Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes


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if you get an amiga, i would recommend to you that you keep the original Workbench OS on it instead of going to Linux. Workbench is a refined enough OS for everyday use, and it's what Windows definitely should be (it uses a subset of DOS in the background, like w9x... except this one works).

Besides, there are great games for the Amiga that you can only play in the original OS.  ;)

>Ya, Amigans, their out there.
>Are there any on the board?

I've just rediscovered the new Amiga and came across this forum, so i thought i'd give you the info on the new Amiga.

OS4 is NOT based on Linux - its a completely reworked version of the classic OS.  OS4 isn't out yet (will be in January/February), but will run on classic Amiga h/w with PowerPC accelerators AND on the AmigaONE.

The AmigaONE is a ppc based computer made by Eyetech  under contract from Amiga inc.  It can run LinuxPPC and AmigaOS.

There's still a big Amiga community, and its now expanding for the first time in a while.  If your interested, try the forums at Amiga.com

reworked? i thought it was the origianl with a few mods runninig  on mach and anoohter part running on mach

OS4 is basically similar to OS3.x, but with any low-level references to the outdated "classic" Amiga custom chips and cpus removed and more support written in for modern h/w.  The kernel has been changed quite a bit, but it's still bsaed on the original one (isn't mach the bsd-type kernal that mac osx runs on? - i dont know much about macs, though  :confused:  )

mach is a microkernel, and for the referance, anything can run on mach, even linux. and yes osx does run on mach. the cool part of osx, is that its mach, netbsd, and a bit of freebsd./*correct me if im wrong*/ however, i though that  the next amigaos was going to be based on two "box's" running ontop of mach. one was practally the original amigaos for compatibilty and the other one was something new.


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