Author Topic: Dell with freedos!  (Read 1964 times)


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Dell with freedos!
« Reply #15 on: 30 August 2002, 02:43 »
XP, i will never understand... where did your parents go wrong?  you really believe all of that drivel?

the US is about working together... in your image we would be like crabs in a bucket (woosh! -it goes over his head)

linux is not a political standpoint, a state of being, a philosophical standpoint, or any other of the things it is often fun to profess it to be.

linux is an operating system, no more, no less.

linux looks like more than that in contrast to:

windows has become more than an os.  windows has become a symbol for a much larger and serious underlying problem.  microsoft seeks market domination... rather further domination... and that stifles creativity, inflates prices, eliminates free competition (part of the american dream), and -as we have all seen- degrades quality production.

your mindless support for this abomination leads me to believe that you are just trolling, that you know that palladium-tcpa is wrong, and that you simply get off on making yourself look stupid.

more importantly... if i am wrong about are not communist, socialist, despotist or any other political allignment.  you are a greedy money-glutton at heart; the cold blood in your veins clearly is not human.  you're a reptile, part of the worldwide societal deevolution.  your moral compass has permanently been demagnatized, and your thought processes are all screwed up.

do humanity a favor (choose one):  offer yourself up for scientific experimentation, kill yourself, or go join your worldcom/enron buddies in jail... they will agree with you for sure.  maybe al quiada could use a good mind like yours.

dont have kids

you scum-sucking zombie dog of a whore-monger, suck the shit out of my asshole.

[ August 29, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme / bob ]

just that you do not take an interest in politics does not mean that politics will not take an interest in you.  -pericles 430 b.c.


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Dell with freedos!
« Reply #16 on: 30 August 2002, 02:48 »
XP Luser, do you vote labour?
*Nothing against them, just asking*
Contains scenes of mild peril.


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Dell with freedos!
« Reply #17 on: 31 August 2002, 15:38 »
and you can order dells with freedos today if you talk to some special dude.  i called twice.
just that you do not take an interest in politics does not mean that politics will not take an interest in you.  -pericles 430 b.c.


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Dell with freedos!
« Reply #18 on: 31 August 2002, 23:14 »
I dont know why am replying..maybe cause i dont have anything better to do now.

 XP Microsoft is like Stalinism believe it or not.
 Think about it.
 They give you what THEY want you to give.
 They decide for you what you want.
 They dont give you a say on what you want.
 They treat everybody like criminals spying on them.
 Any form of democracy is eliminated.
 Power is concetrated to few people.

   Linux because of its open source policy can be viewed communism to its pure form (Again dont confuse Communism with Stalinism).

  Dont have any doubt that if RedHat, Suse, Mandrake, Debian or wich ever big Linux company tries to pull shit like MS does, will survive for long. The linux community will bring them down before your spit will hit the ground.
  Why? Because people have a say on matters. Unlike with MS were they push in your throat what ever they want, with out asking you.


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Dell with freedos!
« Reply #19 on: 2 September 2002, 13:33 »
communism works without central control

greed turns communism into stalinism

the same is beginning to apply to capitalism

and capitalism IS NOT the foundation of the united states or any other democratic government... capitalism is simply the operating system

(shameless metaphor)

DEMOCRACY is the foundation, and without corruption of central government and squabbling, people like you would not exist, XPhozer
just that you do not take an interest in politics does not mean that politics will not take an interest in you.  -pericles 430 b.c.

Doctor V

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Dell with freedos!
« Reply #20 on: 3 September 2002, 21:25 »
XP Loser...what the fuck kind of person are you.  I bet your not for real, and you just make these stupid posts to draw attantion to yourself.  Someone would have to be really really stupid to make a post like that.

On to politics.  Billy G says that if your against M$ then you hate capitalism, open source is un-American and all that hoop-blah.  This could be no farther from the truth.  I think that anyone who supports M$ hates capitalism.  One of the driving forces behind capitalism is competition.  Comapnys will compete to make the best product to sell.  This pushes out superior products and also drives the cost down, as the companys are also trying to sell them at the lowest price possible.  When a monopoly comes into play, all benefits to capatalism are flshed down the toilet.  Innovation slows, and prices skyrocket.  This is exactly what is happening in the software industry today, and its all M$'s fault.  Also what we see is that products are not being made in ways that the consumers want, but how the monopolist, and its partners want.  As for 20 dollar CDs?  It is not the result of a monopoly, but collusion.  When several large companys agree to stop competeing with eachother for mutual benefit, the same problems arise.

So the way I see it, if you truely love capatilism then you probably hate Microsoft.  So both socalists and capitalists fundamentally are against M$.  The only political group that M$ could possibly benefit would be the fascists.  XP Loser, you along with BillGates, Pigasaurus Rosen, and other pro M$ jerks, are fascists.  And M$ is certainly very un-American (though admittedly it seems USA is becomming more and more fascist every day with DCMA and such laws being passed).



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Dell with freedos!
« Reply #21 on: 3 September 2002, 22:08 »
right on dr. v

america is not becoming facist tho ...the liberals had been in charge for 8 years, and we are going to be sorting this out for a while.
just that you do not take an interest in politics does not mean that politics will not take an interest in you.  -pericles 430 b.c.


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Dell with freedos!
« Reply #22 on: 4 September 2002, 07:44 »
...And XP user messes up another thread!

[ September 03, 2002: Message edited by: TheQuirk ]