Question is, will MS suddenly start making Wind0ze far more secure?
There's so much kludgy code in there already that "suddenly" making it secure will not be possible. They have made some progress in this area lately, however, this hasn't been the first security breech of the Passport system. They
still have one helluva long road ahead of them to make Winderz as secure as Linux.
So not only have they been warned, but they are being charged with screwing over 200 million users!!! Ok even if they weasel out, MS is up against some big odds here, something's gotta happen.
Ok but I'm worried about this "reasonable safeguards" thing. This could be their weasel area.
You can be sure that His Gatesness' legal eagles will play up the "reasonable safeguards" thing for all it's worth. There will for sure be bad publicity over this. And it could very well take considerable luster off the whole .NET (or whatever the hell they're calling it this week) scam... er... scheme. OTOH, I could see this as being a springboard into Palladium (or whatever the hell they're calling it this week). They may very well use this as an excuse to get laws passed that mandate "Fritz chips" and the rest of it that locks out all non-M$ apps. :mad: Let's hope to hell that doesn't happen.
Of course, judging from their performance in court during the anti-trust trial, there's an even better possibility that they'll pull some more bone-headed stunts in court and
really piss off the judge. As an extra bonus, we may get to see Steve "Monkey-Boy" Ballmer saying more foolish things.
Live Free or Die: Linux
"There: now you'll never have to look at those dirty Windows anymore"
--Daffy Duck