Author Topic: Back to the security-through-obscurity claim.  (Read 850 times)


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Back to the security-through-obscurity claim.
« on: 26 February 2004, 23:49 »
Slashdot article

Hackers exploit Windows patches

Ok the head of MS security is saying that "We have never had vulnerabilities exploited before the patch was known."

"Many people reverse engineer the patch and then build the exploit code," said Mr Aucsmith.

So you see, MS is doing you a favor by sitting on vulnerabilities for 6 months or even years.  :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, this little gem

"Almost all attacks against our software are against the legacy systems...If you want more secure software, upgrade."

Right you want more secure software, give MS money, and don't demand they patch the holes or those pesky hackers will learn about the holes and  compromise your systems.
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Back to the security-through-obscurity claim.
« Reply #1 on: 27 February 2004, 01:12 »
"Almost all attacks against our software are against the legacy systems...If you want more secure software, upgrade."

Blaster, anyone?  :rolleyes:
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