Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes
My project:
Okay lets get this straight.
You are writting code in QBasic.
From qbasic.com
--- Quote ---QBasic ("QuickBasic") is a language published by Microsoft. The current (and last) version is 4.5, and version 1.1 is distributed with DOS in place of GW-BASIC.
--- End quote ---
What the FUCK do you not understand about FUCKMICROSOFT.com? Qbasic runs under a M$-DOS controlled OS. It can only run under systems that support it (and to the best of my knowledge most people here either DO NOT USE THE M$-DOS system - they have gotten rid of M$, or they are currently trying to).
Why would you try to advertise your product (however experimental) on a M$ based system, HERE OF ALL PLACES? Go to fucking WindowsBS or some other pro M$ forum.
If you wish to write under one of the many developmental environments available for say Linux, then you may get an audience.
However do not be suprised if you get flamed for promoting M$ (I mean even alan sugar had a better version of BASIC).
[ October 13, 2002: Message edited by: pkd ]
he never said it had to run on MS-DOS.
What about FreeDOS?
Its alright, it runs on Windows 2000 and Windows XP dos emulation so it means its 16 bit which means IT WILL RUN ON DOS. Try it.
It has no potential because of the language.
--- Quote from: Calum ---i haven't gone and got it yet, but alarm bells ring when i hear about an 'OS' that is a FRONTEND for DOS. (i was excited until i realised that shitty old DOS is the real OS here) Also, the fact that you can't be arsed to write html doesn't fill me with confidence about your other code writing skills, you cannot even be bothered to write a pointer page to the latest release of your zip file. Also, the fact it is written in basic makes me a little hesitant too. Plus i see here that it is closed source so in 20 years time, you might be the next Microsoft.
Don't get me wrong, i can't program in any language (yet), so i am not in any way criticising, but the above list shows you why i.and perhaps many others, might not be as enthusiastic about this as perhaps they otherwise would have been.
MoR, netfirms would be no use for this project, they cap filesizes at 1/4 of a megabyte. Geocities is the best for this type of thing.
--- End quote ---
It is open source, and his QBasic coding skills are much the same as mine in the was of coding skills. It has several problems...
[*]Cant run on any drive except C:
[*]Written in qbasic.
[*]Nice try but its to monolithic.
[/list]That could be fixed if the system is given a powerful scripting language. But even my Dotnet 2.1 has its own scripting language for the credits. So thats easy, feel free to use my source.
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