Author Topic: Down with XP!  (Read 2456 times)


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Down with XP!
« Reply #30 on: 4 April 2002, 08:59 »
Vultures suddenly springs to mind. M
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Down with XP!
« Reply #31 on: 4 April 2002, 09:46 »
Originally posted by Calum:
If too many people get the idea that linux is only for top end users (which to an extent it is, desktopwise), and Apple computer make an OS that requires new and expensive hardware to run, the way is open for Sun MicroSystems to ruch in there and whip the market away. They haven't had the publicity so far that linux has had, but they are a company, and this means that if they get their act together, they could probably outmaneuvre linux in the publicity arena.
I don't know, we'll see, but in 10 years time, maybe i'll bump into you on the forums!!

I don't see Solaris/SunOS *ever* becoming a popular desktop OS for several reasons. One, it sucks as a desktop OS and isn't that great as a server OS, however it's what runs the high end Sparc servers. And Sun hardware is not cheap by PC or Mac standards.  Hell, they just quit the x86 version of Solaris. Linux would take way more desktop share than Solaris. However, Sun is about to put out it's own Linux distro so who knows? Now Apple is a very reasonably priced desktop platform and already has popular user apps (even Solaris doesn't have that).  Apple would certainly win big if MS were to die today. They would probably almost immidiately pick up most of the MS desktop share. And their hardware prices would likely come down as there will be far more demand (as long as they can keep the supply up). Either they current PC manufacturers would have to be converted to producing Macs or they go out of business or put full effort into Linux. On the other hand Apple could raise their hardware prices because of lack of competition.  It certainly would be interesting. No matter how it turns out, if MS goes under I'm happy.

I think there would be a lot of out of work MS developers jumping on the Linux desktop project... Maybe we would have the Windows GUI as an option. That would not be a bad thing for people who do like the MS interface, and they would have the stability. It would be much like what Mac has done with OSX.

[ April 03, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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Down with XP!
« Reply #32 on: 4 April 2002, 17:08 »
Tough the predicitons are interesting, I would have a hard time seeing MS go under anytime soon.  certinally within a decade or two.  But unless these lawyers bust the trust, MS will remain a single company, which would mean at least 5 years till thier demise.

You have found the trillionth easily preventable bug in a Microsoft OS.  You have just won the privlage of being frustrated with an over priced, unreliable OS that makes you conform to its standards.  How does that make you feel?


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Down with XP!
« Reply #33 on: 4 April 2002, 18:01 »
20 to 30 years i reckon. if they don't do something really stupid like stopping shipping windows (snirk!)

also, VoidMain, everything you say is correct (as is your bent) but i reckon Sun Microsystems are just beginning to wake up to the multinational corporateness that made M$ so popular.
They just started charging for StarOffice, and also for Solarisi386 as you say, also now you say they will bring out their own version of linux.
I honestly think Sun will quietly note down all of M$' commercial , legal and software mistakes, and will try its best to avoid them while it treads the line between obvious arsehole and benevolent software provider. I think they want us to think (in the future) something like "well, Sun has us by the balls, but at least they aren't forcing us through hoops like M$ did!".
Anyway, i am totally conjecturing, but i think Apple's unwillingness to bring out software for the i386 architecture will let linux in as the dominant desktop OS if M$ falls out of favour...
a company, such as Sun for instance, decides to do some slick maneuvring and get in there first.
Linux is only so popular because it's so good, but if somebody made a good attempt at marketing, i think they would be the first to leap into any foothold that M$ vacated.
Well, Sun don't have a decent desktop OS, but they have some time to come up with one, now they can see what is going on.
Maybe after all this that is not what is on their mind though, as you say, they already have a niche. It's just whether they get greedy enough to want another niche that's the question...
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Down with XP!
« Reply #34 on: 5 April 2002, 05:35 »
I personally don't understand why Sun doesn't give up Solaris altogether and put the development effort into Linux.  I think they would sell more hardware.  Linux already runs on most of the Sun hardware but not as well as Solaris on the high end stuff. However, since Sun built the hardware and the OS they certainly should be able to make Linux run just as well on their hardware.  It should reduce the amount of internal development that is required. It would instantly give Linux more credibility and as a result gain more vendor app development/porting.  I think more people would buy their hardware as a result and it could be the boost to get Linux into the desktop as well.

Sun hardware is cheaper than IBM hardware (the high end stuff, UltraSparc vs RS/6000 etc) and IBM is now running Linux on their servers. Having cheaper hardware would sell to those wanting hardware that runs Linux. Or they could give the option of Solaris or Linux, but all of thier Solaris stuff could easily be directly ported to Linux which would make Linux Sparc interchangable. Their contribution would not only help them, it would help everyone.  I don't know, just thinking out loud... At any rate, if they stick with Solaris it'll never be a big desktop player (unless some drastic changes are made).
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