Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes

Would anyone be interested?

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yeah, but really tight loops and shit. that has been known to take X to the grave/*requiring alittle voodoo to get it back up, but hey, NO REBOOTS,*/

I have no problems and half of my desktop is animated. The update agent flashing away.. The clock counting, the CPU Usage monitor applet going up and down. Advertising, popups... not to say whats on the other 3.


--- Quote from: rtgwbmsr ---2 things. First, is the download actually supposed to be a d/l? It just goes to a blinking page with a shitload of pop-ups.

Second, even though I have cable internet, X11, please ditch the banner image in your sig. My comp scrolls slow as shit and occasionally crashes when there is more than 2 on screen.


--- End quote ---

Anyways, the link i supplyied goes to a HTML page with:
Which will go to the page and start downloading the thing. Because the host does not like hotlinking.

What was i going to write here?


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