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My last homework for assembly language
quote:Originally posted by xeen:
Java is the best language to learn for a programming beginner.
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Yea, but I dont know it which makes it uncool, everyone should do what I do.
I will learn Java one day.
Programming languages are like human languages in many respects. They all have a common 'vocabulary', but different syntax and so on.
What I suggest for a person that wants to learn a programming language is PHP. It is flexible, powerful, extensible, and above all C-like. Please note that I wrote C-like and not C-alike lol! PHP is a LOT more forgiving than C is, but it is a good way to start and it will definitely ease your transition to C.
After PHP, as you may have already understood, I propose C and then, if you want, C++.
I also strongly recommend picking up markup languages, starting from (X)HMTL and then going all the way up to XML. Also learn some CSS...
Others will probably recommend Perl. I don't, but that is a matter of opinion I suppose.
Just my 2 cents
[ December 29, 2003: Message edited by: Panos ]
CSS, HTML, XML, anything ending in ML is for wussies, learn god damned C.
Its the first language they tought at my brothers course, and hes a kickass programmer now.
quote:Originally posted by X11: always understood:
CSS, HTML, XML, anything ending in ML is for wussies, learn god damned C.
Its the first language they tought at my brothers course, and hes a kickass programmer now.
--- End quote ---
Hmm, who can beat that kind of well-structured and constructive argument X?
Seriously, before jumping into learning higher-level programming, you should begin with proper markup. The benefit of learning how to write proper XHTML, HTML and so on is STRUCTURE! This is a key word for a programmer and subsequently a hacker (WARNING: I wrote hacker and not cracker! There is great difference between those two terms!)...
Oh, and X... I wouldn't be writing this to you if it weren't for the HyperText Markup Language and its variants ;)
DO NOT start with java. it may look cool and you could probably start spitting out actual GUI in ur code in a matter of 1-2 weeks and learn the basic concepts, but do NOT start with java. PHP is a better solution. actually, ignore java altogather unless it;s a requirment in one of ur courses.
'-> my 2 cents
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