Author Topic: M$Growth ?!!  (Read 886 times)


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M$Growth ?!!
« on: 18 July 2003, 20:07 »
I don't understand this. I just read in the LA Times Business section that M$ earning rose 25% !!
Revenue was up 11%. Curiously, their stock price dropped 83 cents on Nasdaq. This totally goes against the grain.
This has to be all smoke and mirrors. I urge you all to discourage everyone you know not to buy an M$ product !!
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M$Growth ?!!
« Reply #1 on: 18 July 2003, 20:14 »
Originally posted by HibbeeBoy:
I don't understand this. I just read in the LA Times Business section that M$ earning rose 25% !!
Revenue was up 11%. Curiously, their stock price dropped 83 cents on Nasdaq. This totally goes against the grain.
This has to be all smoke and mirrors. I urge you all to discourage everyone you know not to buy an M$ product !!

Well when our whole economie(s) are built on "false" senses!!! Apple also posted similar growth, although not the multi million dollar Ill gained profits.

What we need is a real Boycot M$ campain, based of the real reasons why people should stay away from them.
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