Author Topic: ReactOS 0.2.5 Relesed  (Read 10302 times)


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ReactOS 0.2.5 Relesed
« on: 25 January 2005, 17:40 »
Just Thought I'd Let Every1 Know:
 Version: 3.1
 GCS/CM d- s+:+ a--- C++ UL++++>$ P+ L+++ !E W++ !N !o !K-- w !O !M !V PS+ PE- !Y !PGP !t !5 !X !R tv b+ DI+ !D G e- h !r y-
 ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------


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ReactOS 0.2.5 Relesed
« Reply #1 on: 25 January 2005, 21:09 »
Anyone tried this out?

How is this different from running Wine inside Linux?


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Re: ReactOS 0.2.5 Relesed
« Reply #2 on: 11 June 2005, 07:13 »
its has a windows like gui, looks almost exactly like windows except for where windows logos are replaced with reactos logos. much faster than actual windows so far, eventually it will support windows drivers too. note current official release is now 0.2.6, and next one should be 0.3

(wine can run more programs though)


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Re: ReactOS 0.2.5 Relesed
« Reply #3 on: 11 June 2005, 21:37 »
The first time I tried ReactOS, almost a year ago I'd say, neither my mouse OR keyboard worked lol. But I tried it a few months ago and they worked. ReactOS seems pretty good (nowhere near ready though), but I had no windows apps to try :(. There was alot of unfinished features in it, and it crashed ALOT (even more than Windows 98).

I'm sure it's improving now, but I doubt it could replace Windows before GNU/Linux could.
It's a cool idea too, replacing (as in, copying, kinda) Windows with free software. If they made it stable, and got Windows apps/drivers to work, it would be good-as-finished, and could be very sucessful.

I'll try it again in a few weeks, with some Windows apps.
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Re: ReactOS 0.2.5 Relesed
« Reply #4 on: 12 June 2005, 01:36 »
0.2.6 released, download the svn there are a load of bugfixes
 Version: 3.1
 GCS/CM d- s+:+ a--- C++ UL++++>$ P+ L+++ !E W++ !N !o !K-- w !O !M !V PS+ PE- !Y !PGP !t !5 !X !R tv b+ DI+ !D G e- h !r y-
 ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------


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Re: ReactOS 0.2.5 Relesed
« Reply #5 on: 12 June 2005, 19:22 »
the most up to date builds are from (in the .iso format, and may not work, just wait a while and then download another one if that happens.)


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Re: ReactOS 0.2.5 Relesed
« Reply #6 on: 12 June 2005, 20:47 »
you know your OS rules when it can support playing quake II. go reactOS!

Mr X


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Re: ReactOS 0.2.5 Relesed
« Reply #7 on: 13 June 2005, 19:55 »
So how does being able to play an out of date computer game on an OS make it good? :rolleyes:

Wow! MS-DOS uses fewer resources than both ReactOS and BeOS, but it runs Quake I, Doom I (was II DOS too?), Duke Nukem, Wolfinstine 3D, Blake Stone, and there was even a version of super Mario for DOS, yes DOS roooolzzzz. :p
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Re: ReactOS 0.2.5 Relesed
« Reply #8 on: 14 June 2005, 06:40 »
a little off topic there...  
but whatever you say  Aloone

Mr X


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Re: ReactOS 0.2.5 Relesed
« Reply #9 on: 14 June 2005, 08:21 »
FreeDOS is not bad.....

now trying to reimplement windows? don't you all relize that all those bugs are features?
joke aside.
interesting project, but implementing something that has no documentation(without signing your first born on an nda.....and i don't mean stupid vb docs, im talking API's including hidden ones, deep dark kernel secrets, ms-spyware, etc, etc). and never works correctly in practice is rather hard
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Re: ReactOS 0.2.5 Relesed
« Reply #10 on: 14 June 2005, 22:56 »
Oh sorry, I'd forgotten about FreeDOS.

Anyway I found DOS worse than Windows because if a DOS program crashes the whole operating system for sure. Now DOS under an extender was much better and some DOS extenders even supported 32-bit Windows console programs like WDOSX for example.

Oh soryy for not mentioning that FreeDOS is way better than MS-DOS.
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Re: ReactOS 0.2.5 Relesed
« Reply #11 on: 5 August 2005, 20:08 »
MORE doesn't come with the OS?
Why isn't the /P switch for DIR implemented, if MORE isn't included (/w cmd.exe)?
Why is Notepad.exe in the System32 directory (it belongs in C:\ReactOS\)?
Why does it work in QEMU, but not with Virtual PC?
Why is winefile.exe so SLOW?
Why did someone choose PINK for the start menu's sidebar picture?

When this thing gets further along, I get the feeling it will be branching into multiple distributions...

/me wonders how they're handling the MouseEnter and MouseLeave events.

Hope they're keeping it simple:
If WndMouseOver is diff from PrevWndMouseOver, Send MouseEnter to WndMouseOver and MouseLeave to PrevWndMouseOver. And yes, I know it's more complicated than that thanks to something called Z-Order. There's an API in user32.dll that returns what window the mouse is over though (Get mouse position, then use WindowFromPoint I believe). Hopefully any VB programmers who come here just learned how to do something that VB6 is missing. Just like decent sockets support, which is a nightmare to try and do in VB6. You guys REALLY need to move either to .NET or C++ (Which is still technically a move to .NET, if you get VC7). And also, yes, you could hook the events for the hWnd, but I don't see VB coders doing that.

/me also wonders if they're working on an equivalent to NTVDM.

/me also wonders if their copy of win32k.sys keeps true to the one in Windows NT (ya know, that library with EngBitBlt and other stuff).

Maybe i'll quit being lazy and look at the code.