Cheers for that, I've been a bit busy too...
I miss the Amiga way of doing things, but the Classic Amiga is not fast enough now for number crunching tasks.
No IRQs, no "you must restart", no blue screens, you "install" something usually by unarchiving it and putting it somewhere and uninstall it by errr... deleting it, no registry, no "hidden files", no Spyware, no "scanning for new hardware" just plug it in and switch on, no stuttering sound and skipping video as "just the way it is", no floppy drive that goes WAGGADAGGADAGGA! and freezes the WHOLE machine for a couple of seconds, no CD spin-up that freezes the whole machine (again), add a program to startup by dropping it in Wbstartup and remove it by moving it out of Wbstartup and so on... and if you want the command line you have the AmigaShell. It just ... works.
AmigaOS4 is undeniably a "catch up" release, hopefully by 4.1, 4.2 and the mythical completely new approach of OS5 (if it happens) AmigaOS will again be a feasible option with some real grunt under the bonnet.
When I watched the video mentioned in these forums of Yellowtab Zeta (playing 5 mpegs simultaneously and an MP3 at the same time) I thought "YEAH! That's what I thought it would be like when I got the first P233 machine...". I simply couldn't understand how a machine that had SO MUCH horsepower could be soooo slow, let alone my 2GHz PC which is still thrown by a floppy disk.