxy server or a firewall may sometimes report the operating system of the intermediate machine. Hence reports of 'Microsoft/IIS on Linux' may indicate that either the web server is behind a Linux server that is acting as a reverse proxy, or has configured the Akamai caching system such that the first request to the site goes to one of Akamai's servers [which run Linux], or as in the case of has been configured to send a misleading signature."

BTW, it doesn't seem to be helping anyway, since I can't seem to pull up any microsoft sites except for  the msdn site.

[ August 17, 2003: Message edited by: Bigsleep ]

Because they are a software company--not a hosting one. Akami is the best at what they do, and there really aren't that many companies that have 150,000 different servers placed in different geographical locations on fat pipes.

I don't think they even _cared_ what Akami used, as long as it got the job done.


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Hello ...Time to die!
« Reply #19 on: 17 August 2003, 23:56 »
Originally posted by -HaxorMan-:
That is interesting about their using of Linux.  There was a story about this a while ago (one of their web-serving companies they contracted used Linux), but this latest change took place just in the last TWO DAYS!!  This HAS to be a direct reaction to the Blaster worm!  Hmmm.. what a great example M$ themselves are setting, should other users of Windoze switch to Linux because it's not vulnerable to the worms too?!  Maybe those who switch will find it's a far superior server OS (UNIX-based servers always are, anyone who chooses Windows over it needs to think again - between administration, worms...) and stick with it?  One thing I do wonder about is that it's Linux, but it uses M$-IIS..

"Linux      Microsoft-IIS/6.0      15-Aug-2003      Akamai"

.. anyone care to explain that?



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« Reply #20 on: 18 August 2003, 06:46 »
M$ has mental issues.

mentally ill from redmondville
"in a world without fences, who needs gates?"


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« Reply #21 on: 18 August 2003, 06:56 »
Lol ok people for the last time. The cache servers run Linux. Cache servers return the original server's http identity, so the cache servers run linux, M$'s servers run IIS
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« Reply #22 on: 18 August 2003, 08:33 »
It's still funny in that Windows is using for security a company that uses GNU/Linux.  They are *still* hiding behind GNU/Linux servers, whether they have a choice or not.
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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« Reply #23 on: 18 August 2003, 21:28 »
If they wanted security they would use something like Debian, Slackware, Or RedHat. But i dont think they care as long as they can affect other peoples computers than come up with a temporary cure and become the heros to the absent minded people!

Bottome Line: Gates = crook

[ August 19, 2003: Message edited by: raptor ]

"in a world without fences, who needs gates?"


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« Reply #24 on: 18 August 2003, 21:44 »

adsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfads fasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdfadsfasdfasdfadsfasdfadsfadfasdf


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Hello ...Time to die!
« Reply #25 on: 19 August 2003, 00:32 »
Originally posted by raptor:
i know it is probably true, what other choice do they have?, but how do we know they are using GNU/Linux.

can you read? i assume so since you can type (or dictate at least), well read this whole page, or get somebody to read it to you and get them to describe the pictures as well. that should answer youtr question.
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Hello ...Time to die!
« Reply #26 on: 19 August 2003, 04:05 »
I still can't get any page from
This happened to me once when was under a DoS attack as well.
Not that I care, I can usually get what I need from their ftp.


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Hello ...Time to die!
« Reply #27 on: 19 August 2003, 04:13 »
Originally posted by Calum:

can you read? i assume so since you can type (or dictate at least), well read this whole page, or get somebody to read it to you and get them to describe the pictures as well. that should answer youtr question.

my pupils translated that information to my brain just fine!

[ August 18, 2003: Message edited by: raptor ]

"in a world without fences, who needs gates?"


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Hello ...Time to die!
« Reply #28 on: 19 August 2003, 20:04 »
Yeah. It's his brain that screws it up.   :D


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Hello ...Time to die!
« Reply #29 on: 20 August 2003, 00:44 »
Originally posted by Fett101:
Yeah. It's his brain that screws it up.     :D  


[ August 19, 2003: Message edited by: raptor ]

"in a world without fences, who needs gates?"