Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes
BeOS IS alive ;)
quote:Originally posted by devlkore:
What does that mean exactly?
Would you rather everything was a linux?
(that's not an assumption, just a question)
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www.gnu.org answers that, and www.stallman.org
All propatary software is a threat to the freedom of comuter software.
quote:Originally posted by Admiral:
Nothing is free, even linux. SuSE only gives out an evaluation of its product as a free download, Lindows does not give out ANY free trial, you have to buy it.
Both BeOS Max and BeOS DevEd are based on the Personal Edition of BeOS which was Free, therefore these guys have no right to sell their product, it MUST be free! Also this is the way BeOS looked since its inception in 97 ;) -- what it looks like today has no bearing, it still kicks arse
As for Zeta, people can work on it, it is not free, it will cost something, these guys have not used any BeOS code as far as I know (it would be illegal to do so), and they have invested a lot of time and effort to make an OS that looks like, behaves like, and is a sucessor to BeOS, and can run all BeOS apps without any modification, that is qute a feat. If you do not like it tough
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Earth to idiot: Free as in freedom not money.
quote:Originally posted by X11:
..propatary software..
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It's fuckin' proprietary damnit, not propatary!! Sheesh! :mad:
and you expected for me to know english?
LOL :D . You're crazy man..
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