Author Topic: AOL mocks French.  (Read 1852 times)


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AOL mocks French.
« on: 31 July 2003, 21:16 »
Those fucking scum.

They just throw this with other jokes, as if it's fun to laugh at the expense of a whole people. Disgusting.

Even when the American government is being criticised for the war. I wouldn't be surprised if Netscape/AOL was in bed with the government, spreading propaganda against others.

Unbelievable. I swear, Time Warner controls people's minds with that drivel. No wonder Americans are looked down upon, if people from other countries see what they have for entertainment.

I never had hard feelings against AOL before, and I always knew that AOL crap was for the total braindead (or possibly the very cause of that stupidity), but this makes me sick. I have no words to describe such a display of bigotry.

I am finished ranting now.


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AOL mocks French.
« Reply #1 on: 31 July 2003, 10:23 »

[ July 31, 2003: Message edited by: suselinux ]


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AOL mocks French.
« Reply #2 on: 31 July 2003, 10:26 »
I don't know how many of the American MES members in here agree with the AOL attitude ( and that attitude expands far past the French)

I will wait for some answers before I start my rant.


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AOL mocks French.
« Reply #3 on: 31 July 2003, 10:45 »
By the way, I'm not criticising Americans here. I'm pointing out at how drivel spewed by AOL/CNN/ and MSN give a bad name to Americans, in addition to turning poor average citizens worldwide into vegetables.

[ July 31, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]


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AOL mocks French.
« Reply #4 on: 31 July 2003, 10:54 »
Originally posted by Laukev7:

By the way, I'm not criticising Americans here. I'm pointing out at how drivel spewed by AOL/CNN/ and MSN give a bad name to Americans, in addition to turning poor average citizens worldwide into vegetables.

That's kind of why Im asking, I want to know what other people think, what some Americans think.

If they all, already agree with me there's no point in tellen' 'em again.


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AOL mocks French.
« Reply #5 on: 31 July 2003, 15:54 »
What I find very disturbing is that someone somewhere at AOL/CNN/ seems to have lost all sense of morality in general! Under the quotes section we have:

French President Jacques Chirac: "As far as I'm concerned, war always means failure."

Eermm... I thought that was infact right, or am I just a wrong, lefty, hippie, liberal?

I really don't want to start a flame war here, that's not my intention. Also it's very easy to make broad sweeping generalisations, that are never wholly right but very hard to avoid. However I think that this attidute does reflect an opinion in the states, however I've seen alot of critisism of the goverment and perhaps of the morals of American from Americans recently. It takes all sorts, no? Don't forget that we Brits have been very guilty of bashing the French in the past, just as the French seem to relish bashing us from time to time. Injuries all round then?

The question is this attidute in the majority or minority? Personally I'd say it's in the majority. Pitty.

[ July 31, 2003: Message edited by: Zardoz ]

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AOL mocks French.
« Reply #6 on: 31 July 2003, 16:01 »
Well, you have to admit, the French do suck ass...


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AOL mocks French.
« Reply #7 on: 31 July 2003, 16:17 »
Originally posted by Macman:
Well, you have to admit, the French do suck ass...

Why? Prove it!

What more or less than Yanks, Canadians, Brits, Australians, Iraquis....What?
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AOL mocks French.
« Reply #8 on: 31 July 2003, 17:04 »
I'm just kidding. But it is kind of funny how the French have gotten their asses kicked in every single war they've been in. Besides, I'm not sure they're too fond of us either.


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AOL mocks French.
« Reply #9 on: 31 July 2003, 17:05 »
Originally posted by Macman:
I'm just kidding. But it is kind of funny how the French have gotten their asses kicked in every single war they've been in. Besides, I'm not sure they're too fond of us either.

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AOL mocks French.
« Reply #10 on: 31 July 2003, 19:23 »
Hundred years war:French eventually repel British invaders.

Napoleonic Wars:Yeah the french certainly lost here.   :rolleyes:   Only manage to control almost all of Europe for quite a long time.

Boer War: America plays no part in.

WW1: America plays very little part in - but does take advantage of the situation by selling the French and British munition at massively inflated prices.  French provide strong resistance throughout the entire war.

WW2: America plays an extensive role in the pacific naval theatre - but does not much else in other theatres.  By the way many people (myself included) are disgusted at Hollywood movies that try and give American soldiers credit for British / French achievements.  Take U571 - historically accurate depiction of a crucial achievement for the allies - except for one thing - all british troops are replaced by Americans.  This history revisionism is akin to David Irvings holocaust denial.  French soldiers, despite their country being over run and at massive personal risk provide resistance efforts through the entire war, undermining German advancements.

War on drugs:Has failed miserably for the past how many years?

Cold war:Americans do dick all.

Vietnam War:Americans get hammered, leave country.  French have the intelligence to leave *before* the major fighting starts.

Korean War:American efforts result in a united Korea free of communism leading to Korea being a massive leader in stopping nuclear proliferation.

Somalia:Americans leave after less than 10 casualties suffered - despite earlier claims to being in for the long haul.

Kosovo:Through fear of taking casualties Americans use the "bomb from safety" tactic and end up completely destroying one civilian train and numerous (occupied) hospitals.

Gulf War:Americans sell arms to both Iraq _and_ Iran in order to capitalise on peoples suffering.

Persian Gulf War part 1:Americans save a *non*democratic* country from Iraq.  Despite promising to support any Kurdish uprisings Americans do nothing and thousands of Kurds die in failed uprisings.  Retreating Iraqi soldiers are carpet bombed.  Iraq bombed on a daily basis by NATO planes, food and medical supplies *banned* from entering the country to enforce a food for oil campaign.

Afghanistan:America bombs shit out of third world country to get one man.  They fail, and hastily revise their objects from "get bin laden" to "get Taliban."

Persian Gulf War part 2:Still in progress.

Maybe you're just mistaking intelligence and morals for cowardice?  Like most Americans "my country can beat your country in a war" is seen to you as the one defining factor in a countries worth.  Some of us enjoy living in a country which does not have the highest rate of gun related deaths per capita in the world, and which does not have the highest rate of imprisonment per capita.  You have a higher percentage of your population in prison than China or Russia for gods sake.

Just because France doesn't cowardly launch cruise missiles from afar at third world countries doesn't mean that they are a worse country.
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AOL mocks French.
« Reply #11 on: 31 July 2003, 20:02 »
Wow. fuck aol.
By the way, I'm not criticising Americans here. I'm pointing out at how drivel spewed by AOL/CNN/ and MSN give a bad name to Americans, in addition to turning poor average citizens worldwide into vegetables.

I would criticize them. and i live in america. born & raised. i am disgusted by our media. In fact, it looks like im not the only one. I have a subscription to Newsweek (mostly for anna quindlins column) and she feels that american media is a crock of shit. she doesn't exactly say it that way, she puts it more elequantly and wrote a page about it. american media is watered down for one. and def a little too "cowboy" for me. everytime i actually sit down to watch tv, which isnt often, i am blasted in the face with alot of "fuck everyone else, we are america damn it" news broadcasts. that and reality tv shows that are far from real. I do not think that many of the members here feel the way aol does, but i do think it reflects the head of most americans. Its not that we "hate" the french, its just that we are spoon fed what "they" want us to watch and know. Because bush said fuck the french, you have like a few million people saying the same thing. they cannot think for themselves. They say we live in a land of freedom and oportunity, but really, it is an illusion. We have no choice, or a voice.

fuck. look at the spectacle with the dead hussain bros. We NEVER show that sort of thing on national tv. Never. i can remember a lot of controversy even during the beginnings of the front "operation iraqi freedom". the public wanted to know what was going on, we wanted to see for ourselves to brutality. The gov says no, its not for tv. its not for the general public to see. Then they blast pics of mutilated bodies that were the hussain bros on national tv. WTF? Our media is a vehicle for the gov to feed us garbage. nothing more. we get shitty news, and even worse programming. I fucking hate tv.


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AOL mocks French.
« Reply #12 on: 31 July 2003, 21:52 »
I really hate aol.


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AOL mocks French.
« Reply #13 on: 31 July 2003, 22:06 »
I never hated AOL before, although I knew it was consumer crap like MSN. Seeing the way they control  the public with their media monopoly (ie. crappy movies, CNN, cartoons) now I have good a reson to hate them as much as Microsoft. But I would like to know: why do so many others hate AOL so much?

[ July 31, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]


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AOL mocks French.
« Reply #14 on: 31 July 2003, 22:31 »
Making stupid jokes about what is perceived as the American public's attitude toward the French is indicative of why AOL sucks.  Basically, what they do is provide an abstraction of the internet: they make the internet somehow easy and accessible to the lazy.  Typing '' into the address bar of MSIE is apparently too hard for some people, so they use AOL as a mediator.  What I am telling you is that AOL is for people who want to make use of the internet experience but do not want to learn anything or use their heads.

Ucoincidentally, making jokes about the French being pussies is also an activity for people who do not want to learn anything or use their heads.  AOL of course knows this and caters to it, making their product even more unattractive to the educated.  Anyone who sits down and really thinks about international politics will realize that the French haven't done anything wrong.  And anyone who tries out Mozilla for a few minutes will realize that AOL has been treating them like children.

That's this American's perspective anyway.  I order French Fries at restaurants in a loud and clear voice.  God bless the Dixie Chicks.