Linux heads: Why is Linux a better os.?
Mac heads: Why is OSX a better os?
I don't know, and I don't care. I have never used a Mac, and know next to nothing about OS X.
However, I do know this: Apple isn't trying to 'jack the web with secret, proprietary protocols that'll only work on OS X. Steve Jobs wasn't paying shills to fill every tech forum with lies and FUD to drive people away from Linux before they ever gave it a chance. Apple doesn't create weird new programming languages and frame-works in an attempt to lock in all developers. Apple hasn't been convicted of anything, nor have I ever heard of them trying to bribe foreign gov'ts to use their stuff. There are Linux apps that'll play QuickTime movies
but none that'll play Windows Media File movies :mad: Apple isn't trying to get chip designers to hard-wire the chips so only OS X will run on them.
If Jobs ever tries to pull shit like that,
then we'll deal with it.
until then, you like Macs? Use Macs! That doesn't help His Gatesness one bit,
and it sure ain't Win-d'ohs!
Live Free or Die: Linux
If software can be free, why can't dolphins?