Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking
Hacking texts/books
quote:Originally posted by Tux:
Don't use IRC lol
In response to the original question the 'Unnoficial Guide to Ethical Hacking' is good book, but not very technical. Check it out at your local borders.
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IRC Rules you knob, just join irc.chatjunkies.org and talk to me in #linux
quote:Originally posted by Stryker:
that is of course someone doesn't ask something like "How do I hack..." or "I need to get into my girl friend's..." or something like that.
[ October 20, 2002: Message edited by: Stryker ]
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Or my wife...
HoW d0 u H4x0r a H0Tma1l?
I WaNaA dEfAcE www.LiNuX.OrG beCause there OpErATin SyStem Is BaSeD on a 30 yo...
Master of Reality:
quote:Originally posted by LORD OF YOU / b0b 2.1:
IRC Rules you knob, just join irc.chatjunkies.org and talk to me in #linux
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i've never seen you at chatjunkies. I am there all the time.
Im there now!
Master of Reality:
so am i... but you wont talk.
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