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Stupid Internet questions

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Well I fucking did it, ha. Except that it is on port 8000   :(   and I have to learn html because the site looks really really shite, and I have to see if this project is going to happen, and I have to get security and stuff set up, so lots of real intense learning going on now. But thanks

right on. i wish i had a static ip address, then i could at least try to get a web server up.
what is the address of your site, maybe i couldhelp with the design. im always looking for some way to expand my skill as an artist (not that i consider corporate art real art, but whatever, you can still do dope shit for a shitty corp site)

I don't have a static IP, but read through Voids' post earlier on and you will find a way to do it, I just have DSL with a changing IP, although I don't think I have the client working properly, you can update manually easily enough.

It is now down (that project is kind of on hold) and I am now working on a different site for someone, who is a musician, and it's not really that coporate, after all it is just trying to make a living.

It's just projects I am working on, and all of it for free, I get to see this stuff being performed, which is a barter system, which I much prefer, so I help someone out, and I get free entertainment of high quality music.

you should not get on the internet with linux because linux sends all of your data and info to linus trovalds

i am an imposter and my ip is
of course it is a proxy like all my other IP addresses, my real name is Walt however. I do hope you get the chance to meet me one day so you can shove my cowardly little teeth down my throat in person.

[ January 21, 2003: Message edited by: Calum ]

He has provided me with a great OS that is more capable than M$s' offering, and it is for free, I certainly don't object if he knows who I am.


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