here where my honest answers...
Shower, brush your teeth, and shave but ignore speed limits, stop signs and the Geneva convention driving to the office.
Track down the woman and return the purse intact.
Black tie, tails
Creep into the neighboring lane, scaring cautious drivers into giving you a wide berth
Stand up and scream: "He's having an affair with Lumbergh's wife!"
High School
Hearty laughter
Bust out your toolbox, complete with laser-level, chalk-line, square, plumb-bob, and pneumatic brad-nailer, and form a committee on the best approach to fixing it.
"Spends too much time organizing revolts"
Darth Vader
Free champagne!
Bring married friends down to your level by inciting arguments between them and their spouses
Program that does exactly what it should
The classics: Programming in PHP, SQL for Geniuses
If I end up Windows ME someone is going to be hurting.
and i am...
[ January 28, 2003: Message edited by: X11: East sider ]