Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes

Any Novell users?

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My web-admin is too lazy to get Novell on XWindows, please e-mail him:


And DON'T mention Refalm in the e-mail please   ;)  

Just recommend XWindows (esspecially Linux, because he already worked with it)

[EDIT]Removed the e-mail address...[/EDIT]

[ November 16, 2002: Message edited by: Refalm ]

What is "Novell on Xwindows" and "Novell on Windows"?  From what I can tell, not one person in this thread actually understands what Novell and NetWare actually is.

Novell is a company (like Microsoft is a company) that sells a file/print server operating system called NetWare (like Windows NT Server is a file/print server operating system). Novell developed NDS (which Microsoft copied and broke and called Active Directory just to try and put Novell out of business).

There are NetWare/NDS clients that you can install on Windows and Linux desktops so they can talk to Novell servers and participate in the directory (NDS).

When I said that the NetWare setup was Xwindows based on the newer versions I was referring to the actual NetWare installation on the server (there is no Windows and no Linux on the server, only NetWare which is it's own operating system). Novell actually owned the UNIX trademark for a short amount of time and I got the impression that they actually ditched their old OS and are using UNIX as a base OS now. But I didn't mess around with the new version enough to know for sure. I think NetWare sucks as much as Windows NT/2K/XP suck to be honest.

[ November 16, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

i was talking about the client os is windows xp.

I've never used Netware, although I do hear it sucks...

Netware/NDS is far superior to NT/2K/AD and Groupware is far superior to Exchange. But all in all, they all suck. Netware/NDS if I had to choose.


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