Author Topic: are the mac users dead  (Read 1844 times)


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are the mac users dead
« Reply #30 on: 27 November 2003, 03:23 »
I doubt if you were even born when people started that.

You know what, you're right. I'll bet all those dudes started dissing Linux back in 1981 when I was born. They said "guys, in a decade or so, some Finnish kid is gonna make Linux... we'd better get a head start on rippin' it a new one!"

Ya, dudes were makin' fun of it before I was born.

mac os is way cool and so is linux its only a matter of time when the two platforms merge

Uh... I doubt it. Consider that Mac OS X uses technologies that have existed since 1988. Linux could have been built on similiar concepts and technologies, but it never was. Nothing stopped them from basing early distros on NeXTStep rather than boring, plain UNIX.

Mac OS X already does all the things Linux can. It has a UNIX layer that's BSD-compatible. The BSD utilities are included as part of a default install. OS X has all the advancements brought by the BSD and GNU communities of late, along with the rich legacy of NeXTStep.

Linux distros, while they have an advanced kernel, lack the higher-level stuff that you'll find it OS X
Go the fuck ~


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are the mac users dead
« Reply #31 on: 27 November 2003, 03:36 »
"klein kind" is een uitdrukking.

You still said that I wasn't born, whether I misunderstood the expression or not.

[ November 26, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]


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are the mac users dead
« Reply #32 on: 27 November 2003, 03:56 »
Cool. No one is going to win here. Im going to try and play mediator here and keep the peace. I would like to finish this in some way though. Once and for all. Well, at least for once ;P

Linux heads: Why is Linux a better os.?

Mac heads: Why is OSX a better os?

Give your reasons. you can leave out answers like "Its open source", or "it looks better hurr hurr". From a techincal standpoint, why is your os better? This might turn into quite the flamewar, but i have faith in this strugling community to debate in a civilised manor.

I tried to start posting my reasons for using osx over linux, but all my points were weak and could have been applied to redhat or mandrake as well.  :(
So someone else want to light the match, or at least give some insight into why you use what you do?


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are the mac users dead
« Reply #33 on: 27 November 2003, 06:29 »
Why are we doing this?

(Heart-warming music starts in the background)

I mean, the only thing binding us together is our mutual hate of Windows! Why not celebrate that instead?

Sure, you may think OS X is just a toy, and you may think Linux is the same as Windows, but come on people! Think about the blue screen of death for a second, or the mystery error messages!

For heaven's sake, think about the children that are growing up right now thinking Windows is the only operating system there is!

(entire MES breaks out in song and complicated dance number, after which they are all friends again)


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are the mac users dead
« Reply #34 on: 27 November 2003, 06:29 »
Originally posted by evil fucking bastard jimmy james:

You know what, you're right. I'll bet all those dudes started dissing Linux back in 1981 when I was born. They said "guys, in a decade or so, some Finnish kid is gonna make Linux... we'd better get a head start on rippin' it a new one!"

Ha, we do have alot in common, I was born that year too


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are the mac users dead
« Reply #35 on: 27 November 2003, 10:06 »
Oh yeah, in '91 when I was six years old I used to diss Linux all the time on the playground.


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are the mac users dead
« Reply #36 on: 27 November 2003, 10:46 »

Linux heads: Why is Linux a better os.?

Mac heads: Why is OSX a better os?

I don't know, and I don't care. I have never used a Mac, and know next to nothing about OS X.

However, I do know this: Apple isn't trying to 'jack the web with secret, proprietary protocols that'll only work on OS X. Steve Jobs wasn't paying shills to fill every tech forum with lies and FUD to drive people away from Linux before they ever gave it a chance. Apple doesn't create weird new programming languages and frame-works in an attempt to lock in all developers. Apple hasn't been convicted of anything, nor have I ever heard of them trying to bribe foreign gov'ts to use their stuff. There are Linux apps that'll play QuickTime movies     but none that'll play Windows Media File movies   :mad:  Apple isn't trying to get chip designers to hard-wire the chips so only OS X will run on them.

If Jobs ever tries to pull shit like that, then we'll deal with it.

until then, you like Macs? Use Macs! That doesn't help His Gatesness one bit,    and it sure ain't Win-d'ohs!   :D  
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are the mac users dead
« Reply #37 on: 27 November 2003, 12:09 »
Originally posted by jtpenrod:

I don't know, and I don't care. I have never used a Mac, and know next to nothing about OS X.

However, I do know this: Apple isn't trying to 'jack the web with secret, proprietary protocols that'll only work on OS X. Steve Jobs wasn't paying shills to fill every tech forum with lies and FUD to drive people away from Linux before they ever gave it a chance. Apple doesn't create weird new programming languages and frame-works in an attempt to lock in all developers. Apple hasn't been convicted of anything, nor have I ever heard of them trying to bribe foreign gov'ts to use their stuff. There are Linux apps that'll play QuickTime movies        but none that'll play Windows Media File movies    :mad:   Apple isn't trying to get chip designers to hard-wire the chips so only OS X will run on them.

If Jobs ever tries to pull shit like that, then we'll deal with it.

until then, you like Macs? Use Macs! That doesn't help His Gatesness one bit,     and it sure ain't Win-d'ohs!    :D  
Live Free or Die: Linux

If software can be free, why can't dolphins?

Smartest thing I've heard all day!


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are the mac users dead
« Reply #38 on: 27 November 2003, 21:48 »
but none that'll play Windows Media File movies    :mad:  

MPlayer does.
You only have to install all the win codecs before you install MPlayer.

For Xine you have to use some parts from MPlayer.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

Injustice is happening now; suffering is happening now. We have choices to make now. To insist on absolute certainty before starting to apply ethics to life decisions is a way of choosing to be amoral.
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are the mac users dead
« Reply #39 on: 27 November 2003, 22:15 »
Originally posted by insomnia:
You only have to install all the win codecs before you install MPlayer.

No you don't.
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are the mac users dead
« Reply #40 on: 28 November 2003, 00:09 »
Originally posted by flap:

No you don't.

Not if you install everything from source(recommended).
Problem: Most distro's provide their own packages, in this case, you do have to install all win codecs first.

[ November 28, 2003: Message edited by: insomnia ]

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

Injustice is happening now; suffering is happening now. We have choices to make now. To insist on absolute certainty before starting to apply ethics to life decisions is a way of choosing to be amoral.
R. Stallman