Author Topic: DESQview/X  (Read 2117 times)


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« on: 30 January 2003, 16:17 »
well, i went on a search for this DOS gui, but haven't to my knowledge had all that much success in finding it.

this page looks like the download page but it's quite confusing and i don't understand it. this page just whet's my appetite for this thing and this one is utilities and programs but unless i misunderstand completely, not the actual GUI itself.

Anybody got any input about how to easily get ahold of DESQview/X? maybe somebody can explain the confusing seeming download page to me?


edit: no you're alright, i see it now, they want you to install QEMM first and then install DV/X. No problem. just confused me for a minute.

[ January 30, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: Member # 81 ]
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