Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes

Very Remedial OS/2 Question

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Well from a document i read, it said Microsoft and IBM where both working on it, and Microsoft put there apple ripoff gui in it.

NT has some small OS/2 things in it. But NT was written by some developers hired by Microsoft, the same developers that did VMS.

First off OS/2 had little in common with Linux. Are you sure this is the OS you need to work with. Which version are you using. I am guessing V3 or Warp 4 (or the latest which I have no idea about). If you have not got the command lines installed you will have to install them, this essentially means a reinstall of the software (OS/2 was a nightmare for config updates, even if you were happy editing config.sys)

Okay bear with me, it's been a long time. You get you command line from one of the top menus. I forget which one, but it will say a:>prompt or something similar. It's in the same menu from where you can select the Windows 3.1 bastard version of M$ Windows.

Basically there are two that exist. One is the dos command line, very simmilar to dos, and the other is the CPM command line, vey similar to CPM. The are differentiated by A:] and a:>.

I have never ever executed anything even remotely similar to Linux/Unix in OS/2, it may be possible, but if it is then it's news to me.

And in addition:

The OS/2 project was a collaboration, which M$ pulled out of. The design work on OS/2 which was COLLABORATIVE formed the basis for the work that became the NT kernel.

Master of Reality:
...moving to other OSes


--- Quote from: pkd_lives ---Basically there are two that exist. One is the dos command line, very simmilar to dos, and the other is the CPM command line, vey similar to CPM. The are differentiated by A:] and a:>.

I have never ever executed anything even remotely similar to Linux/Unix in OS/2, it may be possible, but if it is then it's news to me.

--- End quote ---

Fascinating.  They called the A:] the OS/2 prompt.  and the A:> the DOS prompt.  I didn't know the OS/2 prompt was CP/M based.
The one similar thing between unix/linux and OS/2 was that OS/2 Warp 4 could run XFree86.  This let OS/2 run alot of Xwindows programs (properly recompiled, of course).


--- Quote from: mobrien_12 ---The one similar thing between unix/linux and OS/2 was that OS/2 Warp 4 could run XFree86.  This let OS/2 run alot of Xwindows programs (properly recompiled, of course).
--- End quote ---

I never thought of that before. Of course it runs XF86, I just never put 2 and 2 together. That would be because I used it before Linux, and there was a break between times significant enough to allow me to forget everything about OS/2, which I used in user style and was never trained in.


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