Author Topic: Microsoft opens up Windows Media standard  (Read 765 times)


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Microsoft opens up Windows Media standard
« on: 9 September 2003, 18:19 »

Too more people will use this format and M$ will once again become a bigger monopoly in multimedia. Why can't people just use the MPEG standard??


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Microsoft opens up Windows Media standard
« Reply #1 on: 9 September 2003, 21:10 »
This is a good thing, now support for this standard can be put into Free products.  People are still going to use Microsoft tech anyway, so I may as well be able to use it.  And of course if MPEG4 is as open and superior then smart people will use that.

I'm pleased that Microsoft is opening one of their standards - if only a certain company would do the same about its movie format and its crappy nagware player instead of trying the old Windows "format war" tactic.
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that