Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes

AmigaOS anyone?

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Ok, it's not Linux, it doesn't have a fancy GUI like MacOS X, nor does it have any enhancements like post 96 operating systems have, or the hardware support of modern computing systems (although it does support most modern PPC processors and can run under JIT on i386), and it doesn't have any killer apps on it (anything that is available is mostly outdated by several years)...

But, like Unix and Linux, it had proper multitasking since 1984, is entirely GUI oriented (supporting a windowed CLI even if your HD is bare and formatted)and can run off of a floppy under a minimum install (try that with Windows).  It just kicks Windows' ass, even XP (although it's my opinion).

Not everyone likes it, and it's fair to suggest people have forgotten its existence (it is still under development and is in much need of an update plus support for modern hardware) but it's my personal favourite next to Linux. Mac OSX comes in a very close third.

Anyone else have a favourite OS they prefer?  Positive comments welcome.

BTW SOLARIS: Where do you get the code/script whatever it is to make your signatures on your posts with my IP and OS info?  I like it and it could be useful to me.

This what you're talking about?

Just copy that image's url and put an tag after it in your profile (but you probably knew that already).

It looks amazing:

And it's for PPC.

Amiga OS is great. You can also try AROS on x86 if you wish.

I, however, am I NeXTStep fan

There are some reports/pics of AOS4 from a recent show in Bath, UK here:


and here:


and an MP3 of Alan Redhouse's speech from the show here, 20Mb, (a bit muffled though):


Hyperion are working towards a beta version release at the moment.


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