Author Topic: no hope  (Read 915 times)


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« on: 30 November 2002, 02:10 »
our society has no hope, we are already controlled by the powerful and being robbed by them. listen to this personal experiance, and youll want to kirk out next time a congress man mentions "prescription drug plans" or saying people need help paying for them.

ok, i was on accutane, so i would'nt have acne all over/*probably a bit superficial but ill mention the ritilin later*/ and it cost my parents $60 or so a month, however my dads insurance plan covered most of it. but he has got a very good insurance plan through the government/*bit hypocrital sounding right now, but listen*/ the insurance covered $100's for it. now, why in the hell would a chemical closely related to vitiman A/*i think, its been a while since i was on it and looked up iso-trenteion SP?*/ cost so much, think its hard to manufacter?. NO, its becuase of the lawyers, becuase of the fact that even though its CLEARY LABELED to cuase problems to unborn children, preople still ahve kids on it and sue. also some kid killed himself on it and there trying to claim it causes depression problems, BULLSHIT, if you have acne bad enough to warrent accutane, you are probably the target of a lot of cruel jokes, and get sick of living through it. now, most of the money paid for prescription goes for the lawyers. if it wasn't for the lawuits and shit prescriptions wouldn't cost that much and the company's that make them would still have a high profit margin. and these fuckwads in washington want me to pay for lawyers with my tax money???

and i know this rant about society is far from complete, probably wrong in some places but i just though of it, please add on somemore stupid shit about the world we live in. ead the fucking label on the pill bottle, before suing, dumbass.  i hate society and the people that live in it.

[ November 29, 2002: Message edited by: choasforages ]

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« Reply #1 on: 30 November 2002, 03:10 »
Kid, I feel for you.  I have to tell you however, that nothing is likely to change in the U.S. as long as the American Medical Association still has lobbyists in Washington.  Microsoft doesn't hold a candle to the AMA as fr as spreading FUD goes; they've been beating socialized medicine over the head with a "communist" label since the '60's; as long as people check under the bed for commies, there won't be any socialized medicine in the good ol' USA ever!
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« Reply #2 on: 30 November 2002, 04:15 »

they've been beating socialized medicine over the head with a "communist" label since the '60's; as long as people check under the bed for commies, there won't be any socialized medicine in the good ol' USA ever!

i would agree fully, also, the only reason that "true" communism doesn't work is human nature.
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« Reply #3 on: 30 November 2002, 07:25 »
Here's whats wrong with society: The people living in it!

Why won't we ever change to electric-powered cars? Because it's inconvenient. People don't care because even if it kills our descendants and shortens our lives it won't change anything in the present, and thats all people care about... THE PRESENT!! People are so obsessed with their own pathetic existence that they won't stop to think that going through a little trouble now will save them a lot of trouble later.

That's one example of the stupidity of the human race. Since stupid people vastly outnumber smart people, it's the stupid people that will always get their way and the reason we're all doomed.


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« Reply #4 on: 30 November 2002, 07:43 »
Originally posted by Macman: Mac Commando:
Here's whats wrong with society: The people living in it!

Why won't we ever change to electric-powered cars? Because it's inconvenient. People don't care because even if it kills our descendants and shortens our lives it won't change anything in the present, and thats all people care about... THE PRESENT!! People are so obsessed with their own pathetic existence that they won't stop to think that going through a little trouble now will save them a lot of trouble later.

That's one example of the stupidity of the human race. Since stupid people vastly outnumber smart people, it's the stupid people that will always get their way and the reason we're all doomed.

True, but most of us here are above stupidity. As for the majority of people (the stupid), there's not much we can do. there are more of them.


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« Reply #5 on: 30 November 2002, 21:52 »
yeah, my dad calls them sheople  /*SP?*/ for sheep people
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« Reply #6 on: 30 November 2002, 16:40 »
Originally posted by Stryker:

True, but most of us here are above stupidity. As for the majority of people (the stupid), there's not much we can do. there are more of them.

Hey, with everyone's combined intellect we could build a space ship to mars and start a colony of smart people. Of course there would be the question of oxygen... We could terraforms it first I suppose, but we'd all be dead by the time that was finished.

Aw, screw it, never mind.


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« Reply #7 on: 30 November 2002, 18:12 »
Jorge Luis Borges said that 99% of the people in the world were sleeping; the other 1% were in a continual state of amazement
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« Reply #8 on: 1 December 2002, 21:19 »
ever notice it's usually the smart ones who say "I don't want to bring a child into this messed up world"?  We need to tell them "No way; breed; we need the numbers".

I saw a 60 minutes 2 years ago about a man who had the worlds highest IQ (Or so they said); he was living alone in a shack, working part time as a bouncer, writing a book about proving the existence of God.  The very next segment was about a couple who had no jobs, no HS education, and 18 children or so.  They were in such destitue poverty a few years back that they had to have thier children stay with relatives -- two or three here, two or three there... and today they live in a house built for them by habitat for humanity, still no jobs, and get enough government money to feed thier private army.  I think that they mentioned going through 4 gallons of milk a day.  At least the children are pursuing higher education.

"All around this world I see/
that only stupid people are breeding.../
the creetans cloning and feeding.../"

movie:: parenthood
"You need a license to drive,
you need a license to own a gun,
heck, you need a license to catch a fish!
But they'll let any butt-weeming asshole be your dad!"



[ December 01, 2002: Message edited by: beltorak0 ]

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« Reply #9 on: 2 December 2002, 04:16 »
i would agree. now would some hacker/engineer like to raise the average world I.Q. by 10?/*i bring it up 1, and you give the 0*/

 jokes aside, it is a seriuos issue and it is true that mostly stupid people are making more stupid people. i mean god even says that his people are sheep. maybe thats why everyone blindly follows and does everything without questioning "higher authority". and they are looked down upon if they ask the obviuos. the feeling is "don't ask you don't need to know right know, all the glory will be revealed in the end". or our governemnts, "we know but you wouldn't understand, its a national secret" or "why do you need to know"
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« Reply #10 on: 2 December 2002, 07:03 »
So what we've learned from all this is that we need to start sterilizing stupid people.

Either that or we could send all the stupid people to a colony under the pacific ocean (we'd convince to go there easily because they're stupud) that was set to self-destruct in 100 years, then they could overpopulate all they want while the smart people could inhabit all the continents and live in wealth and prosperity, although the population would be VERY VERY low after that.

There was a guy in the early 1900's (I think) that said we need to start doing selective breeding and people hated him for it. Turns out he's right.

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« Reply #11 on: 2 December 2002, 10:12 »
IMHO everything you have said here is 100% true.  

This world and everything that happens in it is a joke.  The system is fucked, and I ask myself, why try and get ahead while playing by the rules of a fucked up system.  Seems about everyone who has gotten ahead did so by either pushing the rules of the system to the limit, or outright breaking them.  I'd rather say fuck the system and just look out for myself.


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« Reply #12 on: 2 December 2002, 13:13 »
i had an idea to that effect when i was in high school. my idea was to use all the world's waste products to build a huge island out in the atlantic, and then colonise it with the idiots. we could have tests that people must take every six months to find out if they are a dumbass dipshit or not. they hav eto start taking the tests at the age of 16. If they are a dumbassed selfish moron then they get to live on the island. The people on the island still get to take the test every six months since they would probably have a lot of time to think about themselves, and the actually stupid people wouldn't get sent there, just the people who are bad for the rest of the world. we need to start living like we're on the brink of crisis (since we are!) instead of living this disposable lifestyle that we live.

So anyway i reckon that there are enough idiots that we would have to give up one of our continents (something the size of australia, or maybe the states) to hold all the idiots. a colony of this nature could not help but be huge. Also there would be huge contention about what made the stupid test fair. Only a complete dictatorship could instigate such a setup.

Then again, as i say this was a revolutionary idea i had in high school, at about the same time as i came up with a stunning rationalisation for why there were actually 3 suns and 24 moons in our solar system...
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