Author Topic: Monopoly, not a board game  (Read 1142 times)


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Monopoly, not a board game
« on: 18 December 2001, 00:53 »

Good words but is it too late?  Microsoft owns the DOJ.  :(
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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Monopoly, not a board game
« Reply #1 on: 21 December 2001, 21:16 »

Biologists know that an unbalanced ecosystem, one dominated by a single species, is more vulnerable to collapse. I think we're seeing this today. Unchecked under the Consent Decree, it will continue and probably get worse. But it is not too late. Alternatives are still available. Action can still be taken. I call on you..............

"I call on you?" The DOJ? Who made Mycrowsauce rich in the first place? WE DID!!! We bought it, hook, line and sinker. The only way to end Win dominance is to stop giving freely to M$. It has already begun.

Win products are overcomplex and prone to failure. The support base is not present. Let me offer one example. Recently here in Hamilton, Ontario, there was an interuption in pppoe service with my ISP. Strange thing was, it did not affect my Linux boxes. In fact, there are so few Linux users with my ISP, that they were in constant contact with me during the down time. I hope I was of some service to them in resolving the issue.

We must simply boycott M$ products, seek alternatives and assist the newbies.

XP and M$ in general, will prove itself a failure. Visit, Steve Gibson has done extensive security work and has warned Mycrowsauce repeatedly about releasing raw sockets to ordinary users. Let's be patient and humbly recline as the cookie crumbles.


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Monopoly, not a board game
« Reply #2 on: 20 January 2002, 21:15 »
doj are open to bribes like anyone else..afterall they are lawyers right?

what burns me is the arrogance of MS. I am testing out XP and it is so full of big brother features (i won't even start on activation). you need to be very comfortable with the registry and how to edit files like sysoc.inf to start to undo all the crap the've put in to monitor and spy. load zonealarm and you'll be shocked at how many times MS phones home.

the irony is that they were first accused of integrating the browser into the OS. now they have  not only integrated the browser but also messaging (try to remove messenger - i mean the average user doesn't know how to tweak), movie making, zipping, multimedia, firewall...everything you need to put the competition out of business...


[ January 20, 2002: Message edited by: FuckMSTillTheyDie ]


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Monopoly, not a board game
« Reply #3 on: 20 January 2002, 21:41 »

Word to that...yo.
my name is matt