Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes

Would anyone be interested?

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Master of Reality:
this? This is a computer running a browser that happens to be at the fuckmicrosoft.com forums.


--- Quote from: Kintaro ---Microsoft Works, Its an oxymoron not a office suite!
--- End quote ---

ROFLMAO, love it, love it, love it!

2 things. First, is the download actually supposed to be a d/l? It just goes to a blinking page with a shitload of pop-ups.

Second, even though I have cable internet, X11, please ditch the banner image in your sig. My comp scrolls slow as shit and occasionally crashes when there is more than 2 on screen.


Its because its animated, im goin to make a better one soon, like now.

Anyway my sig is only 10k so unless your on a Bell 101 modem... you will live!


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