Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes

Want 2 Help create new OS?

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quote:For thoses of you who learned how to click, click  here[/URL.
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i thought i had learned how to click but I cant of because when i click on the word "here" it doesnt work...  


quote:Originally posted by Datacide:
FU<K!!!!! LiNk!!!
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There is no need for censoring on a site with FUCK in the Domain Name.


quote:Originally posted by Silent Warrior:
HUH...you said you gonna make new OS by mixure of win,linex and mac..do you think you can build exact software out of these thing? are these people mad that they have at least some of the bad things...do you REALLY THINK combination of Ferarri, Lamborghini and Maserati will make best car? haha
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Ferrari own Maserati so a good few of the components will be the same. No relevance to your analogy, just had to say it.

I think a good analogy for his "OS" would be more of Firestone tires and Ford Explorers (I think that's it...).

If you want to make a linux distro (which someone in that other thread suggested) talk to (PM) chaosforages. He's making one, and I'm sure he'll give you some pointers.


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