Author Topic: being "professional" (long rant about corps vs employees as individuals)  (Read 1527 times)


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This has always pissed me off. Call me a bohemian, rebel, or whatever, but it does.

The idea that there is a "professional look".

It seems to have become more pronounced in recent years as casual dress becomes more and more casual. It wasn't as big a deal 50 years ago when people wore suits all the time.

Take, for example... people that work in an office building. Who's going to see them, aside from the boss? So how is requiring cubicle dwellers to wear suit and tie "improving company image"?

It seems to me that it's more along the lines that the corporate world is just that out of touch with the real world. In their little dreamworld, everybody is like them, should be like them, and will be like them.

But nobody seems to see or care. And it might not seem like a big thing, but it's just another example of breeding sameness, "team" (herd) mentality, and mediocrity. The idea that when you're "on company time" that somehow you become part of a collective and no longer have an identity or individuality.

Now, here's an interesting question for you... my friend is an aspiring model. Let's say she makes it, and is able to make a living off of this occupation. Define "professional looking" for a model. Lingerie, swimsuits... a pretty smile and strategically placed shadows?

Also... the concept of "company time". Last time I checked... they were the ones that NEEDED YOU FOR THEIR EXISTANCE. That without you, the front-line worker, they'd crumble. They announce that they are hiring, they ASK YOU TO COME. You come, and then the roles change. It's not you coming to them so that they may survive, it's them compelling you to come because they now somehow own you, and that all that time you have with family and friends and for yourself... you're lucky to have it, so don't complain about getting too little time off, and don't let me hear you complain about not getting paid enough, you're lucky the CEO lets you have that, because it's making him wait another day or two to get a new Lexus... and you! Who the hell do you think you are wearing a turtleneck rather than a white shirt and black tie? We're the company, and we need you to work for us, otherwise we'll collapse, because we corporate types are above doing your job, and even if we weren't... we don't have a clue how to do it anyway, we just come up with halfwit ideas about how you should do what you already know how to do better, but it doesn't matter, even though we need you, we're the company and own you because all that stuff when you're not on the clock means nothing to us, and when you're on "our time" it doesn't mean anything to you, we're the only thing in existance, so forget your former life and former identity, you're now an employee, a white-collar worker and you don't have a union, because the CEO would have to pay you more and actually consider your opinions and think of you as a large group of human beings rather than just numbers on a payroll report, so get back to work, what are you all standing around listening to me for? You should have been pushing those papers WHILE I WAS TALKING! I'll send out a memo sometime next week and put it near the trash can in the executive break room that you can't go in because you're only the most important layer of the company, and not an executive who's descended from Zeus or someone like that. Oh, we're cutting everybody's pay because we didn't make our projected 500% increase in profits over last year. It has to be your fault, because God knows, the way you sit down here and do mundane tasks has everything to do with our profits! Profits not people! That's what's important! If people were important, we'd trade them on the stock market! But since we don't, profits are what matters! Profits for us, not you! What? you think you're entitled to getting something back from us when you actually do something to help us? No! If you did something like that, it's only because of our great leadership! We've trained you well. But if you mess up, it's your fault, and don't you forget it...............

Die corporate america.... DIE. shove your profits up your filthy assholes and get a clue. without "employees" you're just a bunch of clueless bastards with no purpose on this planet other than to SUCK IT

::breathes heavily, almost hyperventilating:: I'm...... okay.......
Go the fuck ~


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Wow! Calm down man! I don't want you to have a seizure or anything.   :D  

Your post says it all, so I don't have anything to add to that but I can see you're were a bit stressed out when you wrote it. Anyway, don't get upset! This kind of shit comes with the free market concept, so there's really nothing that you or I can do about it. I mean I'd love to be able to change the whole world and make it more human-oriented but I can't so I'll just stay romantic.  


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Don't get this the wrong way or anything, but at first glance you seem insane.

But hey, you're right, and I can't blame you. There are numerous things that are so insane, but are percieved as normal, so sane men and women just look insane when talking about them. This is just one of them.

The more I live in this world, the more I detest the stuff that happens in it. Luckily for me, it is somewhat balanced by friends who don't play along, a will to battle it all and an awe of the natural world. Otherwise I'd long be insane myself.
GS/CS d- s-: a--- C++ UL+ P+ L++>+++ E W++ N>+ o K- w-- O- M V? PS+>++ PE- Y+ PGP t+ 5+ X R tv+ b+++ DI+ D+ G++ e>++++ h! r- y
A quantummechanical wavefunction describing an unknown amount of bottles of beer on the wall
A quantummechanical wavefunction describing an unknown amount of bottles of beer on the wall
We take a measurement, the wavefunction will collapse, and one of the bottles of beer will fall


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What happened man and got you so upset?

 BTW i am with you on everything that you said.


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well, first thing that got me pissed off is that I was turned down for a job because the clothes I wore to the interview didn't "look professional enough".

then, the thing that just threw it over the top was in a thread talking about Windows Longhorn, someone said it "looked more professional" (not knockin' whoever said that... it's just the statement pushed me over the top)

As for being insane... I have been, but we're much better now   :D  

Another thing that pisses me off his how the "corporate culture" is pushing itself into places it should not exist. One such area is education. My college has a Board of Regents, and a Board of Directors. The school distric I graduated from now has a Chief Financial Officer and CIO instead of having a Superintendent of Finance and an IT Director that they used to have. The new positions do the same job... but they're not directly in the chain of command. They're off to the side. A teacher cannot communicate with the office of the CFO without first going through the Superintendent's Office.

Now someone explain to me why some CEO in the 1960s said that without corporate leaders, we'd crumble...
Go the fuck ~

Doctor V

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Your right!  The Jimmy James / Bob deserves 6 stars.  But the sad thing is, even though the corporations need the workers, with out social system, the workers need the corporations as well.  Without the workers, the co. would collapse, but without the money from the company, the workers would starve.  The corporate executives have enough money that if the company were to collapse they could still continue to live a happy life with their savings.  All they need to company for is for even more luxury, even more things that they don't really need, but want for status.  Note that in USA, and most of the western world money = status.  So unions and strikes can help ease the suffering of the workers, it really does very little.

My theory:  as technology advances, capitalism becomes less, and socalism becomes more suited for society.  Here's why: With advanced technology, more work that could otherwise be done by people can be done by machines.  This reduces the amount of work that needs to be done by humans in a society.  Things that people need and want can be created more efficiently.  This *should* give people more time to spend for themselves, doing what they want instead of working, and should make the things they want easier to obtain, make people both happier and more free.  Under capitalism, this is prevented.  In order to obtain that which one desires or is necessary to survive, one must have money, and money is controlled by a few elite.  Those elite wish to keep as much of that money as possible, and give as little as possible to the general poeple.  They attempt to as much as possible keep people from obtaining what they want or need without giving up their money to them.  A good example would be a CD.  With modern technology, they can be created by only a few people for a very small price.  It would be entirely possible to sell CDs for less than 50 cents and still maintain profitability.  Yet the business owners will not have it, they will do everything in their power to keep the cost as high as possible.  They also do whatever they can to stop people from hearing music WITHOUT USING THEIR COMPANYS BUSINESS.  Food and clothing are also kept at a very high price to ensure that the company controls it.  Everything is kept at a much higher price than is necessary.  Today most work done is probably unnecessary.  It is often breauracratic in nature or service oriented.  Or even as a result of a whimsical decision made by unqualified management.  When the economy slows, why is it that people lose jobs instead of letting people keep their jobs, and just reducing the working day?  Company Profits!  Why is less work seen in society as a terrible thing instead of a chance for people to do what they want?  Since that which needs to be produced is getting easier and easier, why isn't it getting any easier for the people to have?  In fact, if a way is for people to get what they want is deemed too easy by business, the companys try to shut it down!  In todays society it would be entirely possible for the working day to be cut almost in half, and to make it much easier for people to obtain what they want and need.  Corporate power alone is what is preventing people from taking more control of their own time and having more of what they want.  Were corporate power reduced, and more of that power given to the people *Socalism*, the world would be a better place.  Today we are not nearly ready for the communist utopian dreams of some, that would require star trek like technology.  But it is long past time for a major step in this direction.




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Yes we do need a revolution, Corprate USA/Canada is not the problem. Its everyhting Corprate! What i really think is that we actually need to organise a riot in the center of new york! We need to go on a fucking rampage!



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Originally posted by Doctor V:
Were corporate power reduced, and more of that power given to the people *Socalism*, the world would be a better place.

*shhh* don't mention the evil 'S' word; the americans don't like it.

That's right what you say about technology making socialism more achievable; in fact free software is an example of the perfect application of left-wing philosophy to an end that is practically useful to everyone.
"While envisaging the destruction of imperialism, it is necessary to identify its head, which is none other than the United States of America." - Ernesto Che Guevara


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flap: *shhh* don't mention the evil 'S' word; the americans don't like it.

Socialism, anarchism  :D

But anyway, why? The United States got a socialist party too...


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go socialism. capitalism is teh sux0r
Go the fuck ~


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Originally posted by Refalm:

Socialism, anarchism   :D  

But anyway, why? The United States got a socialist party too...

Yes buy 98% of US Citizens have there head in a far place up there ass! So its no use!


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Originally posted by X to da 1 to da 1 / b0b 2.1:

Yes buy 98% of US Citizens have there head in a far place up there ass! So its no use!

I think that Australians have a skewed perspective on Americans.  It might be your convict heritage (how's it feel?).  I was born and brought up in the immediate area of the first pure Communist society in history (it pre-dated Marx and Engels).  The Oneida Community was a religious society that held all property in common; they also had no real marriages, nor were children raised by their biological parents.  They even dabbled in Human breeding experiments, with some pretty bad results (they didn't know about recessive/dominant genes).  The actual community no longer exists, but perhaps you may have heard of Oneida Community Limited, the biggest manufacturer of tableware in the world.
There were a large number of Socialist/Communist experiments in the United States.  It's too bad that none of them were succesful, it might have changed the way Americans are perceved by the rest of the world.
I'm SERIOUS about Linux; are you??

Doctor V

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The movement has already started.  Leftists are coming to power all over the world.  In Europe, Socalist thinking is already tolerated.  The EU considers the people important, instead of focusing 100% on business and leaving the needs of the people in businesses hands.  South America will be the next point of leftist uprisings.  Other than Castro (who is a bit too radical IMO) in Cuba, we have seen Hugo Chaves come to power in Venesuela.  Soon, former union leader "Lula" will take power in Brazil, and from there, South American Countries will liberate themselves one by one.  The South American liberation will rise up and probably stop at Mexico.  From there, India, and much of Southeast Asia will rise, and along with a moderate Europe, a good chunk of the world will be free of USAs grasp.

Originally posted by X to da 1 to da 1 / b0b 2.1:

Yes buy 98% of US Citizens have there head in a far place up there ass! So its no use!

This is true, I left USA 3 years ago, and because of this fact will probably never go back.


And why does everyone have numbers in their names now?


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 Originally posted by Doctor V
And why does everyone have numbers in their names now?
we have all "upgraded" or something. hopefully now the members of the forum will have less bugs and crashes, or at least show-off a new feature that will revolutionize Humanity-1.5a. the good thing is, if we dont like it, we can change them    (provided everyone here is released under the gpl and are not naxis like m$)
anyways, ill stop now since im bored (does it show?)  and this post has nothing to do with the topic..



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Originally posted by flap:

*shhh* don't mention the evil 'S' word; the americans don't like it.

That's right what you say about technology making socialism more achievable; in fact free software is an example of the perfect application of left-wing philosophy to an end that is practically useful to everyone.

I'm an American, and I don't have any problem with Socialism. Aren't we technically Socialist now? The votes of the people really don't matter, and the gov't controls parts of the economy.

So there.