All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
MS Gamer Bashing
doublefresh, i sometimes see this happen, it is quite predictable. here goes:
1) 133t gamer, warez d00d posts here about how he agrees with us all and would only use h4xx0rr3d copies of windows or some claptrap
2) about half a dozen people say 'oh yes, well here's my opinion, and by the way the wool has been pulled over your eyes, here's why'
3) aforementioned 133t gam3r d00d gets really pissed off and posts a bunch of posts about how he was really nice to us and all we did was insult him et c, which is always a bunch of lies. This 'bashing' you claim to have received is ENTIRELY in your mind. it is totally the result of your personal insecurities. Just because you suck up in your first post, do not assume this gives you the right to receive only touchy feely posts in future.
conclusion) sadly, most of these people quickly fuck off, presumably without ever thinking for themselves in the process. thinking for yourself is difficult if you are not used to doing it, however it will do you well in the long run. Again, sadly most of the world's population do not agree with me.
Welcome to the forums, lets hope you get over it because people here do not hold grudges and you will be welcomed as soon as you can take it as well as dish it out.
quote:Originally posted by RudeCat8.0:
VOID: I don't think anyone here has paid for windows since '95...LOL!!!
Not even Zombie9920....LOL!!!
*meow !---I want chicken, I want liver...
[ November 10, 2002: Message edited by: Black & White Cat ]
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I'm not even going to get into this argument with you again. It is pointless.
quote: Originally posted by doublefresh
Holy Sh1T,
I tell you I agree with most of what you say but then I myself get bashed by you for not agreeing that computer users should not play games!
Blow me sideways! Your attitude is why Unix/Linux will never be anything more than a toy for computer Geeks. Your average user does not have the time or patience to learn anything more than click and point. XP is the easiest thing to install on the planet and it makes networking pretty friggin easy as well. I know most of you enjoy feeling elite and pompus being able to install red hat or free bsd on your P166 and coding your own "when to wipe your a$$" schedule but the other 99% of the population just wants something easy to use.
I came here agreeing with everything you had to say other than your attitude towards gamers but I leave thinking you are all just a bunch of assholes!
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Most of the people in the Linux community do have piss poor attitudes. Thier minds are so dilluted by Open Source software that they actually think they are better than anyone who doesn't use the Open Source copycat, wannabe knockoff of propriarity software crap. As I've already said in the past...anyone who judges a person by the software they use is truly a geeky nerd. ;P
quote: Originally posted by fett101 [QB]
All the gamers I know use thier machines for a variety of things. Watching Music and Videos, browsing the internet, typing up work. CD Burning. Communication. What do you do on your box?
And thus, MS rules the majority of PCs.
Quite a statement for such a broad group of people. [QB]
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1. I use my computer for productivity(work), communication, for downloading music&burning music CD's, to download movies&Music videos to watch and burn to VCD's and I use it for entertainment(gaming). Personally I feel that it is quite stupid to have a computer only for work nowadays considering the technology our computers have is able to do everything. Even the hardest working man on the planet has to take a break from work sometimes. Playing games is a is a great way to free your mind from the stress of work. Given, playing games is a lesiure, not a nessecity...however it is nice to know that your system *CAN* play any game that is out on the market. When it comes to work, Linux doesn't even have most of the popular commonly used business apps(Linux has cheap, knockoffs/rip-offs of popular apps). Calling Linux the ultimate productivity solution is definatley lie. The truth behind Linux is it immitates, it doesn't innovate.
2.That is obvious. I seriously doubt that Linux will ever gain 1/10 of the software market dominance that MS has because of it's shortcomings(it's ugliness, difficulty to use, it's lack of real apps(not knock-offs) and the buggy nature of Open Source software). You know that there are always new versions of the Linux kernel being released because the last kernel had so many bugs and flaws. The bad thing about that is, most drivers and alot of pre-compiled software in an RPM package(RPM = Linux knock off of a Windows Installer) are made for a certain version of the Linux kernel. Keeping up with all of the kernel updates and the stuff that will run on the new kernel can be a pain in the ass. With Windows you can use virtually any Win32 app with any version of Windows. When it comes to drivers, a Win9x driver will work with Windows 95, 98, 98SE, WinME...a Win2K driver will work with XP and in most cases an XP driver will work with Win2K and a Win2K/XP driver will more than likely work with Longhorn. You don't have to hunt for stuff that is made for a certain kernel version number when you use Windows. Linux is really for the geeks who have nothing better to do than sit in front of a damn monitor all day.
3. Linux users tend to feel that anybody who doesn't use what they want people to use is inferior. They should learn that the world does not revolve around them and what they want. Most people(me included) don't give a shit what other people use. If a person wants to use Linux..fine..more power to them. You don't see Windows users sitting around on a forum all day telling people not to use Linux. Linux users on the other hand devote thier lives to telling people not to use Windows. That there should be enough to show that the Linux community consists mainly of geeks who have no real life, no real friends, no girlfriend(s). There is one good thing about the geeks though, they make for great entertainment. ;)
Anyways, I think I've already spent too much time typing up this reply. I need to get outta here cause I have some things to go do. LoL
[ November 12, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
Oh where to start. I'm not even going to get into any details. Talking to Zombie is a waste of breath. Every single point he tried to make is false. Things like RPM being a knockoff of a Winodows installer is laughable. RPM is 10000% more functional than a Windows installer, there is no resemblance. Try recompiling Word with the Windows installer.
You are right about taking a break from work though. But when I do it, I actually do it, that is I get away from the computer, I don't play computer games. I go outside and have fun with things like flying airplanes and riding dirt bikes. Maybe Zombie should get out more often.
quote:Originally posted by void main:
[QB] Every single point he tried to make is false.[QB]
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Quite amazing that that opinions can be proved false.
quote:Originally posted by fett101:
Quite amazing that that opinions can be proved false.
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Maybe the day God was passing out brains you thought he said "rain" and hid inside?
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