Author Topic: .NET sucks  (Read 3368 times)


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.NET sucks
« on: 24 October 2003, 03:31 »
It is the year 2003 and my P4 1.4 wouldn't even be classed as an entry level machine these days. I have been developing in Java since 1.0 and have seen it grow into an exceptionally stable and extremely well thought out development environment. Claims that it is slow on todays entry level systems are simply rubbish, and can only be made by dablers. Now on the other hand I (we) have also been using VS.NET with c# for over a year on a major rewrite of one of our flagship products (not by choice, rather more due to pressure tactics by 'that' company on all it's MSP's). I will only say it is a major step forward from mfc, but I (we) feel that we have been completely let down by .NET as a 'ready for market' product. I don't need to perform 'illegal' benchmarks to SEE that .NET is visibly slower on my machine, it simply is (I am taliking about a forms application using binary remoting, not asp) when compared to the same type of app under Java.
I have no idea where these wild claims of reduced development times under .NET come from? We have spent (wasted) many many months extending the almost pathetic .NET forms components (controls) in order to achieve relatively basic functionality when compared to the extremely powerfull Java Swing components. Or are these claims only related to asp or hello world class apps? And yes, as a side effect we will be jumping on the rather sad .NET library band wagon when we feel our components are ready. As the development decision maker even I know we are simply 'in too deep' to make a turnaround to Java (over a million euros development costs so far), but with hindsight I can assure anyone that we would love to turn back the clock. In more recent product development decisions we have made a firm commitment to use Java, and have been even more impressed by the improved speed of the 1.4.2 runtime. To sum things up, get a better pc (you'll need it for .NET anyway) and use the better development environment (Java and JBuilder I'd say)!


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.NET sucks
« Reply #1 on: 24 October 2003, 14:18 »
I agree wholehartedly with your post except for one thing. IMO Eclipse kicks JBuilders arse (we don't need no stinkin' GUI designer)
If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly.


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.NET sucks
« Reply #2 on: 24 October 2003, 17:25 »
Eclipse rocks..... Apache Cocoon, Axis with Berkeley DBXML kicks the shit out of .NOT for web services any day......

All J2EE of course! You should look into Cocoon if you haven't already, it's got some nice hooks via Avalon components. It now has some amazing feature, full support for XMLForms, has serializers now for just about anything (flash, pdf, xsl, doc.......). The TCO (to borrow M$ spin) is let see, uhm, NOTHING! Oh and onother thing it doesn't break any standards with shit like c#, f# or x# what ever that shit is.

I tend to run on Tomcat/Apache HTTP, another Apache offering (Apache really rock), although I'd like to start using looking into Jboss, Resin and Websphere. Which ever is the quickest most stable beast. Tomcat has come along way though.

Berkeley DB is the most awesome database out there, it has both C and Java API's. It's used in OS X and by many of the mobile networks because it's so resilient it's also so damn quick. And now they have it in XND flavour as well.

J2EE is the way forward!

.NET is .NOT

[ October 24, 2003: Message edited by: Zardoz ]

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