Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes
DOS history?
Anyone know where I can get a history of the "DOS" genre of operating systems? ALL the websearches that I do refer to MS and PC DOS!!!! :mad: -- quite annoying!
I know about the 2 DOS histories at freedos.org but they do not have specific dates or version numbers
erm, exclude MS-DOS and anything else you don't want in your search????
You know maybe "Disk Operating System" history -Microsoft
Although Microsoft is probably in most documents, but try it.
Do a search on QDOS.
That is what is was called before Palpatine/The Borg Queen went to Seattle and "acquired" it.
QDOS = "Quick and Dirty Operating System."
Windows 1.0 was based on it, even before it became known as "MS-DOS."
In their infinite wisdom, on a page that doesn't display correctly, you can view a little about it here:
(note from Orethrius: link is dead, Archive.org)
[ June 15, 2003: Message edited by: Copperhead ]
[ June 15, 2003: Message edited by: Copperhead ]
--- Quote from: Copperhead ---In their infinite wisdom, on a page that doesn't display correctly, you can view a little about it here:
--- End quote ---
I can't get it to display at all.
--- Quote from: mobrien_12 ---I can't get it to display at all.
--- End quote ---
It's made with FrontPage, that's why it sucks.
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