so, for the last 4 months ot so, my friends and i have been drinking alot of absinthe (la fee), and have only found one place that sells to the us. they do sell some stuff called Absente, its spanish (i think) at the local liquor stores, but it is not quite the "real" stuff. it is made from the southern wormwood and not "regular" wormwood, so its legal to sell (the thujone content is at FDA requirements). the la fee runs about $92 a bottle, so this is developing into quite an expensive addiction (hehe

). anyways. the only bottle we can get is the la fey. i have been trying to get a bottle of
Hills for a while but have been unsuccessful. okay, now to the favor part of this thread. does anyone living outside the us want to make a deal? and perhaps help us gat a bottle of hills? i will send all the money etc.. and maybe some extra or however we can strike a deal?
anyways. thanks..