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Operating System Development

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I'm working on making an operating system. I've gotten quite a bit done but I haven't actually gotten it to boot. I do not want to use anything written by anyone else, no grub, lilo, or kernel. But what I do need is a c++ compiler that will compile things in machine code, rather than a .com, .exe, or linux executable. When I compile it with linux it will only work in linux, when it's compiled in windoze it only runs in windoze. I've considered learning ASM but I am having trouble finding a good tutorial anywhere. Does anyone know of a c++ compiler that will compile for a x86 machine without any non-bios interrupts?

The Auditor:
To my knowledge, you will only be able to get it to run under one or the other.
its a thing about C++.

The HUO (Hackers Unlimited Organization, see profile) is working on an OS, BSD, or possibly Darwin based..
i woulod advise the learning of ASM, it will only benefit you.

The Auditor

[ November 14, 2002: Message edited by: The Auditor ]


quote:Originally posted by The Auditor:
To my knowledge, you will only be able to get it to run under one or the other.
its a thing about C++.

The HUO (Hackers Unlimited Organization, see profile) is working on an OS, BSD, or possibly Darwin based..
i woulod advise the learning of ASM, it will only benefit you.

The Auditor

[ November 14, 2002: Message edited by: The Auditor ]
--- End quote ---

Well i'm not really looking for it to run in both, but rather neither. I'm looking to have it compile into a standalone program, one that doesn't require an OS. I've gotten one to work but it was made with ASM all i know is enableing the mouse and changing screen modes. Is there any compiler that will compile and use bios interrupts instead of dos or any linux, bsd, or any other one? I don't care if it's C/C++ anymore, i would rather have something a bit easier than ASM, i can't find anything good for learning ASM.

The Auditor:
Ahh i see what you mean now.. I apologise.

Hmm, I don't know what to suggest..
I'll have a word with the programmers with HUO and my mate AIDeveloper..
see what they think..

It should, beyond all reasonable doubt, be possible... but im not certain how one would do it, soo.. Ill find out and post as soon as i know..

Sorry about the confusion.

The Auditor

You will have to write your own libarys or modify the orignal ones to work, its hard work but can be done, its easy to work with the GeekOS Kernel. But if you want to make an Arrogance OS then do what your doing. Im also working on a simlar thing based around networking, its currently 37 flowcharts and things.


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