Author Topic: Look what I almost stepped in..  (Read 654 times)


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Look what I almost stepped in..
« on: 6 October 2002, 10:01 »
This has got to be one of the most vile pile of crap that has ever been posted on the net.

load of crap rant

found it while searching for "microsoft hater"
*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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Look what I almost stepped in..
« Reply #1 on: 6 October 2002, 10:53 »
Damn, I got through about 42 pages and still wasn't to the end so I just gave up. I realized after the first sentence or two that he was a moron.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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Look what I almost stepped in..
« Reply #2 on: 6 October 2002, 12:36 »
What a cockgobbler.

Back before I saw the light of the Mac Way... when I was a brainwashed MS drone... I still respected UNIX as the King of all OSes.

I made the mistake of reading his lip-flapping about Mac OS X... and now my brain hurts. UNIX utterly disgusts him, but he now loves OS X because it doesn't crash.

Hate to break it to you, dickweed, but it's because of "stupid old UNIX" that the damned thing doesn't crash.
Go the fuck ~


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Look what I almost stepped in..
« Reply #3 on: 6 October 2002, 12:45 »
What a fucker,

it's X for UNIX, and it's not stupid, you are!

Ahhh, that felt good  :D


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Look what I almost stepped in..
« Reply #4 on: 8 October 2002, 21:15 »
He believes that MS outshines *nix as a server, which has been proven wrong time and time again. Also the old *nix gui did leave much to be desired. Never once does he mention which version of unix he was using. Linux might not be on the same levels for ease of use as MacOS, or Windows, but it has equal functionality, features, and beautiful appearance. This combined with the fact that it is fast, secure, and stable. Linux distros are free too, which is more than I can say for his $400 copy of Windows NT. The new MacOS even sits on a unix base. He mentioned how he believed that integrating a web browser into an operating system was genius. First of all I cant see how a web browser could have to be integrated into the operating system. That is the single most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Let me guess whats next, Windows Media Player will be integrated into the kernel, or Outlook, Frontpage, and maybe solitare. He believes unix users are the dumbest of all computer users. Funny how his site is on a Red Hat linux webserver.
Kansas City Hustle


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Look what I almost stepped in..
« Reply #5 on: 8 October 2002, 21:35 »
I wouldn't go so far as to say *NIX has bad graphics either. Has anyone used Motif and the proprietary accelerated X server on a double frame buffered graphics card on an IBM RS/6000 graphics machine? And even better, how about SGI graphics workstations?  I personally have never seen the clean and crisp graphics on any PC running Windows that those machines were capable of. Even the ones from 5 to 10 years ago.

On the other hand many of the largest UNIX servers I have worked on didn't even have a graphics card in them. Only an ASCII console attached. So I guess if you compare to one of those then the guy would have a point.

I mean look at these babies:

The cards we used were around $4,000 each.

[ October 08, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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Look what I almost stepped in..
« Reply #6 on: 8 October 2002, 10:33 »
oh yeah... I love the "integrated" thing... now that I think about it though... IE isn't really integrated into anything but the shell.

It's not a core OS component (the kernel doesn't rely on it), it's not a kernel module, it doesn't even provide an API. It's just an application. Integration goes as far as... Windows 98 included the files that IE4 installed as the "Windows Shell Update" in Win95.

If you tear out a grand total of... four files... then you've got the 95 shell back.


I forgot the extension of the last one. But if you replace them with the same files from 95... then 98 will run in 8MB of RAM, much more quickly, and much more reliably.

Same works for 98SE and Windows Me. Great for people who run it in an emulator like VPC, or even in VMWare on a PC... or anybody that has to run it at all.

Might I mention that I figured out how to do that when using 95 with the IE4 shell? When I installed 98, I did it right off the bat.

But I ditched it and went back to 95 'cos it sucked ass anyway. Then I tossed my PC and said fuck it all!
Go the fuck ~


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Look what I almost stepped in..
« Reply #7 on: 8 October 2002, 11:04 »
Of MS hatred there are two aspects: those who think MS products are
utterly incompetent, and those who think MS business practice are the
most evil.

i offer my third option:
those who think MS products are
utterly incompetent and that MS business practiceSSSSS are the
most evil.


i say unto thee:

his viewpoints, while myopic, are not ramblings of an idiot.  he is misguided, miseducated, and wouldn't know stability if i kicked it down his throat.

he has a large vocabulary and powerful skills in debate and topic structure--something that cannot be said for our favorite 12-year-old ms-loving trolls.

the "relevant" article that he linked at the end is actually pretty pathetic in comparison to the actual letter.


the usual me:

what a fucking poindexter fucktard.  i hope he enjoys the taste of the shit he spews, because the smell is quite intolerable.  if his momma pulls her dick out of his ass long enough for him to SEE THE LIGHT maybe he will realize that he has squandered his life, and that he really wants to study the mating habits of gorillas "up close and personal" if ya get muh drift.

just that you do not take an interest in politics does not mean that politics will not take an interest in you.  -pericles 430 b.c.