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Stupid Internet questions

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I'm no Apache expert but, at its most basic level, there's really nothing to running a webserver. You just put all all the files comprising your website under the directory specified by the 'DocumentRoot' (should be something like /var/www by default) in the Apache main config file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf (that path may vary) and start the httpd service.

Thank you, that is what I need. And you should not really say you know nothing about these things, after all you have a website all of your own, and that is essentially where I want to get to.

Yes yours seems to be a good methodology, and that is kind of what I need. Like I say I don't want point and click just guidance.

The whole domain name thing is kind of scary, but I'll just dive in. Thanks for those starting tips.

I am going to be reading deeply of Apache thanks Flap, but I do have a question I have heard of this program called Tux that apparently runs commands within kernel memory space or something, making it a lot faster. Would you suggest I learn Apache first or even touch this other stuff (at my beginner status at least). In fact is Tux even a really viable option?

[ January 10, 2003: Message edited by: Linux Frank ]

You can get a host name on several predefined domains for free from http://www.dyndns.org/ which is where I got my voidmain.kicks-ass.net name (although I did give them a donation because I have several host names from them but it's not necessary). So in effect it will not cost you a penny more than what you are already paying your cable/dsl provider. Just point that host name to the IP address of your Linux server, set up the httpd.conf for Apache according to that name and IP address and stick in your web site content (usually under /var/www/html by default  on some distros, just look at the DocumentRoot directory in the httpd.conf as mentioned above).

Many distributions come with Apache configurations that will work right out of the box with no changes (other than starting the service). My web site took all of 10 minutes to set up (and it shows) not accounting for the amount of time it took me to write the content (also not long as you can see).

Now, there is a little more to it if you want your web site to work for any length of time. You really need to take security into account so as not to get owned. You should set up a firewall and only expose the necessary ports and you should apply any security updates to the software you do have exposed (apache, ssl, ssh, etc, etc). And if you have services other than apache exposed you should restrict them to specific IP addresses or ranges if possible at the firewall (like don't allow ssh access in from anywhere). I call that "minimizing risk".

[ January 10, 2003: Message edited by: void main ]

Master of Reality:
alright. You might want to first try looking at security before you even setup a website but remember that if your site isnt working try turning off all the firewall stuff to see if it is blocking it. I wrote my own firewall in IPTABLES which i think i posted most of but void thinks its to paranoid. (just because i'm paranoid doesnt mean they're not out to get me).
Then Make sure that you have only the services that are necassary running and have them configured properly to not let internet traffic to things you dont want to be public.

If you install apache with the OS then it should be setup pretty good. And will be almost the same on most Linux(es)
You will need to change a couple things in the httpd.conf Like the server name. If your site doesnt work on the internet at first you might want to try and run it on another port since many ISPs are now blocking web traffic to port 80. I am running mine on 8000.

I'm not sure how fast CGI or PERL will run on a 266 its slow on mine but i got 32MB of RAM and 200MHz.

Do you want email for people too? If you dont then you might want to take off (or at least shutoff) sendmail. And if you do want email you might want to switch to Qmail i believe it is supposed to be more secure than sendmail, in fact they offer $500 to anyone that has can hack it (or has had there's hacked i think).

If you are providing space for other peoples websites, how would you like for them to upload stuff? FTP? I use proftp and i find it to be really good. But you must make sure you edit /etc/ftpusers to deny any system users and anonymous connections.

the domains, you could do what void said or you could go to http://www.tk and get a www.domain.tk that points to your IP with no ads for free. Or you could pay $5 and get a fuckmicrosoft domain that points to your IP (i have one). Or http://has.it can give you one like http://mor.rocks.it for free.

[ January 10, 2003: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

Wow, all that is incredibly helpful.

I have found w3c.org to be a great site for the basics of writing a website, and I shall start there. First things first I shall write up the site, in a basic format, at least. And then I shall see about putting things on the net. This may take a while, but I'll get there slowly.

I already have some questions about networking, but I have a fair bit of literature to read and need some practice time so I will wait until I have filled in some knowledge gaps.

Thanks for the moment.


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