Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes
Suns, Java Desktop (AKA Madhatter)
Hello all, Its been a while since i have posted here, so here i go again :D
Yesturday i recived the Beta of Suns Java Desktop in the post. I thought wow, i cant wait to try the Live CD version. I eagerly put it in to my computer a restarted it.
It wrote some files to the HD, which i did not know it would do. But after a few mins booted up.
All i can say is it sets up exactly the same as SuSE, in fact everything about it is SuSE!!! Even the config files are named with an SuSE extention.
Now i thought they were goinf to do a NEW type of Linux OS!?
One good thing about it tho is the compleate Java intergration!! I have far too many problems installing Java on my computer that i have given up.
Anyway.. I then decided to log in to my Debian system as i wanted to play BZflag. So i rebooted my computer, and guess what. Kernal Panic.....
This Live eval CD has cooked my Debian installation, which has taken over a month to get to the way i want it. Now i have to try to recover my files, and reinstall it :( :mad: :mad:
IMHO,., I will not try this OS again, If i want the fetures this OS offers i will install SuSE, which i used to use.
[ October 07, 2003: Message edited by: Londonboi2k3 ]
--- Quote from: lonodnboi2k3 ---One good thing about it tho is the compleate Java intergration!! I have far too many problems installing Java on my computer that i have given up.
--- End quote ---
You'd hope they'd get that bit right...eh? :D
--- Quote from: jasonlane ---You'd hope they'd get that bit right...eh?
--- End quote ---
From the conversations at promote-opensource.org I don't think you can hope much with Sun. :p
maybe Sun can actuall market and develop this thing to be a viable desktop contendor
I think ill try it. Can i get it at walmart ?
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