Author Topic: windows 2000 download without any rights!  (Read 1239 times)


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windows 2000 download without any rights!
« on: 4 June 2002, 06:06 »
in our school, the admin doesn't allow us to download files, and this is in our user account not possible. but word is using standart components -> enter the adress of the file u wan't in the edit field! it works!!

windows sucks!!

tha dude

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« Reply #1 on: 4 June 2002, 06:56 »
Wow, thats really cool that you found your hack.  Gotta take my hat off to you.  Since now you can download, there are a couple of free downloads that I suggest you try: format.exe and mandrake linux 8.1.



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« Reply #2 on: 4 June 2002, 13:52 »
he's not boasting about a hack, he's saying windows is crap because it allows this to happen! so cut him some slack, eh?  ;)

i used to have a similar thing at an internet cafe i frequented. They had set it up so you couldn't get into "My Computer" so you couldn't open, for example, the hard drive or the floppy drive. Since i wanted to download stuff to floppies, i had to find a quick solution. The easy workaround is to open up "My Documents" (which is on the startbar...  ;)  and just tye in A: (or C: or whatever i suppose) in the explorer address field.

They obviously set it up to keep people from getting to the system files, but i thought this was fairly obvious to figure out. They could maybe have removed My Documents from the start manu, or set explorer not to display address bars (actually that's bullshit because you could still use iexplore to do the same thing, isn't browser integration great? <sarcasm> ;)  but why should they have to remember all that fiddly crap?
Setting permissions would be the obvious sensible answer for an OS that has keeping its source code secret as its most powerful security feature...
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« Reply #3 on: 6 June 2002, 23:04 »
Windows usually has a temp directory you can write to /systemroot/tmp or try to use another temp or tmp dir if you can this has nothing to do with the OS its just how the admin set up your schools systems.
dbl221***Comp-Sys walking wounded


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« Reply #4 on: 13 June 2002, 22:23 »
Once I was at a REI over here in North Carolina, and they had done that thing where you can't leave the browser.  The address bar had been removed, too, so I was apparently stuck on the REI web site.  Then, though, I started reading the links at the bottoms of the pages, and eventually I found a link to some server company which had a link on their home page to the Microsloth site.  I tried to do a search for yahoo in the search field, but apparently the search only covered the Microsloth web site.  Then I had the bright idea of going to the Microsoft gaming area, where I found a demo download of Microsloth's warcraft-rip.  I did some tests, and found that I could download it on top of any file I wanted to.

Summary: Except for NT (including 2000), Windows doesn't have even a good illusion of security even with third party software installed.
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« Reply #5 on: 14 June 2002, 00:40 »
My school tried to lock the windoze NT(SP6) machines down by disabling access to evrywhere but your home directory space, but all you needed to do was make a shortcut in there to explorer along with the drive you wanted to access... easy
But in fairness to Microsoft it was our network admins fault.
Still i had access to /winnt/ in 10 second flat...
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« Reply #6 on: 14 June 2002, 10:19 »
all you ever have to do is make a dos batch file with whatever text editor they allow you and save it in a directory to which you have access

you can open any file or program if you know the path, even across the network

this can allow you to use the nt "net send" function to tell everyone in the school to fuck off or whatever you want to do, with some dos knowledge

anyway that was what i always did at school

derp i've got mail  i've got mail i've got mail i've got mail i've got mail i've got mail i've got mail yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

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[ June 14, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme ]

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« Reply #7 on: 14 June 2002, 10:31 »
theres a pretty nice novell client expliot that uses the ? mark box, go figure, i forgot it however, it did involve getting the help box to execute explorer
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« Reply #8 on: 20 June 2002, 17:44 »
well at our school we found a way to download files by typing the url like this
^^ or whatever       ^ the question mark makes it work!


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« Reply #9 on: 20 June 2002, 18:19 »
Originally posted by sporkme:
this can allow you to use the nt "net send" function to tell everyone in the school to fuck off or whatever you want to do, with some dos knowledge

at the prompt:
net send <machine name> <message>

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« Reply #10 on: 20 June 2002, 20:24 »
this isnt really that bad or anything. But on my school computers it is 'supposed' to be set up so you cant change anything on the desktop and cant access anything except 2 folders. During my exam i found that I could change the name of Network Neighbourhood and My computer, just by dragging the icon anywhere to get it highlighted(it wouldnt highlight if you just clicked on it). Then clicked on it again and it wasnt right-protected or anything , so i could change the name. Also.. if you unhook my school computers network cable and plug it in a again, all the security settings suddenly get turned off  
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« Reply #11 on: 20 June 2002, 20:25 »
I might try to make a shortcut to, put it on disk and see what I can do on the computers.
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« Reply #12 on: 21 June 2002, 05:14 »
AT my school they use Win98 and i just write batch scripts to winpopup and other shit!


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« Reply #13 on: 26 June 2002, 08:38 »
at my school they don't really ban anthing other than a bunch of sites......they use the proxy parental control called sucks's easy to bypass....but what really sucks is that they banned all the anoymizer sites i like i just went and got my copy of opera i had at home and loaded it up....set it up on my system in class and i could do whatever i wanted as long as teacher didn't notice i had opera hidin was funny until summer began then i can't fuck with schools systems...i did a few other things to get full access to the systems but i don't want anything to come back and bite me in tha lata

[ June 25, 2002: Message edited by: RedHat SeaWolf ]