Originally posted by Windows_SuX_@$$:
What kind of person wants Windows3.1 ?!?!?!
That windows is shit, yes in that one they dont spy on you because I dont think Internet was alaviable at that time.
AH AH! strike one!
the Internet has been around since the seventies, and its predecessors have been kicking about since the late sixties. Bill Gates did not however admit that the Internet was worth anything until 1995 when he realised that he had better make it worth something because mosaic was going to get the de facto standard for the world wide web if he didn't buy it out. earlier versions of windows 95 did not come with IE or so i have heard, it was available as an add on, kind of like a service pack (after gates bought the mosaic browser and renamed it to internet exploiter).
And while i agree that that windows is shit, i put it to you that it is the best mswindows ever released for many reasons, depending on your outlook. I reckon it crashes less, does its job properly, admits it's not an OS, merely a GUI. given networking sucks the ass off a thousand donkeys, but hey, that's microsoft. plus you can get it for ten quid off of ebay totally legally and with NO requirement to put in some activation code.
It comes with all shit shit like paint, calulater, SHIT SUX,
well, in windows 3.11 you can (if you want to remove mspaint) simply type "del c:\windows\pbrush.exe" and that's it done! there's no registry (a HUGE problem with later windowss in my opinion) and few dlls. a lot more of the OS is scripts (which are human readable and human editable) instead of meaningless jibberish designed to obfuscate all configuration to mere mortals.
and this screen willl explain what happens on everywindows and will never be fixed
um, i actually suspect (although i am not in any way betting on it) that that shot has been doctored. it says in the URL that it's windows 3x but look, it has a windows start menu and toolbar which was not included in windows until windows 95 (and was seen in RiscOS seven years earlier) and although there are a couple of programs to emulate this bar in win3.x, they don't look like that.
In my opinion that's windows NT 3.x attempting to run a 32 bit windows 95 program, is it not? in which case my windows for workgroups 3.11 will not be affected. thank your lucky stars it's not a blue screen of death.
deots that work for microsoft should realy work on the windows registry to make it more stable because it was always the same
i'm sorry but you cannot get away with using the words "windows registry" and "stable" inconjunction with each other. that is ridiculous. trying to fix the windows registry is like pissing into a hurricane*. each program should have its own configuration files and those should be kept in /etc and any files that need to be written to should be kept within a hidden directory within the user's home directory. eg program: amsn keeps config info within ~/.amsn et cetera. this works fine in linux, bsd, et cetera, and i have seen it at work in windows using open source programs such as gaim, mozilla firebird and filezilla. this is sensible because if one file gets corrupted then the rest are unnafected. and since /etc is read only to normal users, the chance of corruption is incredibly minimal. by contrast the registry is contained within only five files, all of which are open for read/write access by all users at all times! now that's fucking stupid!
finally the idea here is not to have windows 3.11 as such, it's to have FreeDOS running mswindows 3.11 as the network and bitmapping software with calmira as the GUI. basically i see the rols of mswindows as being similar to XFree86 in a normal linux distribution.
*pointless and stupid, in case you didn't get it