Author Topic: AMD or Intel?  (Read 3779 times)


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AMD or Intel?
« Reply #15 on: 7 January 2002, 20:12 »
Yeah, amd chips put out more heat, but they can also stand a lot more heat than intel chips. I got my watercooled 1600+(1400 default) runnin at 1617Mhz, on my KG7 with 512mb of shity samsung ddr(need some kingmax pc2700, then watch this sumbitch smoke anything when i hit 2ghz)I used to be an intel zealot(back in the k6 days when amd made some pretty weeeny chips)But now that i've got one of these bad boys, i'm quite happy with it.
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AMD or Intel?
« Reply #16 on: 7 January 2002, 21:36 »
how did you get the cooling system to work?
ive been thinking of setting one up but all i could think of was running bent tubing around the chip like a radiator and hooking it up to a compressor and running r-134 through the lines but the output isnt worth the effort unless you use lox or liquid nitro

amd athlon 1750 paired
fic m11 mainboard
1536 meg pny ddr ram
quantum fireball III 10000rpm 160 gig hd

beat that  :D


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AMD or Intel?
« Reply #17 on: 8 January 2002, 18:49 »
I just used a radiator, a mag-drive pump, some silicon tubing, water, and water-wetter, and a waterblock that i got from Tom Leufkins. At one point after my first pump failed, i was running a 800gph(@6' lift) in there, made noise but my temps droped by 3 degrees! I eventually put a 450gph magdrive in there(much quiter) And i've been happy at 5 degrees above ambient(gonna get 2 220w pelts soon, -30c is looking like a good number    ) But anyway, the water is pumped from the res -> waterblock -> radiater -> back to the res. I'm also gonna try to get a dehumidifier, and modify it's coil to cool my radiator. This setup is a lot quiter, and much cooler than when i was going air-cooled(damn delta fan was driving me nuts!) You just have to be careful when you watercool, and hose clamps are your friend!
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AMD or Intel?
« Reply #18 on: 18 January 2002, 01:29 »
Originally posted by magnus lee:
slot type boards are better that socket type partially because of the chip layout itself

first   the stand-up slot type gets better airflow around the chip and through the heatsink than a socket type because you cant get air to the back of the chip in a socket

second   the standup slot type fans generally face into the airflow inside the case unlike socket type which trys to pull air cross-flow from the main air flow generally a difference of 5 to 10 mhz

amd athlon  1750 paired
fic m11 mainboard
1536 meg pny ddr ram
quantum fireball III 10000rpm  160 gig hd

beat that

What you say about the airflow is true; however, slot processors have one major drawback: bus speed between the processor/cache and the rest of the system. AFAIK, this is the reason AMD opted to switch back to a socket architecture.
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AMD or Intel?
« Reply #19 on: 25 January 2002, 13:22 »
MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1MICROSOFT RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1V


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AMD or Intel?
« Reply #20 on: 25 January 2002, 19:50 »
The question was AMD or Intel, dicksplash, nobody asked you about microsoft. If i want noise, i'll rattle yr cage.
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AMD or Intel?
« Reply #21 on: 25 January 2002, 20:51 »
AMD!!!  Intel's chips are more expensive and don't do as well in benchmark tests. I work as a computer technician for a major Cable ISP, and work with a great deal of experienced professionals. All of us build machines and all of us use AMD!  :cool:    :cool:    :cool:    :cool:  

P.S.  Off subject a little: I also use MSI and ABIT motherboards.


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AMD or Intel?
« Reply #22 on: 26 January 2002, 17:07 »
I heard that AMD are giving their new chips names which include numbers that are higher than the actual clock speeds. eg, a 1500 Mhz chip will be an "AMD blah-de-blah 1800" Why? Because they say their chips go faster than Intels, at the same clock speed, and the AMD 1500 is capable of outperforming an Intel 1800.
I also heard that in many benchmarks, the Pentium 4 does WORSE than a pentium 3! Of course, in a year or 2 this might not be the case, as programs start to be written specifically for Intel (which is another reason AMD is better, programs aren't even sucking it's dick like they are with Intel!)
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AMD or Intel?
« Reply #23 on: 26 January 2002, 18:37 »
I'd have to go with Intel for only three reasons:

1. I can get P4s from them for dirt-cheap, about 90% off.   :D  
2. Gotta love MPEG encoding. I don't want to waste money buying another video card to enhance my work with MPEGs when it's already there with the P4.
3. I am an idiot.

Oh yeah, and here's another reason:  :D

[ January 26, 2002: Message edited by: k3it4r0u ]

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It's grammar, not grammer.


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AMD or Intel?
« Reply #24 on: 1 February 2002, 17:04 »
Sombody needs to do something about that fucking microsoft rules asshole.. It seems that his messages pop up everywhere and are completely pointless...(Kinda like mine)       Delete his messages or something!!


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AMD or Intel?
« Reply #25 on: 1 February 2002, 19:30 »
yeah! delete his messages! but remember to delete all the ones i posted immediately afterwards saying what a gobshite he is, so i don't look like a dick!
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