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Stupid Internet questions

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Xyle - that is the way it's meant to be, computers can be used to enhance life, I have a deeper interest because I'm an engineer, but you should learn enough to put up a site of your own, then you have somewhere to showcase your work, which will inspire you, or at the very least force you to create something out of embarassement of having nothing new  ;)  

And that is part of what I like about Linux, I can do it so easily and so well, without spending a lot of money, pirating software or having to hire stuff from big corporations (well except for the access, and I am starting to look into seeing how I can set up myself as a provider, to myself if nothing else, however that is not in anyway promising.)

true true.
quote: im quoting myslef: isnt that wierd  ;)
I have a question about the setup of my home network..
this is how it is setup now. i have all of my machines and the dsl router connected to my 5 port switch. is the way i have it setup now going to be a problem when i setup a webserver. it seems like it is going to, but i don't know. Should i steup a machine with two ethernet adapters in it, and have the dsl go to one, and then have the switch connected to the other. and then share the internet connection from the server??
--- End quote ---

any suggestions??

Master of Reality:
i dont know much about switches but why would it block webserver traffic?

not that it would block traffic, but if i have 3 machines and my dsl router all plugged into a switch, wouldnt that leave my systems at risk?? it just seems kinda open.

Put a gateway in is my advice.


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