Author Topic: McFucking McAmericans  (Read 3023 times)


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McFucking McAmericans
« Reply #15 on: 21 November 2002, 11:53 »
Don't McBash my McFamily name!!! You McMake a bad McName for us McMcDonalds!!


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McFucking McAmericans
« Reply #16 on: 21 November 2002, 12:52 »
well McSaid, McMan!

it's those McFucking Campbells that should be McReceiving all the McDerision!
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McFucking McAmericans
« Reply #17 on: 21 November 2002, 14:31 »
Goddamned campbells, just cuz they were named after soup they think they're better!!


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McFucking McAmericans
« Reply #18 on: 23 November 2002, 11:48 »
Wow......I never thought I'd actually ever see someone quote Rodney Rude on an online forum, least of all this one. It's amazing how funny that McShit  still is (even if it is puerile and immature). Now excuse me while I go to the Mctoilets and pump a huge McShit! Give 'em back a few McNuggets!!!!

Me......I'll always go to Hungry Jacks.......home of the FUCKEN WHOPPER.

Oh and Macman, anyone with half a brain would realise that America is responsible for most of the problems in the world today, so just stop all that "If it weren't for us" bullshit.


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McFucking McAmericans
« Reply #19 on: 23 November 2002, 12:44 »
could we stop with the "fuck america" bullshit?


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McFucking McAmericans
« Reply #20 on: 23 November 2002, 12:48 »
X11: Isnt it Macca's?? thats how ive always spelt it.


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McFucking McAmericans
« Reply #21 on: 23 November 2002, 12:53 »
could we stop with the "fuck america" bullshit?

Hey, I don't think any of us said "fuck America."  We just hate McCloggedarteries, that's all.  And to me it's one of the most disgusting things about America, the fact that it is so full of obese lard-bellies (and I really mean it too, over 30% of Americans are obese.  Yuck!) who eat their McCrappers all the time.  And the person who thought up the idea of hooking kids on unhealthy greasy food at an early age with a "happy meal" that comes with a toy was a marketing genius, a sadistic, immoral asshole but still a genius.  Now I don't mind a lot of "fast food" in fact I eat at Wendy's and other places on a regular basis, but McDonalds fucking makes me ill.  Burger King too (albeit, not as much)


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McFucking McAmericans
« Reply #22 on: 23 November 2002, 13:04 »
Originally posted by TB:
Oh and Macman, anyone with half a brain would realise that America is responsible for most of the problems in the world today, so just stop all that "If it weren't for us" bullshit.

Hey, I admit that the US is also one of the most fucked up countries in the world, but its true that without us there would probably be no free world today. Look back to WWII. What if the Japanese had crippled our entire Pacific Navy at Pearl Harbor and then invaded the West Coast? We wouldn't have been able to intervene in Europe, which may have, if it didn't assure Germany of a victory, added more than a few years onto WWII.

And that's only one example. What if the Cold War had heated up and the USSR was the only super power in the world today? It looks to me like we've treated you guys pretty damned nice!

Sure, we have the worst education system in the world, and sure, our President is a hick (which was NOT our choice), but we do not cause most of the problems in the world. The only ones I can see are our corporations, including Microsoft, expanding and ruining other people's cultures, but hey, we're capitalists just like you (although we're a hell of a lot richer). What can you do?

Originally posted by Linux User:
Hey, I don't think any of us said "fuck America." We just hate McCloggedarteries, that's all. And to me it's one of the most disgusting things about America, the fact that it is so full of obese lard-bellies (and I really mean it too, over 30% of Americans are obese. Yuck!) who eat their McCrappers all the time. And the person who thought up the idea of hooking kids on unhealthy greasy food at an early age with a "happy meal" that comes with a toy was a marketing genius, a sadistic, immoral asshole but still a genius. Now I don't mind a lot of "fast food" in fact I eat at Wendy's and other places on a regular basis, but McDonalds fucking makes me ill. Burger King too (albeit, not as much)

Pretty much all the Americans I know think McDonalds is disgusting, and they're right. I haven't eaten McDonalds food for about five years since I got food poisoning there. They're burgers are shriveled up pieces of McShit, and I don't even want to think about what the so-called "cooks" put into them on a regular basis. Burger King is definitely better, although I find it smarter just to stay away from fast food. In fact, after reading this thread I don't feel like eating much of anything :-P

Which do you guys think is more evil? McDonalds or Microsoft?

[ November 23, 2002: Message edited by: Macman: Mac Commando ]


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McFucking McAmericans
« Reply #23 on: 23 November 2002, 13:06 »
Originally posted by Macman: Mac Commando:
What can you do?

I play the guitar!


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McFucking McAmericans
« Reply #24 on: 23 November 2002, 13:14 »
Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
Hey, I don't think any of us said "fuck America." We just hate McCloggedarteries, that's all. And to me it's one of the most disgusting things about America, the fact that it is so full of obese lard-bellies (and I really mean it too, over 30% of Americans are obese. Yuck!) who eat their McCrappers all the time. And the person who thought up the idea of hooking kids on unhealthy greasy food at an early age with a "happy meal" that comes with a toy was a marketing genius, a sadistic, immoral asshole but still a genius. Now I don't mind a lot of "fast food" in fact I eat at Wendy's and other places on a regular basis, but McDonalds fucking makes me ill. Burger King too (albeit, not as much)

you're right, no one said it. it is just the general feeling i get from most of the people on this forum. And, yes, mcdonalds is fucking disgusting, as is taco bell, burger king, etc... shit, i think the percentage of obese americans is even higher than %30, i couldnt find the article though (i think it was in newsweek). I do eat some fast food, but i have been leaning more towards "real" food. even places like dennys are no good. the whole menu is deep fried and greasy. (i cant really talk shit though, i cant count the nights i spent there drinking coffee till like 8am   :eek:  after a good party). Yeah, i would say that most americans eat like shit. i dont eat nearly as well as i should, but i also cant cook worth a shit, and eating out every night gets expensive (especially if you avoid places like dennys or carrows).


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McFucking McAmericans
« Reply #25 on: 23 November 2002, 13:22 »
It's Australia, England and Canada's fault for all of the problems in the world today. C'mon, everybody knows that. The only reason you like to keep bashing the US is so Bin Laden doesn't come knocking on your door. Thanks guys.

I just heard someone is suing McDonalds for making their kid fat. That's the dumbest shit I ever heard. Who forced their kid to eat at McDonalds? Give me a fucking break already. People need to learn how to take some responsibility and quit blaming the other guy. You don't want your kid to get fat, feed him lettuce. How fucking hard is that?

I should sue Lazyboy for making me lazy. I should sue Bill Gates for making me dumber. I should sue Al Gore and Tom Daschel for pissing me off. I should sue my mom for giving me brown eyes when I wanted blue. I should sue Ben and Jerry for giving me a headache. Hmmm, maybe we should make a list of people to sue for stupid reasons. Something's bound to pay off.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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McFucking McAmericans
« Reply #26 on: 23 November 2002, 13:28 »
whats the bet that person is from america...

in austrlia, or any other country for that matter, except the US seem to just sue for no apparent reason. I dont really know when the whole sueing thing took off but all u ever hear is some dood from america is sueing some other guy for some utter bullshit. I dont mean to bash the yanks or whatever but SOME of them seem to think sueing is a great way to make a buck.


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McFucking McAmericans
« Reply #27 on: 23 November 2002, 13:33 »
Yeah, there needs to be more rational frivolous lawsuit filters put in place. Problem is, who's to say what is frivolous? Most everything that has an up side also has a down side. Seems like people like to take advantage of the down side too often lately. Quite a waste, unless you are an attorney (of which I have a couple in the family so I can't talk bad about them, wait, yes I can).  

[ November 23, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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McFucking McAmericans
« Reply #28 on: 23 November 2002, 13:48 »
True. And say uve got the line drawn somewhere theres going to be some judge somewhere who breaks it and sets the precedent and the line goes down. Eventually you will just get a cycle. Or is that a downward spiral?


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McFucking McAmericans
« Reply #29 on: 23 November 2002, 20:40 »
I just heard someone is suing McDonalds for making their kid fat. That's the dumbest shit I ever heard. Who forced their kid to eat at McDonalds?  

It's about the same as suing the tobacco companies for giving you lung cancer in my opinion.  Go ahead, sue McDildo's.  I want them to go out of business    ;)   Replace all fast food restaurants with Sushi bars    :D

[ November 23, 2002: Message edited by: Linux User #5225982375 ]